
Chapter 48: The War Begins

I knew Kade would be making his arrival very soon. There was no way he was just going stand by while I was being held hostage. I couldn't sit there silently while the love of my life was killed, trying to come to my rescue for the millionth time. I had to do something. Following the video chat with Kade, the second I was alone, I started brainstorming on how I could get out of this room.

After about twenty minutes of pacing, I was beginning to lose hope. I sunk to the ground, placing my head between my knees. As my hand touched my head, I felt something in my hair. Pulling it out, I saw it was a bobby pin. At first I was just going to toss it, but then a thought popped into my head. Maybe I could try and pick the lock to escape. Just as I rose to my feet, that’s when I heard the sound of a gun going off. Kade was here.