
Saints: Vol 1

Story filled with allot of mystery, action and romance it for the mature audience, filled with allot of mythology history and characters   Is this really the end for me?, a question I really didn't ask myself until now, I failed her, I lost, I can still remember her face even in this time of demise, those beautiful vibrant sunflower hair that reaches down to her waist, those eyes of dark blue that gave a genuine glare, a smile that worth the world.....I-I will not see them again.....I'm.....Sorry

Steve_Mcgaw_3996 · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Chapter 1: Genesis

  Is this really the end for me?, a question I really didn't ask myself until now, I failed her, I lost....I can still remember her face even in this time of demise, that beautiful long hair that reaches down to her waist, those eyes of warmth, care and protection hat gave a genuine glare, a smile that worth the world.....I-I will not see them again.....I'm.....Sorry

Few Months back:

Everything began when the new girl starting the University it was unexpected not because it was so late to do a transfer but that this girl was Dinah Tomoe Gozen, the daughter of one of the Elite family of the New world, a hundred years ago the world met it doom with the Third World War,  it was so devastating, continents sank below the ocean and some lands are still fill with radiations, as for mankind have only three continent remaining and now five countries reside on them: New States, San Tokyo, Las Beijing, New Korea and Grand Kingdom, all govern by the new rulership thanks to the top elite of the world.

Musk University, the top University in the whole world, created by the richest family in the world, the school size massive and filled with snobs and trust fund dummies, I was an exception, I got in, thanks to my genius and great alethic talents and I that I wanted to be by my  Bestfriend side when he graduates.

Dinah had already capture all the males eyes with her unrivaled beauty, and sexy curvaceous body, she had T cup breast size, and a firm butt, that shove her skirt out, all eyes where glue on her, the males already drooling like some pervert while the females all watch also feeling inferior to such beauty.

After introducing herself she took a seat right beside me, as I was also grabbed by her beauty, still I gave her no attention, looking through the class window with my usual bored and grumpy face.

After class Kuma, my best friend came to my class, A chubby male, tall in height but despite his size, he was a lover not a fighter, being the chill one of us two. "Anu, heard that Dinah Gozen, is in your class is that true?" He question, looking around trying to see the stunning female, I only sighed, getting up from my seat "Are we going for lunch or, your going to simp over another cute girl" I state, reminding him, that he is just another commoner to these upper class dweebs.

"Oh, yeah I'm starving" He pat his stomach, with a smile, so off we went for lunch, walking we saw the new girl being tormented by Saki KU, one of the bullies of the University.

"Let me go!" Argued Dinah, trying to pull her hand away from his grip "Come on, don't you want someone to grope those breast for you" He smirked perversely.

Everyone around only watched, and chatted, they wouldn't consider to help the damsel in distress, reason there fear towards Senju Musk. Whose he?, He's apart of the wealthiest family in the world the Musk's, making him one of the most important student in the entire University, but how does he comes in all of this, he's the leader of the Gokudō Gang, they claim to run the entire school and Saki is a member of such gang.

"I said let me go" Dinah yelled, before slapping Saki across his face, enraging the male whom was about to retaliate to hit the female, raising his right hand to slap the girl.

He was stopped by me, "That's enough now Saki" I stated a bit nonchalantly, gripping his wrist, his surprise quickly change to pain as I squeeze his wrist "Arghhh" He yell falling to his knees in agony "A-Anu?! What the hell man?" He groan.

I ignored him having my eyes on the platinum blonde girl, as she stared back at me holding her slightly wailed wrist "Are you ok?" She answer in a calm but grateful tone "Yes I am"

"Let me go Anu, your messing with the wrong..." but before he could finish I squeeze his hands more staring to crack his bone "Arghhhh!" He scream more "Now apologies you dumb fuck" I order which he quickly oblige "I-I'm so sorry" He cried tears, I let go of him causing him to fall to the floor holding his now shattered wrist.

"Now I'll take my leave" I said, about to turn away, the girl quickly said "Wait! What's your name?"

"Huh?...I'm Anu Trimurti" I change my focus back to her, "I'm Dinah Gozen, you already know who I am I assume"

"Yeah" I slightly smile, as she reveal a faint blush "I would love to chat, but my friend over there is starving so we can talk later" before I could make my move she asked to join.

And so the three of us went for lunch.


In the realm of Purgatory, a prisoner escaped from the hellish prison, elude from the clutches of the Wardens', the escapee fought for freedom taking down whomever tried to stop the get away, using fast reflex to doge the blows and very agile body to flee with every opportunity, finally being paused by Gyes, one of the Hecatoncheires', the Elite guardian's of Purgatory, he easily stopped the escapee with a kick to the stomach, causing the prisoner to fall a few meters back, revealing that it was a female. Gyes grabbed her by her throat with his massive hand lifting her off the floor. 

"Fylgja, you dare try to leave your lifetime imprisonment, I thought you were much smarter than this? you shall suffer a fate worst than death for your infertile action" The heavily voice of the guard spoke, choking the captive cat ears girl, as she gasp for air, he was then hit from behind by an blow that only caused smoke and some small scars, he turn his head only to see Vulcan, the man that forge weapons for the wardens of Purgatory, He was once referred as a god of forge, now a slave to the realm, for his crime against the law of the gods, strip of his powers only had is vast knowledge in forging weapons.

"Vulcan, you dare attack me" Gyes gazed at him with his bright red eyes, that glowed maliciously. 

Vulcan held a sword in his hand, trembling in fear from the powerful aura letting off from Gyes, grinning he tossing Fylgja aside, as she cough from almost being strangled to death.

Vulcan looked over at Fylgja "Go now!, the portal is clos---" but before he could finish, his chest was breach, Gyes using his great speed, to send his massive hand in Vulcan chest ripping his heart out, as blood run out his mouth he still manage to speak "T-T-The gods will f-fall" He laughed coughing on his own blood before falling to his death, by that time Fylgja used the last of her strength and made a final escape, trying to find the portal so she can get out of Purgatory.

Back at The Ephemeral Realm:

Anu, Dinah and Kuma sat together having lunch, the rumors already started to spread that, Anu and Dinah must be a item, because I never protects no one else but Kuma, but I didn't care and Dinah seem not to either,

I was about to bite on my sandwich when Dinah asked "So you two been friends a long time?"

looking over at her not getting the chance to bite my sandwich "Eh, from I can remember we been close"

"Yeach wechre berch french" Kuma swallowed the massive chicken leg meat he was chewing on "He protected me since we were in middle school, since then we been friends"

"Oh" Dinah was surprised, as she never had any actual friends, growing up being a child of an elite family, she only interact with other elite family but on business purposes, that's what she told us.

"So what made the daughter of the Gozen family made such a late Transfer?, don't an Elite family of your status have your own personal teachers?" I pop a question, this question took Dinah by surprise as she took a while to reply "Well I always had an interest with the Musk University, its the biggest and the most prestige University in the world, my dad didn't like the idea for me to attend, but since lately he been really busy, so I made one of my Ladies Maid Register me, and now here I am, plus I don't see the big deal so many family that even more powerful than the Gozen attend this University" 

Not expecting such an answer I stared at her, but quickly breeze it off with a shrug "Parents will be parents I guess"

Suddenly Dinah phone rang, she answer it very quickly, whoever was on the phone with her seem to only spoke a few words. Soon as she answer she hang up, and quickly got up "I have to go, something came up" she spoke rushing off, making Kuma and I curious, but Kuma states "The busy life of a noble eh"

I watch in silence as I knew something was up, something about her story seems a bit off, But still I didn't made much about it as I proceed to consume my sandwich.

Dinah on the other hand was already out of school, she manage to leave despite school was still in session, she was running towards the town, which a loud explosion was heard by her, grabbing her attention, followed by a loud scream of terror, making her way to the scene only to be greeted by a massive red creature that resembles a frog, huge in size standing over a woman who was on the floor eyes widen in fear, while the other people around her seem to not see the mutated beast, they surrounded the woman curious of her behavior.

"Is she getting insane?" Some wondered,

"Must be the heat" Some suggested 

"Crap a Class A2 Demoniod" Dinah mumbled to herself, "I have to help" she clench her fist, before finally transforming into her Hero Form, as a silver armor became her attire, her boots were of same shine, as a tall red cape form behind her, and a scabbard with a silver sword form to her left side.

She quickly moved off, as the frog like creature open its massive mouth as its snake like long tongue creep out to grab the woman and swallow her up, but luckily Dinah came to rescue slicing the creatures tongue causing it the let out a massive croak stepping back. Dinah landed with her sword in her right hand she looked back at the woman slightly "Are you ok?" She asked,

The still frighten woman nod, speechless of what was happening, The frog tongue would reattach back as it was ready to fight against Dinah, But Dinah instead of fighting, made a run, fledging the scene as the creature chased after her, she wanted to get the mortals out of danger, despite them not able to see the creature, The creature tail her into the forest, when she then made a stop turning to her surprise, The toad came at her instantly with a swing of it's long tentacle like tongue which she manage to evade moving out its way, suddenly a powerful yellow aura covered her, she moved off slashing the beast with her sword, but her attack was a failure, The frog would heal almost instant using its tongue to hit her away then grabbing her by the leg lifting her up to swallow her up, her sword now fell out her hand falling to the floor, but what shook her the most, she saw me standing over her weapon,I kneel and took it up.

"I knew something was off" I spoke lifting her sword up

"What! you can see the demoniod!" She was deeply surprised of the revelation,

"That's what these things are called, I always thought I was the only one could see these monsters"

"Love to talk more but I need my sword" Dinah cried out as the frog was about to devour her, I only teased her resting the sword on my shoulder "Tell me what are you?" I question with a serious face, "What?!" the question shock Dinah.

"What are you some form of Alien?, what are these things monsters?"

"I can't tell you that now help me out!" She was almost at the Frog's mouth "Sorry wrong answer" I calmly answered, realize I was willing to have her killed she finally gave in "I'll tell you everything just help me!" She begged.


"YES PROMISE!" the frog already had half of her inside it's mouth but in a instant, the frogs head would be slashed off clean, while her sword glowed in my hand, my speed was so fast even Dinah didn't realise but in the end I savedDinah and also killed the frog in the process, Dinah fell to the ground, where the dead frog would instantly turn into a black mist and fade in the wind.

"How did you do that?" She question me, slowly getting up,

"What you mean?" I answer not knowing what she's talking about "How did you kill it in one blow?, How did you even know its head was its weak spot?"

I stood digging my left ear out "I told you already, I've seen these creatures before and I killed them before too, since I was a child maybe around nine" Hearing that shook the girl, I then point the sword at her "Now your part of the barging princess, speak up"

Dinah sighed "I'm what you called..." but before she could finish a voice came from the shadow it was man muscular and short in height, he had a ruff brown beard and same color scruffy hair, his eyes bright as the sun "A Hero" he said walking to the two, Dinah then swiftly disarm her sword and trip Anu on his back now pointing her sword tip under my neck "Captain Dragoon?!, why are you here?" She query, why a captain would be here of all places.

"I was the one that summon that frog demon" He admit, shocking the two "Rumors was going around a kid with unimaginable skill was taking on Demoniods without a Kami No Buki (Divine Weapon), I had to see if it was true" He looked at Anu and smiled "Glad to see the myth is of reality"

"Wait? What? this was some form of test?"

"Yes" Captain Dragoon nod "Free the boy" he ordered, Dinah looked down at me who stared back at her, as she "Grrr" her sword vanish into sparkles of light so did her armor, returning to her uniform, I would get up now dusting myself off.

"So boy, you now know about our secret organization now do want to Know more about us Hero?" The commander query I only replied with a smile and a Hell yeah.



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