
Sans in multiverse

What happens when you get powers from the game you love the most and end up in fictional worlds

Omni404_Sans · その他
35 Chs

Quest/I am depressed again

"So where are we going?"

Akuma: "there is a nice place near the capital it is around 10.000km away so we can enjoy the trip am I right Ophis"

*Ophis sleeping noises*

"As expected she is sleeping give her to me"

Akuma: "What about no she will wake up"

"Ok, I was wondering when will we get a..."

[Ding first quest help Rimurus trip to Dvargon 0/3members]

"I guess now"

[All members online]

[Rimuru]-"You herd the quest so who is up for it?"

[Raven]-"I am really interested I want to go

[Kazuma]-"No fair I want to go"

[Steve]-"I prefer to know where I am going first better safe than sorry"

[Akuma]-"I see so it is decided well see ya Rimuru"

[Rimuru]-"I will prepare for your coming see ya when you come"


"So what about Ophis?"

Akuma: "Well time will be stopped for our worlds and for the ones who didn't come don't want to make a mess now do we"

"You have a point there"

I bought a portable wooden cabin and a bed for Ophis after we placed Ophis on the bed we got teleported.

(Goblin village)

Rimuru: "Ok guys there will be some of my friends coming to help so you must treat them with respect"

All: "We understand Rimuru sama!!"

At that moment a portal appeared and from the portal, 3 figures emerged 2 were male and one girl 2 males were similar one had a coat with a scar on his eye while the other didn't he had a blue jacket, and the girl had a black coat that was cowering her face.

Rimuru: "Welcome to the goblin village I presume you are Akuma, Sans, and Raven?"

Akuma: "Who else it wuld be a Sansa?"

Rimuru: "Idiot"

"You are right he really can be an idiot sometimes"

Raven: "Hello I am Reven I am really interested in the magic of this world"

Rimuru: "Eh y-yes I will show you later as much as I want to welcome you properly we need to go and find some builders unless you want to help"

Akuma: "What was the quest again helping you to Dwargon and back not build your village"

Rimuru: "Cheepscate, alright let's go it would take us some time to arrive at Dvargon, and please don't use teleportation I want to travel a little"

"Alright, so where are we going?"

Rimuru: "As soon as we get you Wolves so you can ride"

Raven: "I can fly"

"Me too"

Akuma: "Same here"

Rimuru: "Hmph, can you at least carry me there"


Rimuru: "Ok don't"*Hmph intensifies*

As we started heading towards the Dvargon Akuma and I flew above the others alongside Raven so we can provide assistance but the funny thing was when Akuma trow a cookey at Rimuru and she ate it and she said she actually could taste the flavor of it and got hooked up on cookies, we stopped after 4 hours for Wolves to rest.

Rimuru: "so can you tell me something about your worlds?"

Raven: "I will go first so I can continue to read my book, in my world I am with a sidekick hero group we fight villains in my team we have: Robi, Batman's son Batman is the leader of the Justice League, we have Green goblin basically he is similar to your goblins in look just he can shapeshift and is annoying, we have Star she is hyperactive one she is an alien from another world she is really good tho, we also have Superboy he is basically Supermans son, Superman is the strongest hero and a Kryptonian, and there is Cyborg he is well a Cyborg who doesn't know about privacy, and there is me I am proficient in Demonic magic so what about you 2?"

"I will go first I live with my brother Akuma and little sister Ophis we traveled to a couple of worlds but we are currently in a similar world to this one it is a milion times bigger than Earth there are dragons elves and so on basically fantasy world my hobby is hunting sinners, eating chocolate making Ophis smile my powers variate depending on a form that I am using from normal blasters to destroying alternative universes you decide."

Rimuru: "Ok that is a bit broken can you not destroy this one please," she said sweating.

"I just said how my powers can wariate that is all "

Akuma: "Well my turn you can call me W.D. if you want I am something known as an Author to you what do I do I observe everything that is happening and record it in a different dimension for readers to read about your adventures I am not affecting your decisions only record them in real-time and because I can I came to be a part of it too just because I can my powers are whatever I want them to be I am neutral currently with Sans and Ophis."

Rimuru: "So we are just some words in a book funny"

Akuma: "did I say that or did I say that I RECORD not manipulate it this dimension is different from mine so they think you are just a writer but do you feel like you are not real you live you have your decisions your goals so don't you people go thinking you are not real."

Raven: "Well that is I have no words so how is your dimension where you live?"

Akuma started laughing like a mad man that creeped them all out they were looking at him with intense glares.

"Well tell us how is the place where you live"

Akuma: "Well the world where I live can be said to be Hell with the raging war in the heat waiting to get pulled in it the air is polluted forests are daying ice is melting heats are going above 50c Technoblade Died I don't want to live how depressed I am constantly thinking how can things get better and than remember that I am powerless I find some happiness in reading and writing for people before I go to my job for me it is really hard to actually be happy because my emotions don't really work good I can feel happy sad and angry for a couple of seconds before they fade away I don't like the world I live in that is why I try to stay positive by saying tomorrow will be better in my world the ones who die are the ones who become free of this world. So that is most of it any more questions."

Rimuru: "I- I am really sorry that I can't help in any way"

"You really feel that way?"

Akuma: "Well I can't really even see any of you I can only see you through the text that I am writing"

Raven: "You life must be painful"

Akuma: "Well no as much as depressive knowing whatever I do won't matter in the end at least I can enjoy with you guy here."

In the morning we continued our trip towards Dvargon but I can't forget what Akuma said is he really so depressed I know how depressed I was in my life and it wasn't half as bad as his world is his world is basically just waiting for someone to drop a bomb on his head or to watch slowly as everything around him fall apart.

Akuma: "Enough of depressive thoughts will sing a song it might be a little strange here I go.

I am a Spider, hi, how are you?

Four pairs of walking boots, I'm Anansi Sinatra

Sitting peacefully, content with mingling

Until the evening, when my evil senses get to tingling

But isn't it a great time, chilling in the daytime?

Until the night arrives, and then it's playtime

I'll wear four air force pairs at the same time

Connect you to my web before giving you some face time

Many a brave knight gave a brave fight

Until I made a dinner plate of his gravesite

In the daytimе, I'm a web designer

Thеn when the night time arrives I get kind of wild

I'm crawling up your wall

Black and hairy, very small

Now I'm up above your head

Hanging by a little thread

Creepy, crawly

Creepy, crawly

Creepy, creepy, crawly, crawly

Creepy, creepy, crawly, crawly

Bull is the Spider (deep)

Look, I'm a giant, ungoliant, a Shelob, an Aragog

An Arukenimon, and I wreck anyone I can, I'm Pog

A self-propelling hairy hand with eight fingers

Wrapped around a pair of scary fangs, ornate pincers

Wait a moment, I must finish up a few things

Wrap up a customer, pick up a couple loose strings

Circadian mood swings change the way I do things

I could lose a few limbs, and just be like: "Oof, cringe"

Went in to the dentist, and I said to them: "My tooth stings"

They didn't find the double entendre, too amusing

And I may not be tall, but when I'm climbing up the walls

Right behind you, you'll be frightened, while you're trying not to fall

Right down into the dungeon, find yourself in a conundrum

Right in time cause I'm inviting you to help me out with luncheon

I'm climbing up your spout

Creepy, crawly

That rain won't wash me out

Creepy, crawly

I'm climbing up your spout

Creepy, creepy, crawly, crawly

Creepy, creepy, crawly, crawly

Your mates won't hear you shout

Bull is the Spider (deep)

I'm a brain on legs, Animated in my Element

And when I'm spitting Venom it's as if I'm Eminem

Picking up the pen again, and dip it in the poison

Liquify your innards, turn your organs into Hoi Sin

So bring your boys in, tell them they'll hurt

With the main course finished, then I'll have them for dessert

Inciting paranoia with a side of violent nausea

Call me Dali or Bunuel, while I'm about to slice your cornea

A primordial killer, debilitating prey

With serrated razor blades dipped in danger mayonnaise

I'll eat you in my own home like a takeaway

So just let the venom penetrate your brain like theta waves

It needn't have to happen in a painful way

So lay awake, breathe, count down from ten, and then fade away

I'm crawling up your wall

Creepy, crawly

Black and hairy, very small

Creepy, crawly

Now I'm up above your head

Creepy, creepy, crawly, crawly

Creepy, creepy, crawly, crawly

Hanging by a little thread

Bull is the Spider (deep)

Well, hello again, friend, I'm a Skeleton

Hopping on your back like Aladdin on an elephant

Accessorising Spiders like a bonewhite petticoat

But we know I'm only here to maximise the SEO

We're just some friendly bros, but to you we're deadly foes

Dropping every flow like a heavy load wherever we go

So let's go, Skeleton, my exoskeleton

Is ready to propel us to the next little fellow

That we find in the mine, digging Redstone

Diamonds, we'll kindly provide him a nice little headstone

Inscribed with the line: "Was alive, now he's dead" LOL


I'm climbing up your spout

That rain won't wash me out

I'm climbing up your spout

Your mates won't hear you shout

Creepy, crawly

Creepy, crawly

Creepy, creepy, crawly, crawly

Creepy, creepy, crawly, crawly

Bull is the Spider. (deep)"

Rimuru: "it was nice and creepy at the same time"

"we can agree on this one"

Raven: "Yea"


Sorry I amdepressed Techno Died

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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