
Chapter 326

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


"So where are you going to take me first?" I asked Luna.

"As we're already here, I wanted to show you my garden" she said happily, leading me to the same garden she was in just now.

The garden was beautiful and very well maintained, with many different flowers with sunflowers, daisies and lavender being the main ones, and there were even a few magical flowers that I recognized from Herbology and Potions books.

And in the middle of the garden there was a circular area in the grass without flowers, with a few cushions and stones on the ground, and I quickly realized that this was where Luna had been reading her edition of the Quibbler earlier.

"It's really beautiful here" I said looking around, seeing Luna bend down to pet a tulip.

"Thank you" she said with a smile, "Since my mom died I've been taking care of the gardens"

And listening to her talk about her late mother, I looked at her worriedly, but she didn't convey any emotion of sadness, just longing.

"Actually, some flowers I planted and cultivated myself," she continued, pointing to a part of the garden that had some flowers that were still growing and... a cactus.

"Oh... They're also really pretty, and I'm sure when these flowers are in full bloom they will be even more beautiful and amazing' I said, glancing lightly at a magical plant that was beckoning to me.

'That's still weird' I thought, waving the plant back.

"Hmm, I still think there's something missing here," she said.

"Like what?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't know, I'm thinking of planting some strawberries, and maybe some watermelons here" she replied after thinking for a few seconds.


"Yes, and maybe a pudding tree," she replied happily.

"Pudding tree? But you know that's…" I started to say, with Luna turning to me with her eyes shining in innocence, "You know what, a pudding tree would be great here" I said.

"Glad you agree with me" she nodded in satisfaction, and I smiled in amusement.

"Yeah, and maybe you could plant a chocolate tree too" I joked.

"Silly, there are no chocolate trees" Luna said as she shook her head, looking at me like I was a kid learning about something new.

And seeing this I looked at her with an empty face.

'From one point of view you could say that a chocolate tree exists, only it's called a cacao tree' I thought, not imagining how many botanists I was pissing off with that thought.

"Now that I've shown you the garden I'm going to take you to the creek down there, and then we're going to explore the forest a bit before heading to my favorite spot" Luna said in one breath, glowing with emotion.

"Okay, so show me the way, my beautiful and lovely guide," I said, bowing slightly to her playfully.

"Huh... Ah, well... Let's go then" she said blinking a little in surprise. Luna then grabbed my arm as she turned around, leading me to the next location on our tour.

And as she looked ahead Luna had a blush on her cheeks, feeling strangely happy and a little shy, something abnormal in her light personality.


Luna and I continued with our tour of the place, with her acting as my guide showing me all the main places of this village, not that there were many.

But since Luna was the one showing me around, and explaining why each place was special, the tour turned out to be very fun and interesting.

And probably that feeling was felt by her too, since every minute that passed she got more excited, and I didn't even need to use my empathy to realize that.

And with that tour the sun started to set, and Luna decided to end our tour with her by taking me to her favorite place that is so special to her.

And passing by a path hidden by many trees, we came to the foot of a hill.

"Come on, the place I want to show you is up there" Luna said, and without waiting for me to say something she started running towards the top of the hill.

And heaving an affectionate sigh I followed her, and after walking a little way we finally reached the top of the hill.

At the top of the hill there was nothing but a large tree, and I cocked my head in confusion before turning questioningly to Luna.

"Is not cool?" she asked with a smile.

And looking ahead I tried to see what was so special about a tree on top of a hill, until an image came into my mind.

'Wait a minute...' I thought, and in my mind the image of the tree where Marcel spent his afternoons reading began to overlap the tree in front of me.

And as soon as the realization hit me I stopped, blinking in shock.

'This... This is the hill where Marcel spent his time... And that's the tree that started his story with his mother...' I thought looking around, before focusing on the tree again.

'The tree is bigger and a little older, but it's definitely the same tree I saw in the vision in the diary'

"I discovered this place right after my mum died, and I always came here when I wanted to be alone" Luna said, and then after finishing talking she started to approach the tree.

Also approaching the tree I ran my hand over it, feeling its slightly damp bark, feeling the little magic that exuded from it just like any existing creature or plant.

'I wasn't expecting that I would complete Marcel's request like this' I thought, before looking around.

And spotting some flowers on the ground I went to them and plucked them, gathering them together before bringing them to the front of the tree.

Kneeling down, I placed the flowers on the ground, before pointing my hands forward, and concentrating a bit, I began to use my magic and the ambient magic to create a white marble tombstone.

Now with a tombstone in front of me I started modeling it to make it look as beautiful as possible.

"Why did you pick these flowers?" Luna asked me, before looking over my shoulder.

She then saw the tombstone I had created with magic, and not even questioning my use of wandless magic she turned to me questioningly.

"And who is that tombstone for?"

"This tombstone and flowers are for someone very kind and loving, who has probably been waiting for this for a long time" I replied, carving a few words into the headstone for Marcel's mother.

Finishing my work on the tombstone I took the flowers and placed them in front of it, using a spell I had learned in Herbology to keep them alive longer than normal.

And with a few more spells to protect the tombstone and keep it clean I got to my feet, nodding satisfied at my work.

'I hope that wherever you are, you can rest in peace, knowing that all your kindness and love will not be forgotten, Mrs. Treysley' I thought, looking at the tombstone with mixed feelings.

Anabell really was an amazing woman. A mother who did everything to protect her son, even putting herself in a terrible situation that resulted in her death.

And with all her actions I couldn't help but respect this woman, feeling a lot of admiration for her.

She is a real mother, and I feel sad for what happened to her, but since all this happened in the past, I couldn't help her even if I wanted to.

But at least now she had a tombstone of her own, and I hoped it would at least make her a little happy in her place in heaven.

"A beautiful woman, a wonderful mother, and an amazing person. May your next life be full of love and happiness. Anabell Treysley." Luna said, reading the words written on the tombstone.

She then turned to me confused, "Hmm, I don't understand" she said.

"What?" I asked looking at her.

"Why would you make a tombstone for someone here?" she asked.

"Well, actually this place was a special place for this woman, and I've been looking for it for a while" I replied, before turning to Luna.

"And you showed me this place, and now I was able to keep my promise and pay my respects to Anabell... Thank you Luna" I said, smiling softly at my friend.

"Oh, I'm glad I could help you," she said, before looking at the tombstone.

Luna then went to a part of the hill and picked some flowers, before placing them next to mine in front of the tombstone.

"I don't know who this woman was, but I think she would like more flowers," she said softly, taking a seat in front of the tombstone.

"Yes, I think so too" I smiled at her, sitting down next to her.

We then stood side by side as we continued to stare at the tombstone for some time in silence, until Luna spoke again.

"I told you earlier that I found this place after my mum died and that I came here when I wanted to be alone, right?" she asked me, and I nodded.

"Actually whenever I felt sad or missing my mum I would come here and imagine how she would react to this place, and I would also think of all the fun memories we could create here" Luna began to speak in a melancholy tone.

"This place is special to me because of that, and because I wanted to see this place with my mum I never showed it to anyone else, not even my dad."

She then looked at me, letting a soft smile come across her face.

"But after I met you I changed my mind... I felt it would be right to show you this place, and I'm glad you're the first person to see this place with me" and finishing saying that, she put her head on my shoulder, looking forward with a happy air.

And I stared at her, not knowing how to respond, feeling a lot of emotions rise in my chest.

But seeing how relaxed and relieved she was I just smiled, before laying my head on top of hers, looking at the tombstone as well.

And that's how our afternoon ended. With the two of us sitting in front of a white marble tombstone that was in front of a large tree, with the orange and pink tone of the sunset lighting up the place and bringing with it a cozy air.

