
Samsara of Equilibrium

The Eternal Cycle has been disturbed. Balance has been lost. The Sword was broken, And The Shield was pierced… The Great Darkness that once carried The Burden was betrayed. Chased and Hunted by the cowards who saw them as a threat! Now, The Era of ‘Peace’ is coming to an end. Choices must be made. Because, Chaos is upon us! Now, Nathan must depart on a journey to recover what was Destroyed… To discover what was buried within History… And to Restore what was once lost…

Sethada · ファンタジー
52 Chs

Chapter 41

After discussing a few more minor details, Nathan and Sophie decided to go and visit The House of Henosis, the orphanage that Nathan had opened, and they would visit it from time to time.

As per usual, they put their masks on, and wore their black robes to hide their identities. They were in sensitive times, and any mistake could cost them greatly.

When they reached the orphanage, they were noticed by one of the kids, who ran inside like a bolt of lightning, shouting in excitement,

"They are here! Big Brother and Big Sister are here!"

The doors were slammed open, as the children ambushed the two, tackling them to the ground and drowning them in cuteness!

"Big Brother! I missed you~" Little Sara squealed adorably

"Yeah! You said you will visit us more often! Hmph!" Another girl tried to act unhappy, but the hidden smile on her face said otherwise

"Big Brother! Teach us how to use swords!" One of the boys asked with anticipation

The older children stood in the back, and waited for the smaller ones to empty their energy.

Nathan was used to their seemingly endless energy at this point, "Alright, alright! I missed all of you too, and I won't be leaving so soon today!" Nathan raised his hands in defeat. He can't resist so much cuteness, especially when they were acting spoiled for him, making him feel like a real sibling to them.

"YAY!!!" The children all cheered in unison.

One of the boys suddenly looked back, "It was just like you said, Headmaster! He fell for it!"

Nathan glared at Headmaster Tallis, who seemed to have suddenly developed a special interest in staring directly at the sun.

"Alright! Everyone, go inside. I will be with you shortly. I have some matters to discuss with Headmaster here."

"Okay!" The children cheered as they went inside.

After the doors closed, Headmaster Tallis' face got incomparably serious, "I believe it has started?"

Nathan nodded, "Do not let the children leave the building. They will become desperate, and I fear that they might attack here as a last resort. So, for the time being, I will be looking after this place personally. We are entering a critical period, and this place is my biggest weakness, which I have become attached to."

Headmaster Tallis agreed, "Indeed. With Young Master here, things should be much safer. I will anonymously inform the other orphanages of the incoming danger."

"Please do. We will be providing them with protection from the shadows, but extra caution is always welcome." Nathan was starting to feel the burden of being a ruler… at least, a little bit. So many things to consider… so many things to look out for…

Nathan and Sophie walked inside, as Sophie whispered to him, "Can we really protect this place?"

"We must. We should spend everything we have accumulated. That way, we should be able to deal with the little pawns they have sent… barely." Nathan also shared her worries. Their foes were Cultivators, but Nathan had faith. He refused to believe a Dragonborn would go down so easily, much less him.

"Yeah! You are right! We trained so much! We can do this!" Sophie's mood was lifted, as they reached the children, and spent the rest of the day with them.

Sophie played hide and seek with them, while also showing them a few tricks using her flames, causing them to be awestruck, inflating her ego.

Nathan also spent some time telling children many interesting stories, but he spent most of his time teaching the boys and girls on how to use various weapon, while also sparring with them, with the others cheering form the side, calling out for him to beat the crap out of his opponents, leaving him speechless. They sold tier own way too easily! How unreliable!

After tiring the children out, Nathan and Sophie decided to sleep with the children for the night, which devolved into an intense round of pillow fights between the boys team, and the girls team!

Nathan and Sophie hit each other with such intensity and viciousness, as if they had a blood feud between them! The children could literally see shock waves! Which was justified, as Sophie had ambushed Nathan and taunted him a bit too hard…

In the end, their pillows burst apart after an heated clash, ending in a tie. After a serious round of scolding from Headmaster Tallis, everyone went back to sleep.

The next day, Nathan sneaked back to his shop, as he didn't want to be seen leaving the orphanage by anyone… at least for now…

After waiting for a while, the much awaited guest finally arrived.

Supervisor Ezra closed the door behind him, as he entered inside, feeling a little anxious, after all, this person had tried to take his life! What truly surprised him, however, was Nathan's age, as he could guess it somewhat from his small build, but he knew better to judge people based on appearances. The world was filled with wonders, after all.

"Greetings Sir. As I had promised, I have answered your call." He showed off his skills, not stuttering once as he spoke, despite his nervousness.

"Greetings, Supervisor Ezra. Take a seat." Nathan offered.

"Please, just Ezra is fine."

"Then, Ezra, as I have told you, I present you with the chance to seek redemption, the question is, how far are you willing to go?" Nathan decided to test him further. The more he learned about him, the more interested he became.

Ezra thought for a moment, "As long as it does not threaten the safety of my family, I am willing!"

Seeing the resolution in his eyes, Nathan nodded in satisfaction, "Good. Then I will present you with your task. Everything depends on yourself. We will provide you with aid, but a mistake could end your life at any moment. On the bright side, however, should you fulfill your part successfully, then the entire problem will be uprooted, without a trace."

Ezra blinked in surprise. He had an inkling on how deep the waters were, but now, he was presented with the chance to play a vital role, and atone for his sins. His parents were normal people, but they made sure to teach him the most important things in life, one of which was having a clean conscious. He was willing to go as far as needed, to remove this black mark in his life.

"Even if it costs me my life, I will see to it that your plan succeeds." Ezra vowed wholeheartedly.

'He looks like a decent person… I will give him a chance then… I wonder how well will he use it…' Nathan decided to see more of his character on a whim. He was interested to find out how will such a person react in tough situations.

"Step forward." The moment Nathan called out, Nitis Emerged from the shadows, and kneeled on one knee.

Nathan turned to Ezra, "I am assigning one of my most trusted subordinates to help you. Do not disappoint me."

Although Ezra couldn't see it, behind his mask, Nathan's pupils glowed with a cyan light, as a mist of energy was constantly emitted, adding a mystical feeling to his presence.

Indeed. Nathan had activated [Reaper's Gaze] from the moment he put his mask on. Actually, it was one of his favorite abilities, which he preferred to keep active at all time, as when he used it, he felt as if he was a blind person, seeing the world for the first time. As if his vision has always been clouded, but now, that veil was gone, allowing him to see the world in a new color.

All this time, he had been staring directly at Ezra's soul. He could see the nature of his soul, as well as detect if he uttered any lies, which he had not.

One of the spacial abilities of his new eyes, was actually seeing Souls! Although it was limited by the strength of his own Soul. Now, as long as he willed it, he could catch a glimpse on the Souls of those who are incapable of hiding their Soul from his Gaze, just like Ezra.

This also made it almost impossible for anyone to sneak up on him! The moment they enter the range of his perception, they would be detected without fail! His special Soul made it so his actual strength is above his Cultivation!

Nathan sent Ezra and Nitis away, but he himself stayed behind. It would be too suspicious if he left right now, and he could sense a few gazes lingering on the entrance of his shop.

At night, Nathan returned to the orphanage, ready for his new round of strengthening. He could vaguely feel that a clash was imminent, and whenever he activated [Reaper's Gaze], the feeling would only intensify.

'Must be premonition from my own Soul…' He speculated.

He decided to stay up for the night and keep watch, and sent Sophie to stay with the children, as he opened his System,

'Let's hope our efforts so far help us push through…'