
The blame

The leaders had all gathered, all welcomed by Shu's wives whom were all well dressed; each wearing a dress that fit them.

Ayami wore a blood red dress with the side that showed her back open, down to the start of her waist; her breast weren't as big as the other two women but her figure which was beautifully wrapped by her dress made up for it.

Her black hair was tied on a high ponytail with gold earrings to match her colorful attire and the bit of make up she had on her face.

Emma had a green formal dress with long see through sleeves, and unlike Ayami's dress it was just tight on her upper body and rather loose from her waist and below.

Her curly and long beautiful hair let loose like the lower part of her green dress.

As for Yuyen, she had on a dark pink dress that stretched all the way down to her beautiful and long legs and to her ankles; below her waist the dress would split, revealing the sides of her thick thighs.

Her pink hair was on a big curly bun hanging at the top of her head, with curly strings falling from the sides of her forehead, giving her an innocent yet mature and beautiful look.

" Our husbands will get here soon, in the meantime, please enjoy the food "

Ayami said as she stared at four men who were each sitting side to side on a wide table; food was being served to them by a couple of women dressed in all white.

" Petra did Ean tell you where he was going to be? Because our Shu hasn't said a word to us at all, and since the two are often together maybe knowing where Ean is will give us an idea of where Shu might be "

Yuyen said as she turned to look over at Petra who just like them was wearing a dress; her dress was white, and short, reaching only the ends of her thighs.

Her hair was braided and long, all the way down to her dress, with make up to add to her beautiful appearance and face.

" No he didn't "

Petra replied with simplicity, making Yuyen sigh in irritation just to turn to the other girls, planning to explain the situation to them as well, but before she could the men on the table turned to look at the entrance, seeing two men enter the room.

" Lively meeting huh? "

Shu said as he walked in with a small smile hovering over his face; he wasn't dressed for the occasion at all, he had on blue Pijamas with small pandas all over it.

His hands were in his pockets whilst he walked in.

Ean himself wasn't prepared either but unlike Shu he wasn't as disrespectful, he had a kimono on, though his chest was wide open to see.

But oddly enough, their clothes weren't the first things that the men noticed; but rather the presence and power that these men expressed.

The big man, Ean; expressed a powerful amount of sanctuary energy, if one had to put it in words they'd have to say that they were in the presence of a natural disaster, like an asteroid falling into the sun, his presence was pure destruction.

As for Shu, they noticed something odd; they couldn't sense his sanctuary energy; the only way they could was if they focused hard enough, just to sense a little bit of it but even so, his killing intent was enough.

Shu wasn't aware of the fact that he was releasing his killing intent, but that was because everyone around him got used to it; even his children, so it was never pointed out and he never needed a reason to cloak his killing intent.

But for those who were new: they felt as if they were being dragged down to the depths of hell and it didn't help that Shu had that bastard of a smile on his face.

" Are these the four my love? "

Ean questioned as he looked down at his wife, stretching his right arm out as she just walked toward his, wrapping her arm around his waist, pressing her body against his

" Yes they are; but my love.. "

She pinched his skin, twisting it a bit which made him curl his body to the side, allowing her shorter self to whisper something on his ear

" For important meetings you should be dressed properly "

She would then let go of his skin, making Ean whine a little whilst he rubbed his bruised skin over his clothes.

" Well, let us talk "

Shu said as he walked ahead, dragging one of the chairs out of the table, sitting down as he let out a loud sigh

" Yes let us "

One of the men said, as he adjusted himself, adapting slowly to the presence that these two were releasing

" Before we begin our actual conversation, we want to address a few things "

Another man said as he leaned toward the table, making Shu intrigued, raising an eyebrow, waiting for what the man wanted to share

" The alien invasion caused us a lot of trouble, normally in a situation like that we wouldn't go out of our way to find anything or anyone to blame for it; not that we should, not in these times of war, but word spreads fast and we've been told that the reason for it all was because of two aliens that you're kingdom is keeping save "

The man said as Shu's smile immediately disappeared and his blue eyes locked with the man's eyes

" That's true, though as you know we've taken care of it all, but I know what you want; like you said, someone is to blame, and that is undoubtedly us, so go ahead state what you want "

Shu questioned, pressing his elbow against the table and resting his face on his right hand

" Shu Himura we understand that in the great war your contribution was immense and we are grateful for that, however even though you are a hero your selfish decision caused a lot of destruction and death; thus we feel that it is only right that we ask for something in return.. "

One of the men said as he slowly turned to look over at another man who just stared at Shu

" We want your kingdom to provide full financial and economical support to the four of our countries; in doing this you'll be able to avoid any further punishment from any other kingdom, continent or country, they will have no choice but to view your support as the punishment for your decision, we both win; although you win less.. "

The man explained as Shu just tapped his finger against the table staring at the man with a bored look on his face

" Fine that can be arranged; but let's leave that for after, let us talk about our plans and ideas for our war "

Shu said with an obvious hint of irritation on his face, setting the mood for the rest of the meeting.