
Sasuke Uchiha in Harry Potter

Shweta_Roy_2855 · 映画
80 Chs

58 Fire Dragons


On Tuesday morning, the atmosphere of the whole school became very intense and exciting.

Almost all college students are very excited about the first game of the first three competitions, especially Slytherin and Gryffindor, and there will be players soon.

In the morning, the fortune-telling class was not halfway done, and she was forced to suspend classes.

Professor Sybill Trelawey is very dissatisfied.

Many of the students early in the morning went to the Quidditch field. Now it is the scene of the top three competitions, but only four fire dragons are covered by magic, and they can't see anything.

Sasuke spent the last few hours meditating. Until the word was passed that the champions must go to the meeting place.

Alright! Sasuke took a deep breath and raised

Good luck! They wished half of Slytherin, everyone wins, their fans, reduced to a third, said, since they supported Victor Krum.

Sasuke ignored them as he continued on his way.

He arrived at the tent for the champions.

I look at the others. Fleur Delacour was very pale, even sickly looking, not the usual calm, casual ease.

Victor-Krum seemed more melancholy than usual, and he sat quietly in a corner.

Harry Potter almost wrote the word nervous across his face and Sasuke noticed that his hand trembled from time to time.

Instead, it is the calmest

Harry knew it was because he didn't know what the first test consisted of.

"Okay, everyone is here now. Time to introduce you to the rules of the game!" "Mr. Ludo-Bagman came over and said cheerfully, "I'll open the bag and send it to each of you."

You have to choose the little models of the things they will deal with! They have different options. I have one more thing to tell you. Your task is to collect the golden eggs that they protect. Or take the initiative to admit defeat, both can make the game over! "

"Mrs. Delacour." Mr. Bagman handed the bag to Fleur Delacour.

Fleur reached into the bag with a trembling hand and pulled out a model of a beautiful dragon: a short-nosed, silver-blue Swedish dragon.

Fleur's face showed no surprise, but an expression of resignation, apparently Mrs. Maxim had already informed her about the content of the game.

Krum's second hand in the bag, he pulled out a brilliant Chinese red dragon from the fireball.

Like with Fleur, when she took out the dragon, her eyes didn't blink.

Then it was Harry Potter's turn, and he took the Hungarian horntail dragon out of the silken pocket.

And the last one is Sasuke

Mr. Bagman looked at Sasuke and showed a sympathetic expression, "Our youngest player, he has the Swedish Shortsnout."

Mr. Bagman led Harry Potter out of the shop and whispered a few words to him before returning.

He yelled, "Now, in the right order on the spot, everyone's ready to play. Miss Delacour, you're first!"

After that, Ludo Bagman ran out of the store.

Fleur came out a little shaky, and her steps weren't as graceful as usual.

There are three boys left and they don't say anything in the store.

"Oh, it's dangerous, it's too dangerous." The voice of Bagman's explanation came from outside, making the atmosphere in the store more gloomy.

"Oh, I'm not sure this is wise!"

"Oh just a little! Be careful, my God, I thought I'd succeeded!" After ten minutes, Sasuke heard a deafening applause.

"Excellent!" Bagman yelled at the scorpion: "Now ask the referee to score!"

Victor-Krum stood up until Bagman called his name.

Krum's performance did not last long.

"Very bold!" Bagman yelled, and the Chinese fireball dragon released a terrible cry: "He Showed extraordinary courage yes, he Has the golden egg!"

Harry Potter shuddered and got up.

Harry nodded and left the shop. Now only Sasuke is left, who was eating, since he had not had breakfast.