
Sansational Skeleton in BNHA

"Holy smokes." Sans says in awe as he witnesses the massive building that raise far into the sky. It was a magnificent scene, except for the fact that he found himself in a dumpster. Don't expect much this is for fun, but feel free to join in.

PacificIslander · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Suspicious skeleton amongst us

[2055 words] [Don't worry it'll stay around this much words.]

"Say Kurogiri, wasn't there an attack before the festival already?" I asked the misty man.

It'd been a few days since the meeting, I decided it'd be best if I just pretended to be on the side of these folk.

Besides, I'm sure they have their ways to bribe or even convince police, hell even heros' to not come.

"Indeed, unfortunately, our plan didn't come into fruition and had unfortunately failed." Responded Kurogiri, who was simply wiping some glass cups.

"I see, anyway can I get a bottle of ketchup?" I eyed the red bottles.

"*Sigh,* That'll be your 4th one today. You shouldn't be drinking the much, considering how valuable you may be." He sighed as he still proceeded to hand me a bottle.

"Buddy, it's a bar for a reason, whos to say that I can't drink?" I chugged a bit of the ketchup, "That's the good stuff." I smiled with my stained teeth.

"Oh also when we first met, why'd you announce that we're going to kill All Might?" I questioned him, it'd been a while since anything interesting had happen.

"That was just to get rid of the weaker willed ones, the young master didn't want any worms running off." Kurogiri responded, grabbing another glass to clean.

"Welp, I think I'm done here, put it on my tab will ya?" I walked away from the bar counter.

"You know you're still going to have to pay for it at some point." Kurogiri reminded me.

"Put it on my tab will ya?" I repeated myself.

Kurogiri sighed and nodded, he's probably not too happy about that.

I shrugged to myself as I walked off and took a short-cut into some random alley.


"So, this skeleton, are you completely sure he's a good choice for this position?" A dry voice spoke out.

"I indeed think he's our best option, we don't have any one else that sneaky or non-suspicious looking. Especially a stealthy quirk." Kurogiri said in a voice of misfortune.

"Besides, Grian says that he can't at the moment and that he's currently busy with other clients." Kurogiri added on.

"Whatever, forge some papers for this guy, I want him inside UA to gather information or to sabotage stuff, oh and if he can kill All Might then tell him to." Tomura said haughtily.

"It shall be done young master." Kurogiri understood, "Good, now leave me alone I still haven't beaten this level yet." Tomura then hung up immediately.


"I see, you're quite skilled in this. Alright then." A neatly dressed man took a green stamp and accepted my application.

"Thanks boss, I'll work hard." I kept a grin.

'And that's how you do it folk.'

I had just scored myself an easy job in coding and such.

Apparently the coding of human technology is a bit below average. Fortunately, I chose this job for a reason.

My work was just fixing bugs in submitted work by my colleagues, however I just figured I could just code an AI to scan for any bugs and fix them.

No it isn't insanely good AI, it's just good enough for it's job. Best thing is, I probably won't have to do anything and I will still get paid for work so now I've got money behind my name.

"Time to celebrate." I took a quick shortcut to my personally favorite bar.

"Oh look decided to show up! Someone ought to teach you a lesson." A menacing presence made their appearance behind the counter.

"𝘁𝗶𝗯𝗶𝗮 honest I was honestly not intending to do that, honest!" I apologized in a punny way.

"Cut it! Please please please, I'm losing money just by talking to you." Loire arched her forehead in annoyance.

"Could you, maybe put it on my tab?" I shrugged.

"OF COURSE YOU CAN'T!" Loire blurted out.

"Just.. pay alright? I'm trying to help run a business here." Loire crossed her arms.

She slid me a paper which counted how much each ketchup bottle costed and the wine that broke, INCLUDING tax.

"Erm, could I just pay the wine right now? I promise I'll pay the rest later, I'll 𝗿𝗶𝗯-𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 to get you your money later." I punned, I handed over a stack of left over money I had saved up.

"Thanks Sans, it gets troublesome to deal with people who don't pay." She sighed, "Say, could you help me with something?" She asked.

"What's up bud?"

"Could you help me study? You seem like a smart guy, and Benovard isn't much help. It's not rocket science or anything, math and physics and stuff." Loire pleaded.

"Heh, you came to the right guy kid, I'm kinda a dork in that stuff." I grinned.

"Also why do you keep smiling like that, it's kinda weird." Loire then complained.

"Hmm what's that? Is that Loire not wanting my help anymore?" I teased her.

"W-wait I was joking alright! The videos on youtube suck too much and don't explain some things!" Loire waved her hands back and forth.

"Hey, you said you didn't need more help." Benovard then peeked around the corner from a employee only door.

"Well, it's not just one plus one two plus two." Loire sighed.

"Hey, I gave it my best shot." Benovard retorted.

"Guys, you should probably be doing your jobs, you're still working, no?" I reminded them.

"True, give me your phone I'll put my number into." Loire ushered me.

"Woah there tiger, we just met. You know these things take time right?" I pretended to be flattered.

"Exactly how much time." Loire stared at me.

"Hold on, one second." I checked my imaginary watch, "Alright that's enough time." I handed her my phone.

"What's your password." Loire asked me.

"66420." I lazily said I continued to drink a bottle of ketchup.

"6..6.420 Alright, boom bam and there." She completed the transaction and handed my phone back.

"Thank you kiddo, call it when you feel like it." I winked at her.

She rolled her eyes, "Maybe I think I won't." She then continued her job of working by getting the orders of other customers.

Ring ring ring!

"Heyy, you know it hasn't been that long right." I looked over to Loire, but she was too busy to bother talking to me.

"Oh." I pulled out my phone to see that it was mist man.

"Sup, comic here." I answered.

"Comic? Is this the right number." Kurogiri sounded as if he was double checking the number.

"Sup Kuro." I greeted him.

"Oh, please do not joke around like that too much. Also I would appreciate if you were to use my name properly." Kurogiri informed me.

"Sup Kur." I greeted him, albeit even worse.

"That's just worse." Kurogiri seemed to be annoyed by my gimmicks.

"Sup Ku." I greeted him once more once again, albeit even worser than I once did.

"Alright you can stop, this is an important matter." Kurogiri then got serious."

"K" I non-chalantly answered on the phone.

He sighed, "Just get over here soon, I'll fill you in on the details of your mission." He directed me.

"K" I tiredly got out of my seat and headed for the door, "Going so soon?" Loire then stopped me.

"Yeahh, you realize how much work sucks." I tried to lie.

It seemed as if Loire could see through it, but none the less let me go.

"Be careful out there, news spreading that some people are going missing." Loire warned me.

I waved as I walked through the door and then left to an alley to take a quick shortcut.


Sans walked through an alley way drowsily, taking a shortcut to the meeting area where he had met up with Kurogiri.

Upon reaching his destination, he could see Kurogiri waiting inside of the bar, doing his usual cleanings to the many cups of glass.

Sans then walked through the door, "*Yawn,* it's a bit late, what's up?" Sans tiredly asked.

Kurogiri simply walked over to Sans and handed him a piece of paper that contained the contents of the supposed plan.

"We want you to act as a spy within U.A High school. However we want your loyalty to continue lying with us." Kurogiri stated.

'Seriously? I've literally only been here for a short while, they don't really have any clue of my background, along with that, they don't know me that well.' Sans shrugged off his thoughts.

"Sure, that sounds fun. What's the catch." Sans asked, more serious.

"Well, we want you to eliminate the bothersome students." Kurogiri showed Sans a wall of students that were deemed to be a nuisance to someone's plan.

'I can't get a break can I...' Kurogiri thought as he waited for Sans to process all of the faces into his head.

"Hmm looks good, what's your plan though." Sans asked.



"Wait you seriously have no plan?" Sans held in his laughter.

"Please, I unfortunately had no real say in this matter." Kurogiri sighed once more in annoyance.


"Look, just send him! I don't care I want results now!!" Shouted an annoyed hand fettish teenager.

"Young master, surely we could-

"No no. You stay, they go." Tomura halted Kurogiri's advanced to at least put a stop into his plans.

Kurogiri could only accept. He had complained and reported Tomura's actions to the leader of the group himself, All for One, but he was simply brushed off after getting his attention for a good 23 seconds.


"It starts in an hour, I'll get you over there, in the mean time I want you to prepare your self." He showed me an entire arsenal of weapons and secret weapons. Along with identification to go off of.

"The school had hired a new teacher, fortunately, we managed to get him before he could even reach the school grounds." Kurogiri nodded.

"So you want me to impersonate as him? Don't they have his name in the school's database or something." I complained, I didn't intend to go on a death trip.

"No worries, it's fine considering that I could teleport and reach their main computers and change the files with some help." Kurogiri assured me.

I see.

It seems that have most of the stuff figured out down to the deepest bit.

"Hmm, you guys have been preparing haven't you?" I grinned.

"Indeed. However, if you even think of betraying us." Kurogiri turned on a TV.

It displayed someone who was getting their limbs getting chopped into piece one by one, and then getting seared by hot metal. Cauterizing I assume.

"Wow, you guys really are freaks aren't you?" I had a serious face as I watched it.

It seemed Kurogiri couldn't watch it for longer either, and turned it off soon after.

"I suggest you change your attire." Kurogiri then suggested.

Well, currently my attire was a blue jacket, plain black pants and some fluffy pink slippers.

"What? Respect the drip." I ignored him.

"Maybe put on some belts so you could hide a few weapons." Kurogiri ignored me.

'Hmm that has some potential.' I thought, interpreting the wrong way on purpose.

"Sure, why not." I said, grabbing a good 5 belts and strapped them everywhere where they could fit well.

Kurogiri strangely looked at me in confusion.

"Cheer up, with all these belts I can make every student knelt and welt at the amount of belts I have!" I smiled punnily.

"Ugh, please don't tell me you only agreed with me so you can say more stupid jokes." Kurogiri then replied.

"whaat? Did the amount of belts on me dealt a welt on your skin?" I joked around.

"Whaat* You spelt that wrong." Kurogiri corrected him.


"Anyway, off you go." Kurogiri ushered me to a portal that he had just opened up.

"Wait! You said I had an hour didn't you?!" I tried to stop him before he shoved me into the portal.

"Welp, I guess I'll look around now that I'm here." I shrugged.

It appeared I was in some sort of lounge.

A door opened and an odd looking mouse human walked over to me.

"Oh! You must be the new applicant. I hope you enjoy teaching here." The mouse introduced me and then ran off somewhere else with his tea in hand.

"Weyl it do B' Bri'ish becuz they drank thuh T."



support me on onlyfa- I mean on webnovel so I can show off this novel

give thoughts idk it's like 11:37 for me right now me hungy