
SACREDs: The Chosen Ones

The prophecy stated of a doom rising and ending the whole magical world. For that to be stopped, four beings were chosen to wield and manipulate the four powerful life diamonds and fight against the coming doom. However, the villain sometimes is not the villain, it’s the broken hero.

Snow_Writer · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Uncovering- Chapter 3

Chapter three




Somewhere in North California woods.

They ran faster not because they were scared, but for the fun of it. They ran looking back to taunt those chasing them. Both are a boy and a girl, the icy white haired boy and the red auburn brown hair girl.

Both ran with no particular place in their mind, legs clapping against the ground. "This is getting bored, should we just kill them?" The girl asked stopping on her tracks looking at her brother.

They're siblings, they look like twins because they look so much alike, they look the same age, they must be twins, they're definitely twins.

"And what fun would that be if we do that?" He asked back also stopping.

"No fun! But they'd probably be thinking we're weak!" She whined looking like a real child.

"They're humans, what do you expect?" He replied picking a scent to look like, he sniffed gazing around.

"C'mon! You can't smell a food, we're still young, even though our wolf came out early, we're still young for all this." She said not noticing what her brother is noticing.

He sensed instead, looking around and wondering why those chasing them hasn't catch them yet. Quietly his ear pick up an airy movement, leaves rustles confusing the sound.

Like a flash he stood with his sister building a ice wall around them as series of arrows shot straight inside the wall. The girl gasped shocked by what's going on. "How could they want to kill us, we did nothing wrong?" She said in a whisper.

"We did nothing than stole their foods, collect their money, that's nothing!" He replied her sounding sarcastic.

"Well now we'd take their lives!" She said with sudden unknown anger burning through her eyes.

"I don't care but they're innocent, we hurt them actually, but.." he was cut short by her sister's next action.

She walk through the wall, her fire melting down the ice, looking around for her prey, arrows were shot against her but all burn to ashes before they near her. Like a wildfire her anger grow for not finding them quickly, looking deep into the woods she sighted them, where they were hiding, grinning she descend there, touching and burning them all into ashes.

Returning back to his brother. "Do you feel better now?" He asked sounding plain.

"Yes I do and no I don't, I miss Crystal!" She pouted.

"Don't care, just remember she was among those who later poured you what I don't wanna mention," he replied nonchalantly.

"I never confronted her, please let go back and let me go ask why?"

"You must be stupid! Of course, you are, because I solely remember what you did, a whole no! We must continue on our search of finding why we're different, what makes us different, how exactly we're different! Do we even know anything about our past!" He said sounding firm and confused, he paced around looking tense.

"As fun as what you just said sound, I can't help but think of the food we have left in that bag and how sleeping on the floor makes me sick!" She grimaced with her face turning sour.

"Let continue…"


A battle field! Me and this three more people! Two girls and a boy! Their back facing me, our actions I can't tell. But I can feel the energy around us, I can tell we should be together.

The deadly field filled with dead souls and skulls, the dark cloud ranging color from red to dark orange, unknown shadows trailing round the field.

Am in a trance, I'm seeing all this, but why! Why am I seeing all this, I only wanna know who I am.

Suddenly the second boy among us turned totally facing me, I can see his handsome face, his icy white hair shiny under the dark clouds, suddenly it feels like am in his mind, I start knowing his memories till I know he's alive and somewhere in a place called Human world he termed it in his mind. What or who are humans!?

He turned back as the red haired girl beside him turn also looking at me, her eyes shunning red, they glow fire even in trance, having same access to her mind I can see where she is and some of her funny memories, and that she's with the second boy. Who are these people? Why are my seeing them?

Same process applied with the last one, and she's different, I see her somewhere familiar, and her memories I don't know, I don't see them.

I also turned suddenly, looking at myself I watch as my eyes turned black and dark fogs gather quickly around me, in shock I gasp waking up from the trance.

Who are those people? Something is in me? Something lives in me.

My mom is a witch, my dad is normal, he lost his powers, he's a psychic but lost his powers on I don't know. I did it again and this time it worked but on another thing, I created same image of them but not where I existed, before I was born.

And how mom was happy with my two elder siblings I don't know their whereabouts also, it was such a nice family, I'm glad am born to that family but where are they now? If they're alive am gonna find them? I'm gonna make us one again!

Since dad lost his powers when they had me, then it only means I inherited mom witchy genes, so maybe I should be able to cast spells. Recalling a spell a witch once said in my presence, I decided to use it to clear my doubt.

Positioning the object, "Phetae!" I muttered as the object flew across the room hitting the wall. Am a witch! Or a mage! Or whatever!

Wait did I just find out who I am!

I'm damn happy!!!!!! I ran out of my room heading straight to the palace, I just couldn't wait to share my discovery with her. I imagine myself there already because of how eager I am to be there, and it was then I discover new powers like teleportation because I'm truly there right now. Me discovering myself this way is too easy, have been trying to know what I am since literally six years and in between three days I suddenly know who I am.

Arriving straight in the throne room, there she sat in deep thought, I don't know what she's thinking about even tho I wish to find out. And boom I suddenly can hear her talking even though her mouth isn't moving, I can hear thoughts also, it explain why I have access to those I saw minds.

"Mom I know who I am now!" I called happily, she said I should be calling her mom and it felt good doing so, it makes me feel I still belong somewhere at least or with someone.

"Huhh?" She asked snapping back to reality.

"I said am a witch!" I smile brightly at her.

She arched a confusing brow trying to finger out what I mean, not wasting time I showed her by moving one of the standing guards rod. She beamed coming down, placing both palm on my cheek. "I'm proud of you!" She said with a big smile.

So I'm a witch huhh!


Again his eyes turn white, with his head pushed backward and forward he raised saying. "She's here, you should find her, where the lowest and biggest lurk, there she walk, afraid she is, you must take her in, find her now!" He said before passing out again.

Her face scrunching up, taking in what he just said. Lowest and biggest lurk!? There she walk! Afraid! Who is afraid? Who is she? Where is she?

Lowest and biggest lurk everywhere she believes, does that mean the girl is around here.

He groaned before standing up and asking what happen, guessing he passed out again he asked the queen what he said. The queen surprised asked how he knew he said something, he replied saying that is not the first time that has happened to him.

Telling him what he said he place a finger on his cheek trying to decipher the word. His face lit up, he remembered something, upon all the three minds and people he saw, one only he saw in a familiar place, somewhere around here.

Looking around and using his mind to shut the palace door, the queen asked what he's about doing he replied "help of cos."

Sitting down with legs crossed again, he traveled in astral around ARCHEDEON, settling his mind on one thing, the girl's face and long black hair. Unconsciously, "Nimue! Nimue! I call on you, show yourself," he muttered softly sounding low.

He found himself in the lonely forest, the leave unpleasant sound hitting his ear, looking around he found her sited with legs curled up and face buried in her knees, her long hair covering her small body.

"I'm Kale, and I'm here to help you!" He said hoping he sound normal. She raised up looking at him, seeing she had no option she tried collecting Kale's outstretched arm but couldn't.

Remembering he's there though mind he said to her. "I will come back for you, stay right here, I will come in person okay!" The girl nodded and watch him disappear.

The girl looking around picked on her race thinking the enemies found her and is still after her.

To be continued….

A/N: I hope you're all understanding.