

Both Shu and Ean were training together, exchanging blows very slowly.

Shu raised his right hand, carefully raising his fist toward Ean's chin, just for Ean to slowly wrap his hands around Shu's wrists, quickly lifting him up with a quick movement, to then throw him over to the left, allowing him to slide across the ground, just to take a few steps forward, being met by Ean that had appeared in front of him.

Just like before, the two began to exchange blows, very slowly once again, Ean carefully slid his foot in between Shu's legs, whilst taking in a deep breath and slowly moving his palms toward Shu's naked chest, pushing him back a bit.

While the two did that, Dio and his older brother Raven were having an intense battle themselves.

They were moving rapidly, sliding across the clear and empty ground whilst exchanging blows; Raven hurled a punch toward Dio's face, just for the boy to tilt his entire body back, sliding forward to then punch Raven in his gut, sending him backwards whilst chasing after him.

Dio landed two powerful blows on Raven's face, to then use the ends of his toes to leap into the air, doing a few spins just to slam his right foot on his brother's stomach, creating a small crater in the process

" What's wrong Raven, can't keep up!?!? "

Dio yelled, grinning like a little gremlin before slamming his right hand against Raven's head, gripping his face to then hurl him out of the crater, his grin still on his face.

" I let you have a few hits in and all of a sudden you think you're the strongest brother "

Raven said, as he landed on his feet just to dash forward, chasing after Dio, moving so fast for a couple of seconds that the younger boy couldn't keep up, landing a powerful punch into Dio's gut, creating a small burst of wind; the pain making Dio's small body twist.

" Do you see the difference brother? "

Raven whispered, smiling like the childish boy he was, just to then grab Dio by his hair, gripping it tightly to then slam his face against the ground whilst Dio himself tried to regain his breath.

Dio was about to retaliate almost immediately but they were both interrupted by their sister who just glanced at them with her arms crossed

" Mother wants you both back in the house "

Asami said, raising her voice to show them that she was strong just to be looked at by the two with a weird look just to then look back at each other, blink a few times and then shrug, punching each other in the face second after, restarting their battle.

" Fine don't go back to the house, but just so you know, today is the day everyone is gathering "

Asami yelled, sounding annoyed whilst walking away from her two brother who couldn't really care less, as they were too busy fighting each other, their battle becoming intense enough to where blood was coming out of their bodies.

Both Ean and Shu had stopped their training, walking toward a basket where there were a few towels, each grabbed one and wiped their sweat off, just for Ana to interrupt the two

" The meetings today "

She said, making the two men sigh in annoyance just for them to throw their towels over their heads

" Guess we gotta shower "

Shu said whilst placing his hands behind his back, Ean doing the same to then walk forward, following behind Ana who had given them her back, planning to head to Shu's house.

" The meeting is today "

Ayami said, fixing up some liquids in her kitchen, preparing some food for when her husband came home; next to her, or rather, sitting to her side was Petra and Shu's other two wives, chatting with each other

" The meeting? "

Yuyen questioned as Emma just crossed her arms beneath her breasts, making her cleavage pop through her dress

" The meeting of rulers, apparently most of the kings on the human continent and mermaid oceans have survived the alien invasion "

Emma replied, making Yuyen nod a little, getting a small idea of what they meant by meeting, just to turn her face and attention to Petra who decided to explain furthermore

" This meeting will bring about an alliance big enough to fight the demon army in the vampire continent "

Petra added as Ayami just sighed a little, allowing the food that she was cooking to boil up; meanwhile, approaching the girls to make conversation

" The alien invasion has forced us to speed up our attack and plan; due to there being less people in this planet, the number of soldiers naturally decreased, which means that there is less work for Bjorn which means we will be able to attack soon "

Ayami explained, giving a bit more details than the other women whilst leaning against a wall, thinking deeply about the meeting that was coming.

As their conversation went on, both Ean and Shu walked into the bathroom, it was big, big enough to hold at least 20 people; there to be steam everywhere, which they assumed came from the big tub of water in the middle of bathroom.

The two looked at each other, smiled for a few seconds and immediately took off their clothes, jumping into the water, submerging their bodies into the warm and welcoming liquid.

" The meeting is today "

Ean whispered, resting his back against the edge of the tub, looking up at the ceiling to then close his eyes, whilst Shu just thought to himself, just to look over at his friend a few seconds after

" Hopefully by the time the war officially starts, I'll be able to fight again "

He said, in a low tone but loud enough for Ean to hear; Shu placed his hand on his side, pain cruising around his entire body, the way that Sparrow had used his body caused major and excessive damage to his body, but not only that his sanctuary energy and soul were both out of balance, he couldn't fight at all.

" Hopefully.. "

Ean whispered, opening his eyes and looking up at the ceiling once again, something that Shu himself did as well; and the two just sat there, letting the water wash away their sweat.