
Chapter 47: Through His Eyes

*Kade's POV*

It had been a few hours since Skyler had left to get coffee with Angie, and she still wasn’t home. I was trying my best to give her the space I was sure that she would want after being locked up in this house for so long. Still, I couldn’t help but finding myself impulsively checking the clock. Around 2 o’clock in the afternoon, I caved, pulling out my phone to shoot her a text.

‘Hey. You coming home soon?’

After an hour of silence from Skyler, I became concerned. Not responding to my texts was totally out of her character. Sending her another text, I made my way downstairs to see if Nick or Chris had heard from her or Angie. When I arrived downstairs, I was shocked to see Angie was already here, sitting in the living room with the boys. I glanced around the room looking for Skyler, but she was nowhere to be found.

“Where’s Skyler?” I questioned Angie, my brows now furrowed up at only one of the girls’ presences.

She gave me a confused look.