
Saints: Vol 1

Story filled with allot of mystery, action and romance it for the mature audience, filled with allot of mythology history and characters   Is this really the end for me?, a question I really didn't ask myself until now, I failed her, I lost, I can still remember her face even in this time of demise, those beautiful vibrant sunflower hair that reaches down to her waist, those eyes of dark blue that gave a genuine glare, a smile that worth the world.....I-I will not see them again.....I'm.....Sorry

Steve_Mcgaw_3996 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: Heroes of Faith

Captain Dragoon would bring me and Dinah through a portal to a place they called Chiron, the home of the Hero Clan, upon reaching my eyes widen in great surprise seeing so many people training with swords, some talking and some meditating it was like a camp for solders but it was on a more magical scale, fire were coming from some weapons and auras around some it was like an training camp deep within a forest hidden from the real world.

While we walked I asked a few questions curious of everything that been happening "That creature?.. what was it?"

"It's called an Demoniod, animals that are corrupted by a force called Dark Moxie, very impure energy, came from centuries ago from the first demon king attack, you see this clan was made in the fifteen centuries sole purpose to keep creatures of demonic heritage at bay"


"Yes my boy, as rare as they are demons are real, so are gods and angels"

hearing so stunned me, I felt jaw dropped of such revaluation, why? I didn't have much belief in gods or angels despite growing in a religious' home.

We made it to a cabin, it was the biggest cabin of all the cabin's in the whole camp, it was made by wood but it was massive in size the width was no different and by the door way was a flag with a crescent moon on it, walking up the staircase reaching the red painted door. captain Dragoon knock three time, with only the respond recieved was the opening afterhe stopped, we all enter walking in, a man sitting behind a desk. Hair of silver and eyes shining yellow, his right eye covered by a monocle he sat writing in his book, didn't even looked up at us even when we reach directly Infront of the desk.

We stood in silence for a while, it was short but felt so long before he finally spoke "This the boy?" He question, The Captain answered "Yes I have to say, he is more interesting than I thought"

Hearing that he looked up slightly eyeing the captain before shifting his attention to me, he groan a little before he spoke "Dinah why don't you show Anu around" He suggested, but what shook me how did he know my name by just looking at me.

Dinah nod "Yes Sir" walking off, with me tailing behind her.

The two men was left in the office to speak...Dinah took me out of the Cabin, reaching outside she let out a sigh of relief mumbling "I never wanted to do that again" I looked at her lifting a brow "What's so scary about what just happen" I think loudly didn't know I didn't just think it I also said it, Dinah looked over at me "I forgot you can't sense Moxie energy yet"

"Moxie energy?" I became curious of this moxie energy I've been hearing about, while walking I query "What is Moxie ?"

She replied with a slight annoyed tone "Moxie is a the mixture of spiritual life force and Nature Energy one with a high enough Spiritual Force and great understanding of Nature Energy will unlock the first stage of Moxie control that's the awakening stage"

Hearing her explanation I repeat under my breathe "Awakening huh?"

That's when my attention was pulled by two warriors sparing with weapons of swords, I gaze over at them giving the match my full attention, I was already interested in swords since I was a boy even taking up Kendo and did fencing for about two years.

I watch the two warriors swords clashes together, drawing in attention on them, it was obvious that the ocean blue hair male was going to be triumphant over his opponent, as both got hit back by there sword colliding, the blue hair male smirks slightly as his opponent sword let of a spark of yellow electricity, this was amazing! was that the power of Moxie, his eyes filled with rage as he came straight for a wining blow but the blue hair male was much faster. He easily evade the strike, moving out of the way before slashing his opponent with his sword on the chest.

In the end the loser fall while the victor was obviously the blue hair guy, the crowd began to cheer his name "Leo! Leo! Leo!"

Dinah then appear beside me "I see Leo grabbed your attention, he's one of the best Hero's of our generation being the last heir to the Firstborn family"

I shrug her off saying "No I was more interested in the swords there usuing, and how they used it to fight it's amazing" hearing that surprised her, I could tell by how she reacted almost lifting her brow.

Leo spotted Dinah and walked over to us "Whose the neophyte?" He eyed me for a split second before focusing on Dinah, she answered his question "His name is Anu"

"Anu huh?" He notice me looking at his sword "You know how to use one?"

"I can do fairly well" I tried not to boast,

"Eh really what you say about you show me your skills then?"

"Eh I don't want to take away your fame" I now boast.

Chuckling at my word Leo then smiled "I can't even sense your Aura, I doubt you even have a Kami No Buki " hearing that I remember Captain Dragoon saying that before.

"For your information I took down a Demoniod using Dinah's "

Hearing that amuse Leo "You can't use someone else Devine Weapon! That's impossible"

Dinah tired of the bickering finally intervene, but I know she was only upset of what I've said, "Stop all this chattering!, Anu you will not fight Leo and Leo leave Anu alone, he's new, last thing we need is for you to show him up"

"Come on Dinah just a little sparring" He stare directly at me, his face reveal a crooked smile "I promise I wont kill him", he seemed very confident in his skills, but little he knew watching his fight earlier I had seen his sword style it was good but needed a little work it was a bit sloppy when it comes to defense, giving so many clear spots but his attacking skills were much better, then again he had control over moxie that would give him the upper hand, I started to think even more....

He then finally gave a solid proposal "Fine what about we spar without using our Moxie isn't that fair enough" I smiled at the idea "No!" Dinah protest, but I finally spoke up for myself "Sure lets do it"

"See, now Dinah let him showcase his skill" Dinah sighed as she realize there was no way to change our minds we were both stubborn as nail.

So the sparring commence, we were given regular swords to combat with, I held it tightly with my hand my eyes planted on my blue hair opponent, he came at me vicious like a wild animal, sound of clang echoed as the blades meet, he was ferly strong, stronger than I anticipated, his blows did not ease, but my quick reflex helped me with deflecting my eyes were sharp as well, grand pa always said a quick eyes are better than quick hands, I was trying to analyze his movements waiting for the right chance, the best moment to take him down, but he wouldn't quit, he kept on coming, I final receive my chance finally slashing his upper belly area, stepping back in shock didn't expect I would get the first strike, I smiled teasing him.

"It's not over" He came at me at much higher speed, taking the upper hand slashing my right cheek, causing me to ease back this time, feeling the blood running, he looked at me back with a daring smile "Your not bad neophyte!" 

"I wish I could say the same for you" I respond getting him more pissed off, "Cocky aren't you!" he came at me with a fast attack, but I was much quicker, now understanding his fighting patterns, moving out his way and using my elbow hitting his nose, while I spin kicked his sword out his hand causing it to land meters away from him, before he could move my blade tip was already pointed to him "No sudden move cowboy" 

The fight had came to an end, not even realizing that the whole camp was watching us they all looked in awe, not even expecting the outcome

"I never expected to see Leo Lose" some commented

"This new guy got skills" others remarked, couldn't accept defeat Leo summon his Devine sword, a longsword, with black handle with golden diamonds engrave, his blade was shiny silver, looking new and scratch free, he quickly gave me a side kick to the chest sending my to the ground falling on my back, with my weapons fluttering away from my clutches, he came at me with irrational thoughts, leaping to the sky his sword blade burst with massive blue flames he yelled "Tatewari king slash!" about to kill me I froze unable to move hearing Dinah Voice yelling "NO LEO!" just in time I was saved by captain Dragoon, appearing in the right hour, he blocked the powerful attack using his massive Battle Axe, the place was silent until the heavy smoke settles, revealing my shocking save, Captain Dragoon entire body glowed with orange aura.

Quickly realizing his move, He slowly calm down, Breathing a bit high not because of the intense battle but more on the realisation he had to push more than he should against a neophyte like me,his sword vanish in lights of sparkle, standing straight he looked at the captain before glancing over at me I could see the disappointment in his eyes, the anger and I knew this was the starting of some great rivalry.

"I think that's enough for the day" Captain Dragoon states, and I agreed with him.