
Sansational Skeleton in BNHA

"Holy smokes." Sans says in awe as he witnesses the massive building that raise far into the sky. It was a magnificent scene, except for the fact that he found himself in a dumpster. Don't expect much this is for fun, but feel free to join in.

PacificIslander · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

so cool

[ 2800+ words]

"So, they're called quirks?"

Currently, I was doing some research into this world with the brand new tech I've gotten.

"Strange, and magic is considered a fictional topic?" I continue scrolling through the many websites.

Oh, I also swapped my computer settings over to English so I could properly understand things and bought one of them English keyboards.

"Hmm, hero stuff, blah blah blah, heros' are a big topic around here hm?" I thought.

Papyrus would've made a good one...

I shook my head out of the gutter and continued scrolling through the web.

"Welp, I'm tired." I stretched as I felt burnt out after looking through a ton of knowledge.

Apparently, I'm in Japan, people had powers called 'Quirks,' and heros' and villains exist in this world and are praised or looked down upon.

I read a few articles about vigilantes, which are interesting considering their reasonings for doing such things.

I searched up on the computer for a local bar, not that I'm going to drink beer or anything but I just need to release some steam after a long day of strange things.

"This looks like a good one." I noticed a small bar that had a decent rating around the corner.

I took a shortcut and arrived in front of the building.

"Not too shabby." I thought to myself.

It was a decently large place with glowing lights above it that readout, Morning Star, an odd name but whatever.

I walked through the door and a little bell rang.

Once I walked in I got a few stares before people went back to their conversations.

I walked up to the bartender, "Sup, can I get a bottle of ketchup?" I asked the bartender.

"Oh sure, wait a sec." Replied the bartender.

"Wait, you're that skeleton I saw at the store!" She exclaimed.

"Hmm? I think you've got the wrong skeleton." I shrugged.

"Mmm I don't think I know any skeletons who walk and talk wearing a blue jacket." She inspected me.

"Ah right, I should probably get that ketchup you asked for." She remembered.

She walked over and grabbed the ketchup among the many condiments.

"Here you go, why do you need it anyway-

I grabbed it and started drinking it.

"Mmm, this is quite nice." I drank.

The quality was a lot better than what I used to drink.

"Ew! Why would you even drink that?! Also, how are you even drinking that? Aren't you a skeleton?!" She pointed out.

"First, my bones like them, secondly, my pharynx has a special bone known as the Macus, converting glucose into magic energy and converts the fat into a special bone marrow type that strengthens the bones, however due to my-

"All right, I get it! You don't have to go into depth, also stop using magic as some lame excuse." She stopped me.

"Welp, I guess you won't know how I eat things, we'll have to 𝗸𝗲𝘁𝗰𝗵-𝘂𝗽 on that later." I winked.

"Was that another lame joke?" She glared at me.

"Hmm, I don't think it was." I shrugged.

Our conversation was going quite swell until I heard the sounds of someone approaching my back.

I was put on guard, just in case something happen.

"Hey, are you harassing her?" Someone put their hand on my shoulder.

"Buddy, I was just messing around with her, besides I'm not interested in getting into a fight." I sighed.

"You good T?" The man smiled at the bartender.

"I'm fine, you don't have to keep worrying about me." She responded.

"Aw, now you may kiss the bride." I cut in.

"Hey! It's not like that!" The girl blushed, to which the hero laughed.

"Anyway, I'm sorry for bothering y'all, m' names Benovard skeleton." He apologized.

"Sans, sans the skeleton." I accepted his apology.

"Oh and I'm Leiro! T for short, it's my middle name." She added.

I took a sip of my delicious drink.

"That's just disgusting..." Both of them stared at me.

"What? Give a skeleton a break, I've done a 𝘀𝗸𝗲𝗹𝗲-𝗧𝗢𝗡 of work today." I grinned even wider.

"Dude, can't you think of anything else more funny." T rolled her eyes.

"You try do one then." Benovard looked at her smugly

"You should be agreeing with me! Not siding with this guy you traitor!" T annoyingly said.

"Just because I'm from South Carolina doesn't make me a confederate you wimp!"

They eyed each other extremely closely in their heated argument.

"Hey put this on my tab." I had already drunk the entire bottle.

"Yeah sure whatever, HEY YOU DIDN'T PAY YET!" She ignored me and stormed off to some random guy who thought he could get away with dining and running.

The entire place watched as the poor guy got berated with insults and was eventually forced to pay out of embarrassment.

A bunch of people started clapping and hollered out in cheers "Serves him right." She proudly crossed her arms.

While everyone was applauding for her 'heroic' actions, Benovard unexpectedly spoke.

"Say, Mr. Sans, I haven't seen you around here before, you new?" He asked me.

I thought about the question to come up with a good excuse, "Yeah, it's quite nice around here so I just moved in recently." I told him.

"Say, how'd you even here? We have a few cameras surrounding the area and I didn't see how you managed to get here." He seriously asked me.

'Is he suspicious of me? A pain in the spine.' I groaned, "I took a shortcut." I nonchalantly replied.

"A shortcut you say? Ah, I apologize I've gotten a bit too close for comfort haven't I? Here's a better question, what's your quirk? Is it just making you a skeleton or what?" He gleamed at me as he inspected my boney body.

"Slow down buddy, we just met and besides, I'm into that kind of stuff." I made fun of him.

"You know I didn't mean that, however, you still haven't enlightened me on what your quirk is." He implored.

"Well, you see my quirk is-

"Guys guys! Look it's starting!" T suddenly interrupted.

She pointed towards the broadcast on the TV, it was projecting a battle where tons of people were present in a crowd within an enormous stadium.

"What's that?" I pointed toward what was going on the TV.

"You don't know?!" She exclaimed, drawing some attention toward her.

"Em, excuse me for yelling, but you seriously don't know? It's the event many people have been waiting for! The U.A Sports Festival!" She shouted, albeit a bit quieter.

We watched the screen as it paneled towards a bunch of students entering the stadium from some large doors.

"Hero course, Class 1-A!!!" Shouted the commentator.

"Hero course, Class 1-B!!!" Shouted the commentator once more.

Also what the hell was the point of a business course class? Are they just going to become rich heros or something?

The commentator kept repeating himself for the many classes that were pouring into the field.

Later on a very... How could I put this? Right, a seductive woman come on stage and announced, "Representing the students is Katsuki Bakugo, from class 1-A." She shouted to a mic that was facing the wrong way.

Oh, wait that's for the representative to talk from, teehee.

"How the hell did they let that hero Midnight become a hero, she's more of a whore than anything." Benovard glared at the screen of such things. Meanwhile, every dude was probably enjoying the view of the hero.

"Excuse me, that's a hero! She probably gets more woman herself than you do!" T made fun of him.

"Says you! I don't see you having anyone to love or to cherish! Oh, the agony for such a pure maiden such as you." Benovard mourned for her.

"SHUT UP YOU IDIOT!" She punched the top of his head as a visible bump had grown out of it, "Worth it." He mumbled.

"I pledge, that I'll be number one."

The screen then showed a young boy with spiky tan hair with a careless look. Sounds of an angry mob of students erupted as his smugness angered a good bunch of people.

I immediately smiled at the hilarious scene, "Heh! See how bold that kid is? That's something else haha!" I motioned them to watch.

It's an insult just saying that but in front of a broadcasted show and the fact that there's a massive stadium of people watching does take some balls.

'Not that I have any, heh.' I thought about the snowballs that I used to make back in Snowdin, and then the fried snow that I actually managed to sell.

"Start!" It seemed the first even had started, however, I wasn't too interested in staying for that long.

"Welp, I'm going to gril- oh right." Now that I thought about it, I couldn't go to Grillby's considering that it doesn't exist anymore.

The sad truth, I guess I'll stay here for a good hour or two.

"Hey Sans, you remind me of someone, but I can't put a finger on it." T pondered in her mind.

The sad truth, I guess I'll stay here for a good hour or two.

"Hey Sans, you remind me of someone, but I can't put a finger on it." T pondered in her mind.

"I've been around town a bit, maybe you saw another skeleton around." I shrugged once again.

"No it's not that, I just feel like I recognize you, wait no, I feel like I should that's it!" She hit her fist on her palm.

'That's... strange, I've only met her now, unless...' The thought I had wasn't a pleasant one, but it wasn't impossible either.

'Had the human also get here?' I seriously considered it a possibility.

"Sorry if I made it a bit weird." T worriedly shook her hands around.

"Nah it's fine, besides, it better getting to know people as it gets a bit 𝗕𝗢𝗡𝗘-𝗹𝘆." I punned.

"You could've at least put a little more 𝗕𝗮𝗰𝗸-𝗯𝗼𝗻𝗲 into that one!" She narrowed her eyes.

"Wait no! I didn't mean to say that out loud." She regrettably said, flustered.

"Ayy that wasn't so bad." I complimented her.

"It was an accident! I didn't mean to say it outloud." She said, flushed.

"I'm just teasing you kid, besides the shows still going." I pointed toward the TV once more.

However, something else caught my attention. Outside of the bar, I could see some shady people putting up signs in a suspicious-looking ally way.

So me being me, I went to investigate.

I took a shortcut and immediately disappeared from the area to the alley.

"Hey Sa-

'Woops.' I looked towards the bar to see an extremely confused Loire searching for where I had mysteriously vanished to.

Anyway, the shady people had already fled the scene, not really any point in chasing them down.

However, the poster they had hung up said an oddly specific message.


Quite discrete I could say, I took a shortcut to the address it had mentioned. I was immediately intrigued by something I had overheard.

"Kurogiri, why haven't there been many recruited mobs to join the operation?!" A very hoarse voice croaked.

"My apologizes young master but-

"No excuses! I want them here now!" It sounded like a kid had stormed off and this Kurogiri sighed in exhaustion.

"So troublesome." He grumbled.

Is this some sort of band of gangsters? I always wanted to join a band, but my rubber band was too good for me to reject. Too bad I lost it on the way here.

"What's a skeleton doing here?" Asked some random buff guy nearby.

"Skeleton? Damn was there a murder around here?" Another person said another concerned man.

Man, and I thought I was pretty concealed here, whatever. I might as well attend to see what's going on here.

"What the! It's a moving skeleton!" Someone else nearly fainted upon the sight.

"Heya pals, I'm here to attend this meeting thing, any idea of what it might be?" I winked with my hand out.

"Strange, your quirk must be some curse, feels bad man." Another villainous-looking person felt bad for my appearance.

"Yeah I don't know what this thing is about but it looked interesting." Another head popped out.

There was a good 20 people around here who were interested in what was going on here.

"All right you lot! Welcome to the meeting!" It was Kurogiri speaking on a very modestly built stage.

"If you're interested in being a willy-nilly good guy here, it's best if you leave right now, as this is not the group for you!" He spoke, to which a few people had left upon hearing it.

"For those who remain! I want you to sign this form here which states your name, quirk, contact information, and age!" He shouted.

A small line was formed as people started writing their information as said. Those who weren't too keen on giving information had left.

A measly 15 people remained.

Upon my turn writing, I wasn't sure how to put my age or quirk. So I just left it as 'Skeleton' and my age being in my thirties.

"For those who are interested immediately, please step through this portal. However I do warn that you don't mess up, I wouldn't want to lose a lackey." Kurogiri warned, to which most of the people here didn't mind.

"What's a skeleton even doing here?" Some people started poking their noses into my business.

"Pals, my quirk made me the way I am, and I am cursed like this." I blatantly lied.

However, due to how quirks work around here, it's better to be not questioned so people nodded in understanding upon hearing that.

Like really, some quirks are just stupid and shouldn't even be possible. Like I saw a quirk that made people paralyzed, how does that even make sense??

Upon entering the portal, I was pleasantly surprised to find myself in a bar.

"This is one of our hideouts, if you even think about disclosing the location of this place, you best wish that you weren't alive." Kurogiri threatened.

"Gulp." Someone said out loud.

Some people were visibly confused by what they had just heard.

"Anyway, you're all gathered here to join the operation of... Ending the number one hero!" He announced.

A good portion of the mob was visibly shaken by what they heard.

"What?! Screw this I'm out!" Someone immediately ran for the door, only for a portal to open up under their feet.

"Aaaaahhh!" He screamed as his shouts were slowly removed by the sounds of bones crunching. Inside the portal was a grinder.

All right this is serious, the group was visibly terrified of what they had witnessed, for those who seemed more experienced were just slightly bothered by it.

It's not every day you get to witness someone's organs come out splattering like a firework.

"I do apologize for having to do that, however, if you want to join him, be my guest." Kurogiri gave a speech before a moment of silence.

No one wanted to get on his bad side as they didn't want to become a bunch of mushed meat.

"Fantastic, you may leave now but our next meeting is tomorrow at the same time, if you don't come, our group will hunt you down personally." Kurogiri threatened once more, but he didn't seem too serious about it.

Perhaps he's not the worse person with morals.

Anyway I took another shortcut back to my seat.

"Gah!" T instictivly yelped and dropped a bottle of what appeared to be wine.

"Whoops." I watched as her legs were drenched in red.

"What the hell!" She yelled at me.

"𝗧𝗶𝗯𝗶𝗮-honest that was entirely your fault." I smiled widely before disappearing.


"OK That skeleton now owes me a ton of money! That was extremely old wine!" I shouted to Benovard.

"Oh did you finish your search?" I looked over to Benovard who only shook his head.

"Really? Or are you sure you just didn't look good enough." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Nope I did a thorrow search, I found nothing here, it's as if he doesn't exist. Or maybe he got here illegally. I mean he could teleport now that we know." He shook his head once more.

"Darn! Now I can't sue that guy..." I joked.

"Haha I can't wait what'll 𝗘𝗻𝘀𝘂𝗲 in court then."

"What do you mean... Wait that was a pun wasn't it!" I yelled.

"Einsuontknow" He tried to come back with.

"You aren't even trying anymore." To which he scratched his head and laughed.



who knew making a chapter with grammarly SUCKS even more and don't even get me started with premium, it says I have like 135 mistakes I could fix but it costs money >.>

anyway I was probably like half asleep doing this so don't mind if it sucks

please gives thoughts ideas or corrections i guess
