
Sacrifice Support

Waking up stranded on an island filled with mythical creatures was one of the many things Xavier Thomas never would have saw coming. Though he dreamed of transmigrating, never in a million years would he have thought it to be possible. Yet here he was, lost in an unfamiliar world, vastly unprepared for the trials he may face. Or at least that would have been the case if he had made it off the beach. You see, Xavier was happy before his transmigration. He had money, women, prestige. There was nothing he lacked, and unlike those welps who whined about money not equating to happiness, he reveled in his wealth like a nouveau riche. He was on top of the world, and like a light being switched off, he was snatched away from his happiness. His life was thrown into darkness. So what did he do when he woke up and saw giant lizards bathing in the sun, two moons fully visible in the midday sky, and trees the size of skyscrapers in the far distance? I’m sure you can guess, right? Unfortunately for Xavier, death didn’t free him of his fate. In fact, it reinforced it. ‘’Hello! Welcome to the Inter-dimensional Revitalization Association. My name is KYS-N008 and I’ll be your boss for the duration of your employment.’’ ‘’F***!’’ And so starts the very, very unfortunate life of one Xavier Thomas. God of Martyrs ——————————————————————————— This is a pilot. Just think of it like a oneshot.

SillyShouUnderSilk · SF
2 Chs


Xavier's eyes slowly opened as he came to his senses. Still sluggish from a wild night of partying, a cool breeze was stimulating his body—the breeze carrying with it the smell of the ocean.


'The smell of the ocean?' Xavier thought. Looking around only to notice that he wasn't in his bed, cuddled up next to his girlfriend. Instead, he was covered in sand, lost on a beach. The first thought coming to his mind is that this is some prank. Indeed his girlfriend and friends banded together for an elaborate joke, right? Unfortunately, one look at the water cascading onto the beach's bright sand dispels that theory.

The water was crystal clear—a stark contrast to the muddy brown water of Lake Michigan he was used to seeing every morning.

"Oh f***, this isn't Chicago, is it?"

A look of horror crosses his face. A terrifying thought was nibbling at the back of his head.

'What the hell is happening?!'

He observed a sea of boulders further down the shore and saw something straight out of a fantasy film—a giant iguana-like creature bathing in the sun. In the sky, behind it, hung two moons fully visible.

He knew what this meant; he transmigrated. Somehow, someone or something transported him to some mythical land with only the clothes on his back.

"oh no." Fear overtook him. He collapsed to the ground, and... cried.

"Oh, God. Oh my f***ing God! I had a perfect life, dammit!" He looked towards the sky and bellowed. Everything was taken from him, and he didn't know who to blame.

Just one look further past the beach revealed to him a forest of green giants. Trees, breaking past the clouds, reaching for the heavens. His breath hitched at the sight.

'No!' Was the first thing that came to his mind. 'F*** no!' Was the second.

Xavier stood on two shaky legs and broke out into a sprint towards the crashing waves. In a fit of mania, he jumped in, swimming as hard as he could. The waves seemed to get more violent the faster and more robust his strokes became; Appearing as if they wanted to bring him back to the shore.

He exhaled all the air in his body and dove as deep as he could. He was still using all the strength he could muster.

'This is a nightmare. It's not real. It's not real.'

He inhaled as much water as his body would let him.


And if it was? Who gives a shit! I'd rather die now than get eaten by some bullshit prehistoric beast!

Xavier felt his mind fog up as his sight darkened. The nightmare was over. He would wake up in his bed, in the embrace of his girlfriend, ready for another fulfilling day.


Hub-Customization Ward

In a room completely void of darkness, a ball of light floated around without obstruction. A second ball of light, this one faded and dull, appeared in front of it and began to speak.

"Hmm, you must be my new sla-ahem! My new employee. Quite the powerful soul you got there. Kekeke, perfect for the tasks ahead." The faded light circled its vibrant counterpart, observing its past. "Oh my, didn't even try to survive, yet had no fear when it came to killing yourself. Someone isn't as well adjusted as they think they are. Let's see, comes from old money, enjoys indulging in a hedonistic lifestyle, decent smarts. Quite a life. Too bad you'll have to leave it all behind."

The vibrant light flickered and seemed to shine brighter as it morphed into a humanoid shape. The light faded and revealed a beautiful black-haired child. The child opened his eyes revealing two light brown eyes that shined with strands of green.

"Good. Now I just gotta jump-start the soul and…voila!"


Hub-Consultation Sector

"Xavier Thomas. Age: 24, race: Human, origin: Earth, Soul Strength: B+. Do you know why your here, Mr. Thomas?" A tall brown-skinned woman with eyes made of fire glared down at the agent she was tasked to accompany.

Xavier slowly looked up and narrowed his eyes.

"Do you want the real answer, or the nice answer?"

The woman stared down at him for a moment then sighed. "I would prefer the real answer, Xavier." She said.

Xavier dropped his head and began sulking. " F*** if I know."

The woman was too stunned to speak. Never before has she received an agent like this. Usually they're pitiful creatures whining at her feet, begging to be brought to salvation.

Focusing on the task at hand, she narrowed her eyes, the amber fire within them burning brighter. "You were sent to that island for an evaluation. Seeing as you didn't even attempt to survive, we are left to believe you are not worthy of the spot you once possessed."

She tapped at a device on her wrist prompting a virtual screen to appear. "This, Xavier Thomas, is why you are here."

Xavier looked at the evaluation that had suddenly appeared in front of him and blinked. 'Wait! That isn't the point!'

He glared at the woman and stood to his maximum height (which wasn't much). "Listen here lady, I've just been kidnapped from my home, brought to some mythical island, and then woke up here in this…" He looked around noticing the distinct lack of walls. "This…space, dammit. I have no idea what the hell is going on, and I definitely don't know who you are. So if you want me to give even the slightest inclination that I might care about this evaluation, an explanation would do wonders."

The woman broke out into a fit of laughter. She couldn't help it. This human was too interesting after all.

A brilliant smile blossomed on her face and she began to speak in a much softer tone. "You, Xavier, are quite the interesting man. Or should I say boy?" She chuckled and rested a palm on his head.

"Very well. You shall have your explanation, but not from me. No, you'll be talking with someone who will be with you for the countless eons to come."

Xavier looked up at the woman, even more confused than before. "What the hell are you even talk-" Before he could finish his sentence he heard a deep voice speak into his mind, followed by a rush of information.

''Hello host! Welcome to the Inter-dimensional Revitalization Association. My name is KYS-N008 and I'll be your companion for the duration of your employment.''

Xavier's face paled as the information assimilated itself into his brain. He looked at the woman and gazed into her flaming eyes. She nodded her head, confirming whatever he was about to ask her.

"You mean…you…wait…no no no no."

He slowly sat down and put his head between his hands. Today had quickly become the absolute worst day he had ever had. "F**K"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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