
71 Moody vs. Sasuke II


Well —So... do any of you know which are the curses most punished by magical law?

Zacarias: Professor, we didn't have to study about the red hats

Moody: I ​​am the teacher and I think this topic is more interesting, so what are the curses punishable by magic law?

Several hands went up, including Sasuke's.

Moody pointed to Madeline Yaxley, hesitating. "My father told me about one." It's called the imperius curse.

"That's right," Moody approved. Your father knows her well. The Imperius Curse once gave the Ministry a lot of trouble.

Moody got up with some difficulty on his mismatched feet, opened the desk drawer, and took out a mason jar. Inside were three large black spiders.

Moody reached into the jar, picked up one of the spiders, and held it up in his palm for all to see. Then he pointed her wand at her and muttered under his breath: Empire!

The spider dropped from Moody's hand by a fine silky thread, and began to sway back and forth as if on a trapeze; then he stretched out his legs until they were straight and rigid, and with a leap he let go of the thread and landed on the table, where he began to spin in circles. Moody pointed his wand at it again, and the spider reared up on two hind legs and began to dance what was clearly tap dancing.

They all laughed. Everyone except Moody.

"Sounds like fun, right?" He," he growled. Would you like them to do it to you?

The laughter died almost instantly.

"This assumes total control," Moody said quietly, as the spider rolled into a ball and began to roll. I could make her jump out the window, drown, down any one of you's throats.

"Years ago, many witches and wizards were controlled by the Imperius Curse," Moody explained, and Sasuke understood that he was referring to the time when Voldemort had been all-powerful. He gave the Ministry quite a bit to do, which had to find out who was acting of their own free will and who was bound by the curse.

"We can fight the Imperius Curse, and I'll show you how, but it takes a lot of strength of character, and not everyone has it. The best thing, if you can, is to avoid falling victim to it. PERMANENT ALERT!

Moody picked up the trapeze spider and put it back in the jar.

"Does anyone know of any more?" Another forbidden curse?

Tiffany selwin raised her hand again and also,

Yeah? Moody said.

"The Cruciatus Curse," she said.

"The cruciatus curse requires a slightly larger spider for you to appreciate it properly," Moody explained, pointing his wand at the spider and saying, "Engorgio!"

The spider grew to be bigger than a tarantula.

Moody raised his wand again, pointed at the spider again, and murmured:


Suddenly, the spider drew its legs up over its body. She rolled and twisted as much as she could, swaying from side to side. He didn't make a sound, but it was clear that if he could have, he would have screamed. Moody did not move his wand away, and the spider began to quiver and jerk more violently.

Pain," he said softly.

You don't need knives or hot coals to torture someone if you know how to perform the cruciatus curse... This curse was once very popular, too. Well, does anyone know of any others