

Skylers on a blink of war within their own city against their arch nemesis Mountainers they have come in need of attaining their most ulterior superficial weapon the scepter of lineage, The only instrument which can be held and activated on the hands of emperors descendants of the throne, true rulers. Problem arises to find that scepter which as myth of ages have it, of it being lost years back after unfriendly encounter with People on earth. Irina Kishov rising of age elemental appointed with the task of finding their city’s lost treasure, with a minimum ultimatum and vague details of its information’s, will she be able to push the odds to her favour and saving the city from fighting a gruesome war??

ANOLD_C · Fantasy
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19 Chs

CHAPTER FOUR: Hell Breaks Lose

Part 14:

Guards in Theobald's mansion didn't see the cars coming by the time they spotted them it was too late, the cars were coming full speed with their headlights off, men at the gate shouted warning to others to alert them but were too slow to react, cars broke directly into the mansion along with its front gate that was heard were the tires of cars screeching with sound of metal gates falling on the ground.

Ava parked the wagon at a safe distance from the mansion then waited for things inside to heat up so they could get in without being noticed, her heart was racing wildly, then they started hearing sounds of gunshots from inside the mansion and men shouting.

"Let's go." She ordered her voice dry as twig then opened door handle.

Irina and jay followed behind on reaching at a clearing closer to the mansion they started running towards the back gate coming to find the gate wide open they didn't fool around they quickly entered inside. The backyard was empty everyone was at the front busy trying to kill one another. Sounds of gunshots were loud enough to send birds scattered over three mile radius.

If the mansion had been near town, S.W.A.T team and police cars would have already swarmed this place up by now, ava thought to herself.

They hurriedly crossed the garden up to the mansion and stayed close to its walls for a cover their hearts drumming wildly. Jay wanted to speak anything even crack a joke but his throat was too dry and his brain all jumbled up, he couldn't even think straight fear gripped him as a bug, his senses were off just adrenaline rush and instincts were the only things keeping him in check.

Irina had all the situation under control, after all she was trained for this and had been closer to battlefield and seen its ugliness. Her mind was clear as day and her senses together with instincts were super charged this was the environment she could control.

They all stopped as two of the men passed them at full speed not even glancing at them although they were in open.

"We better get inside before another one run into us while he's in his right mind." Irina cautioned.

By then they had reached at the back door it was also open.

"Is it karma or someone left both doors open purposely?" Jay asked timidly.

They gave themselves hope that the back gate their allies opened it for them though it was too early for Addams men to have reached to it that fast but the back door to find it again open, it was too much of luck that it didn't felt real to any of them.

"Do you think Theobald left them open on purpose?" Ava asked fearing.

That idea had already struck Irina but there was no other choice than to go on along even if it was a trap, the scepter needed to get back to Skyler her people's life depended on it.

"We should keep our guard up from now onwards." She advised then went inside Irina wanted to tell them they can turn back and escape though doubted if they would have listened to her.

They walked right into a kitchen no one was around, the second door entered into the hall before Irina even twisted the knob she saw Theobald and two of his men coming down the stairs into the hall.

"I was expecting that girl here not those rich thugs in my house." he spoke viciously.

"We were too busy following up on the girl that our watch on addams wavered they took us by surprise." The guard on his left told him, it was the same baldheaded guard who attacked Irina in the museum alley.

"Well what's done can't be undone, I could say addam made my job easier by coming at my grounds this war has been going on for ages, now is about time to put an end to it." He said strapping off his handgun from the holster. The gun was full pure silver decorated in gold.

Ava's body tightened up theobald was talking about going to kill his father as if going to some picnic, she was about to charge off the room and go to theobald head on she was furious jay suddenly hugged her tight from behind restraining her movements.

"Lemme go." She ordered while wildly thrashing around.

"Hey, hey calm down." Jay replied pinning her harder, "calm down" he repeated.

"They are talking about going to kill my family." She retorted angrily.

"Ava look at me." Irina called her as she forced her head turning to her.

Ava looked at Irina her eyes were furious.

"Remember what your dad said at the road." She asked her gently.

Ava had already forgotten about it, her dad said that him and harry would be outside the mansion walls till their men have pushed theobald back inside his mansion that is when they would enter. She had seen Theobald going outside to join the fight now her father would attack more furiously so as to force them back in, before then they needed to open the gate and send Irina back, if theobald was to be backed against the corners them should not be in the line of chaos.

"We are running out of time." She spoke recognizing what was about to happen.

Irina shook her head in agreement then opened the door to the hall.

From the blueprints of the house it showed that between the stairs which led to the upper floor and the wall there is a small corridor, and at the end of that corridor there is another door leading to the underground bunker where it was the location of the gate. The door could only be opened by drops of bloods from crystal blood family members, it was ancient magic and that was the reason why ava had to come also, Irina was sure theobald and his ancestors hadn't discovered how to open the door, they may have found it ages ago but they weren't descendant of crystal blood family. Sure enough they found the corridor and the door, it was a hard wood carved on it flowers and beneath it tangled leaves that formed resemblance to vine.

"How do we open it?" Ava questioned Irina.

"I don't know." Irina admitted. "maybe there is a secret handle or something like that where you can drop bits of your blood."

Then Irina saw lantern used for holding candles at the wall.

"What do you think that's for?" She asked ava then pointed at the lantern.

"For holding candles, what do you think." Ava replied sounding agitated the time was running short and here they were finding a secret door only to be asked about the lantern.

"No, I know what is used for. It's just who needs candles where there is no passage leading to anywhere." Irina told her then continued once she saw ava still didn't grasp on the idea. "I think the lantern is for more than one purpose."

"Guys you better hurry up, theobald and his men are being taken out like ducks." Jay informed them, he was at the foot of stairs keeping a watch if things go wary outside.

Irina removed the glass from the lantern post, at the bottom there was a small hole drilled into it.

"Are you thinking what am thinking?" Ava asked Irina while looking at the hole.

"I don't know what you are thinking, I hope it is a right thought." Irina replied.

"That is where am supposed to drop bits of my blood for the door to open."

"alright then." Irina replied as she lowered the glass down.

"You agreeing with me?" Ava asked uncertainly.

"Do I have a choice?" Irina questioned back, "way to prove the theory is by testing it."

Ava just shrugged and took a knife from her pocket then cut herself slightly across her left hand palm and raised her bleeding arm on top of the hole in the lantern. Few minutes passed nothing happened when they turned to each other puzzled the wooden wall in front of them started moving inwards with cracking sound, it opened wide enough for one person at a time to enter.

Both of them peeked, inside they saw stairs leading down to the bunker but it was dark for them to see up to the foot of the stairs. Ava turned on her phone flashlight and shone on the stair case, at the foot of the stairs there was another corner heading to the right direction.

"We better hurry, before they come back in." Ava reminded.

"Jay let's go." Irina called jay from his watch outpost.

Irina was the first to enter followed by ava, jay was the last one, at the corner they saw other remaining few sets of stairs heading down. The end of the stairs they found large room it had burning lanterns in the pillar posts, across the room at the far end they saw another carvings on its wall.

"That wall is the dimensional gate." Irina told them.

At the wall drawings showed two men with helmets facing each other their spears crossing paths at the bottom, where the spears met there was a gap of something missing to complete the carvings.

"That is where I must put the gem for the gate to open." Irina explained it to them showing the gap.

They were already halfway the room, fascinated by how enormous the carving was.

"It took you forever." Feminine voice came from behind.

Before they turned to see whom spoke, other people started emerging out of the shadows behind the pillars. Jay knew the voice that spoke behind them, it had a little hardness and sounded cold still it was the same voice, he turned his head to look.

"Mom." He called in small unassured voice his face looking confused.