
SACREDs: The Chosen Ones

The prophecy stated of a doom rising and ending the whole magical world. For that to be stopped, four beings were chosen to wield and manipulate the four powerful life diamonds and fight against the coming doom. However, the villain sometimes is not the villain, it’s the broken hero.

Snow_Writer · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Kale Lane- Chapter 2

Chapter two

(Kale Lane)


Heavy rains shot harshly down from the sky, thunder drums raged loudly against the dark clouds. The whoosh heard from the waves crashing harshly towards the shores, an heavy tide raising above the water up descending back down with it kissing the thunder.

Her breathe rushing as she swam for her life, she swam glancing back every minute to see those who are after her life. Enhanced dark sirens, sent to take her life, because she's the princess, the one and only heir to the throne of SEALDAHTIS, the heart realm of the whole ocean.

She had no powers, or they' were hidden because she couldn't fought back when they first attack her, she swam faster ducking the sea weeds flowing lightly on her way.

Unfortunately they caught up with her, holding her down one raised to deep her claw full nails in her heart when she screamed, she screamed in fear, the scream sending the whole sea on edge, the scream at once bursting the three sirens into pieces.

In fear she swam up, reaching the dark surface still with the rain droplet kissing the ground, her tail faded into legs, it her first time coming to or seeing the surface. Not surprise of how everything is happening to her she ran deeper in the woods in front of her, naked, thinking more enemies are still behind her.

Leaving the sea vicinity the sky suddenly go back to normal, the sea balancing well like it was never angry.


I groaned sitting up from my resting position, as it turns out since I passed out yesterday I haven't waked up. My brain recurring how it all happened, sourness displaying on my face as well. What's wrong with me?

My past? That I don't know.

All I know or was told is that I was found alone, wrapped with my tiny fingers wiggling, my tears ringing round the deadly woods.

All my life have never fit in, or maybe I don't just don't fit in. I was thrown out or executed from my suppose class because they don't know who I am.

Am a 16 years old demon as everyone termed me, but to me am the unknown Kale Lane brought up by the queen herself. She help all the way she can finding who or what I am for me but it all seem too hidden and deep we found nothing.

I start schooling here when I was ten, when my power or some of my powers surfaced, I was instructed to go with my mates then. I'm not given everything but I have all I need then at the palace, but the maids and everyone except the queen manage to treat a ten year old boy with hatred, they manage to build dark walls in a small boy's mind.

They'd always collect whatever the queen gave me as a gift or the special things she made for me telling her I misplace it till she stopped, always picking on me because they already have their powers, or they were born with it.

The maids, not really maids, because life at the palace is equal, just some citizens who volunteered willingly to serve the queen, they always pick on me, ate my dinner, and threatened if the queen know about this they'd wipe my memory. I don't have powers like them, I can't defend myself, I have no friends but I do in front of the queen.

She sent me then to go with my suppose friends, hidden and sited all alone playing with the fishes swimming happily in the small river I was not interfering with the kids playing. They saw me, pointing at me they plotted their next bad move, I don't know how it happened. I just know they came, they do or sort, but one thing that triggered what bothering me now is them saying I shouldn't exist, that I don't have parents, that nobody should care for me. I remember how badly I hurt them all with just a breathe, how I sent the maids flying and collapsing around the palace with just a mere stare. Only the queen then was able to tame whatever that arouse in me.

Since then have been like this, always bursting out unknowingly, one thing I also developed, my powers start working with how I feel, my emotions, my thoughts and feelings. I do everything to always stay blank every time.

I grew up doing all I can to find out who I am, what I am, my blurred past, my confused present, my roughed already future.

The queen then sent me here, enrolled me here, said to them to teach me, I was happy then when my powers finally surfaced, I was happy that at least am not nothing.

The happiness crash when I can't even lift a stone in my class, they keep trying to open up that blocked something but it seems to be blocked forever. It opens one time, anytime when am angry, it also open whenever my feelings are black, negative feelings in particular.

I was taken to different psychics and seers, none seemed to find a clue to who I am, I gave up when I almost killed all my class student, I bursted out close to killing them all.

With no other option I was casted away, not abandoned but away for the safety of everyone, the student in particular. Not giving up on me the queen consult more elders, they said I should keep breathing and maybe one day heaven will descend and I will understand my predicament.

Since then I have my own class, own school, builded at the bottom of the main school, there I sit all day since I was thirteen always trying to balance my self.

With three years of breathing and still trying to get me to control my power, I still almost killed her, I almost killed all the student. What exactly is that dark thingy that always take over me whenever my power does, I wanna control my self! I wanna know who I am! What I can do! I don't wanna always be left out!

Again here I am sited with leg crossed, hands place gently on my thighs, face rested and eyes closed. I breathe in gently feeling the air movement around me, I breathe out with nothing going on in my head.

Slightly I felt movement, numerous movements, I kept my eyes closed focusing on that one thing am suddenly seeing, a shiny blurred orb look like.

I think am a psychic, but there is something in me, something I still don't know.

Having a glance at what I can't do, or who I am, I kept my mind blank, then created a young image of myself, and a blurry one of my parents. I wanna know who they are!

The image was clear until suddenly everything start fading slowly, they mixed up becoming blurred, slowly the blurriness also fading away. "Kale!" The woman called raising a little baby up, the man behind him hug her from behind saying he's proud of her.

"Are you sure of this Lane!" The woman said back to him who seemed like he's her husband. The man patted her back assuring her it okay. The fun and cute scene am seeing changed when the baby my mom is rocking levitate off her hands. "What are you doing?!" The husband asked looking restless.

"It's not me! I'm not the one!" She said drawing the child back to her mystically but isn't working.

He floated with might, heavy wind like a mighty tornado gather beneath his feet, he's eyeballs shinning white, his little hair glowing white.

"I can't hold him! I can't reach him, am sorry Lane! But I have to do it!" She screamed before chatting words that seems like a spell.

Suddenly it went blank! "What happened!" I glanced around the room confused.

Wait it gone again! I close my eyes hastily back repeating the same step, and nothing came up, nothing! "Arghhh!" I screamed out of frustration.

How is this suppose to help! A baby of me is all what I saw, a baby of me! A baby of me in my mother's arm, it obvious both people I saw are my parents. Wait before it went blank my mom was doing something, she was casting a spell. Trying to lock something up in me, I get it now, it all cleared.

My power surface the very day am born, the same day it spiral prompting my mom to cast a locking spell, but what happen afterwards? Where are they? Are they still alive?

At least now I know my mom is either a sorceress or a witch, I came from a witch lineage, her chanting a spell only means she's a spell caster. But my dad, what is he? Am I a spell caster? And my full name finally is KALE LANE.


It hit him like a heavy metal, his head push backward and forth, he nodded in white flames, his eyes shunning light sapphire blue. "Merrily it shall be, together they shall be, strengthen it shall be." He spoke in such riddle, he fell down in such riddle.

A word in my mind. "Who or What is Kale Lane?"

To be continued...

A/N: your thought on this episode!