
Samurai Discover's The True Way

A Samurai loses everything and is disgraced. He encounters a guide who shows him a new way different from the one he has known all his life. Will his path lead to vengeance or peace?

Joshua_Khan_2290 · 現実
15 Chs

Chapter 10: The Hardest Lesson

Takeshi gazed out over the wooded valley, the morning mist swirling around the treetops. A rustling in the brush pulled his eyes downward, and three figures emerged—the leader's assassins had found their trail.

"Go, warn the others," Takeshi said to Jun and Aiko. They hurried away as the attackers closed in. Takeshi raised his hands, keeping his stance open. "Your master's ways bring only suffering. Turn back now and make a new start."

The lead assassin sneered. "Your soft words mean nothing. Our mission is justice, by any means." They charged together.

Takeshi deftly avoided their blows, using their momentum against them. With targeted pressure, he disabled their attacks without injury. Soon all three lay yielding, but the leader's scorn echoed in Takeshi's mind. He helped the men to their feet. "Violence will not cure violence. Your master deals in poison; come, let me show you the path of health instead."

Jun and Aiko found Takeshi alone by the fire that evening, lost in thought. "Vengeance will avail you nothing," Jun said gently. "Look within, where true peace dwells."

"She's right," Aiko added. "Our people need hope, not more darkness. Stay strong in your convictions; that is the greatest weapon against oppression."

Reassured, Takeshi joined the swelling protest in the capital. When violence flared, he shielded the innocent, disarming attackers through skill and restraint. The evidence of wrongdoing spread; justice was served as the leader was detained. At last, Takeshi knew inner peace, having overcome it through righteous means. The people rejoiced, and a new day dawned where all could live as equals under just leadership. Nonviolence had achieved what vengeance never could.

"God is able to take the mess of our past and turn it into a message. He takes the trials and tests and turns them into a testimony." - Christine Caine

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