
Sasuke Uchiha in Harry Potter

Shweta_Roy_2855 · 映画
80 Chs

39 Prisoner of Azkaban ending

Harry and Ron woke up, and saw Dumbledore hastily began to say that Sirius Black is innocent and that it is Peter Pettigrew who was scabbers to blame.

They were impatient to be believed that they weren't shutting up, until Mrs. Pronfei yelled to keep quiet that they were in the infirmary.

Dumbledore calmed them down and told them that thanks to the young Uchiha we caught Sirius and Peter, that right now we are interrogating them, as for Professor Lupine, he is unconscious, but there is nothing to worry about.

The young Uchiha took it upon himself to defeat him so that he wouldn't hurt anyone, right now he's in the screaming house, but his life is not in danger.

The young Uchiha woke up, asked about the situation, Dumbledore told him the same thing he told Harry, he replied, I see, first of all I want to claim the reward of 5,000 galleons for catching Sirius Black, which the ministry promised.

Leaving everyone surprised, Hermione is disappointed, thinking that he was only fighting for money.

Dumbledore assured him that he would talk to Fudge, so Sasuke threw himself back on the bed to rest.

The next morning, Hermione had told him everything that happened after they were unconscious, and that Sasuke petrified Peter Pettigrew before he turned into a rat to run away while Lupine turned into a werewolf, the professor had forgotten to take the potion. He kills wolves to find Peter, I tried to reason with him, but he jumped to bite me, and Sasuke reacted quickly after petrifying Peter, he attracted the attention of Professor Lupin and they both got lost in the forest to fight.

I couldn't get away, he yelled at me to watch them and ask for help by throwing some sparks into the sky, and to keep my wand pointed at Peter, in case the spell wears off.

He only heard explosions and howls in Sasuke's direction, then Dumbledore, Mcgonagall, the minister, 2 aurors and Hagrid arrived.

Snape was waking up, and he went with Dumbledore and Hagrid to save Sasuke.

Hagrid brought Sasuke unconscious, but he was exhausted and had no injuries said Mrs. Pronfei, Dumbledore and Snape locked Professor Lupine in the screaming house.

The Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge, entered the room accompanied by Dumbledore. Behind them were three adult wizards, one male and two female, who were in their 40s and 50s.

Sasuke's eyes wandered between the three, and the lady following Fudge was wearing a black robe, a square-jawed witch with close-cropped gray hair and a monocle.

She was wearing a fluffy pink cardigan. She was a short, stocky woman who resembled a large pale toad. She had a wide, slack face, a wide, baggy mouth, and a small neck. Her eyes were puffy and baggy.

Even the black velvet bow she was wearing in her mousy brown hair Sasuke thought she looked ridiculous.

Behind her, there was a serious magician; he was a stiff, upright, old man, dressed in impeccably crisp robes. The parting in his short, gray hair was almost unnaturally straight, and his narrow-toothbrush mustache looked like he'd trimmed it using a slide rule. His shoes were highly polished. Sasuke had never seen a wizard that was as strict as this one. If he wasn't wearing a robe but a suit, he could simply pretend to be a muggle bank manager.

"Good morning Kids!" Fudge looked tired and in a bad state of mind. He looked like he hadn't slept the night before. He said quietly. "It's unbelievable. It was all actually done by Peter Pettigrew. Black is innocent. Look what we've done, the Ministry of Magic is going to be a laughingstock, and the Daily Prophet may have a chance to laugh at him, if others will." you know..."

"Now we are a laughing stock, Minister!" Bartemius Crouch interrupted him, a touch of impatience in his voice. "We actually locked Sirius Black in Azkaban for 12 years. Who knows how many innocent people are inside?

"Yes you're right!" Fudge seemed to understand what he meant, hesitated, and said vigilantly, "This is the consequence of our negligence, but I remember that you were the Head of the Magic Law Enforcement Department, the charges against the Death Eaters at the time, all were presided over by you..."

"Thank you for reminding me, Minister!" Bartemius Crouch said dryly: "It doesn't matter if it was me personally, or the Wizengamot, this is a shame that will never be washed away. Fortunately, the children have given us the opportunity to make up for this mistake."

"He's really lucky." Fudge didn't seem to be happy at all. He pointed to the three wizards standing next to him and briefly introduced them to Sasuke, Harry, and Hermione. "Children, this is Bartemius Crouch, Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation; "The two ladies are Amelia Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and Dolores Umbridge, Principal Assistant Secretary to the Minister for Magic."

Crouch didn't look at them, he kept looking at Dumbledore. Bones flashed a smile at Sasuke, Harry, and Hermione, and she seemed more cordial.

As for Umbridge, she had a fake smile on her face, and then she greeted the three of them and made a bell like laughter. The hairs on the back of Sasuke's neck stood up.

Harry and Hermione were pouting, especially Hermione. Under Umbridge's gaze, her petite body shrank as much as possible into the bedding she lay on.

"Well, kids, about the Black case, the Wizengamot has created a special investigation team, and the five of us are members of it." Fudge said shortly, "Even though I just heard Albus say it, we still want to know more about What Happened Last Night."

Harry and Hermione looked at each other, and finally Hermione spoke again about what happened the night before. Hidden that they attacked Snape.

Sasuke later told his version of the events of how he saw Sirius Black carrying Professor Snape unconscious and how he liberally slammed him to the ground. That's why he didn't think twice, he jumped directly to stop Black.

After seeing that Potter and Weasley were going to attack him, he left them unconscious, he saw an unknown guy, he wondered who it was, but Miss Granger said it was Peter, I petrified him. And that's it.

"That's shocking, at your age! Not only, catching an evil Dark Wizard, you also knocked out Black." Umbridge looked at Sasuke, speaking in a high-pitched, high-pitched voice that was girlish and breathless.

"Things are similar to what I envisioned. The problem now is if someone asks you how you caught Peter Pettigrew, you know…"

"I know, minister!" Sasuke nodded. He knew what Fudge was going to say. "Although I finally caught Peter Pettigrew, the Ministry of Magic made a lot of effort in this matter"

"Thank you Mr. Uchiha, you have helped us a lot." Fudge breathed a sigh of relief. To him, as long as it didn't affect the reputation of the Ministry of Magic and his career, there was no problem with Black's innocence.

As long as you give me the proper reward for catching Black.

Leaving everyone impressed by his audacity, others annoying.

"You have done very well, thanks to you you prevented them from escaping"

Of course we will give you the reward.

As long as you declare in favor of the ministry

Understood said Sasuke