
Chapter 5: Space of Consciousness

He noticed that Sabertooth tiger rushed towards him, but this time, Victor hid.

And Victor, who has temporarily escaped the disaster, has also discovered his changes. When he is determined, he can exert a stronger force here.

In other words, under normal circumstances, he can escape Sabertooth tiger's culling. The last time, he was too surprised and frightened, so he was bit too late to react.

And this time, he escaped Sabertooth tiger's first attack and became more confident and firm, which also made him stronger, and he was able to directly feel the strengthening, and the steady flow of power poured out of the body.

The so-called sudden power always makes people arrogant, and Victor is no exception. Feeling the power flowing from his body, he suddenly felt that this 'big tiger' was no different.

So he launched a counterattack. Obviously he forgot that this was not really a 'big tiger', but an ancient giant beast that could hunt adult elephants alone.

He saw that Victor bent down halfway, opened his fingers, his fingertips turned into sharp bone claws, and in his opened mouth, the canine teeth became more than three times larger. And then he pounced towards Sabertooth tiger.

Then Victor was slapped on the ground by Sabretooth tiger, like shooting a mosquito, it seems like a fierce but weak struggle.

Victor was still suspiciously filled by Sabertooth tiger's teeth, and then opened the trilogy of losing consciousness, falling into rage.

"Is it really because I am too weak? Even if I was beaten by a damn Father Creed in reality, I would be bullied by some inexplicable tiger in the consciousness space! Sure enough, I still need more power!"

Just as Victor was sitting on the bed and making two remarks, the happy time of father and son once again came.

This time, Father Creed did not pull out Victor's fangs easily as he wished. While facig Father Creed's attack, Victor began to try to learn and fight back.

Victor, who has not lost his mind, is obviously more difficult to deal with than a pure beast. Using a wild mind while having a keen mind will allow him to stay under Father Creed for a longer time.

But the ending is still doomed, after an evasion cannot be caught by Father Creed, a series of fatal blows quickly makes Victor lose consciousness.

Although Father Creed discovered Victor's anomaly, but he didn't care any more. Since Victor's fangs can still grow, it means that Demon has not left. The so-called reason is just the illusion of Demon.

Yes, although Victor can already control the growth and recovery of his canine teeth, but he has not made changes, and still let it grow back to its original appearance.

Because he decided that he must become stronger in both consciousness space and reality. The strength of consciousness space can make his will firm, and the strength in reality is the basis of his future survival.

Because he didn't know if there would be such a day when Father Creed completely lost patience and hope, and chose to kill him, and if he didn't have enough power at that time to break free of the chain then…

Although Victor was not sure whether Father Creed is capable of killing him, it is not a happy thing to put life in the hands of others.

So Victor has been working hard, and now he has finally seen a little dawn, and his consciousness space through meditation allows his ability to be quickly developed.

Yes, he didn't become stronger, but he was already strong, but only because he didn't develop his ability, so he looked so weak.

After Victor awakened the power, he officially fell into a rage because he could not fully grasp the powerful power.

In addition to the wild influence, the rapidly growing brain cells also make his emotions and consciousness unstable.

The experience of ordinary children in just over ten years does not require so many brain cells to bear, so the extra brain cells are all occupied by the awakening beast instinct.

And this situation is manifested externally. His behavior began to move closer to a beast. His animal nature almost covered his human nature, but because of Vivan is in Victor's body, this situation was alleviated.

With the consciousness of an adult and the original consciousness of the body are integrated, the needed brain cells are not as simple as 1 + 1 = 2.

Regardless of whether it is 3 or 4, the ones previously occupied are definitely not enough. Since they are not enough, what should he do? Of course it was robbed.

The most intuitive manifestation is that after crossing, Victor no longer thinks that he killed his brother while playing. In fact, before that, he did think that he was just playing with his brother.

This can be referred to as the cats in their childhood, they will bite and fight with each other to learn future predation skills.

It's really because Victor's human nature was almost completely covered by animalism, and finally led to the tragedy. And his father's behavior laid the groundwork for a greater tragedy in the future.

But all this has changed after the protagonist crossed.

Since Victor's own consciousness needs more brain area occupancy, then the animal nature of the robbed territory will naturally not obey.

Then there was the appearance of violent, consciousness erosion, etc. Victor's own consciousness once fell into the disadvantage in this battle.

Fortunately, he learned meditation by accident, and because of the particularity of this world, the dispute between his own consciousness and animal nature was embodied into his consciousness space.

And this also gave Victor a real solution to the problem of animal nature for the first time, but everything has advantages and disadvantages.

If Victor loses to his animal nature in the battle of consciousness, his body will be completely occupied by animal nature.

Fortunately, because of the existence of a self-healing factor, this occupation will only be temporary, and eventually Victor will restore his own nature.

But relatively, it also means that Victor can never eliminate his animal nature, because the self-healing factor treats them equally.

When Victor woke up, it was already dark, but instead of choosing to rest, he began to meditate, this time he wanted to reap more …

Soon, he came to the space of consciousness as he wished, and waited for a long time for the incarnation of the animal: Sabertooth tiger rushed towards him after a low growl.

Victor, who learned the lessons of the last failure, did not choose to confront head-to-head, but chose a roundabout way to avoid the Sabertooth's attack.

Saber-toothed tiger's huge size made him invincible in a head-to-head confrontation, but he fell into an awkward position when facing the flexible and small Victor.

Victor did not choose to draw a long distance from Sabertooth tiger, because it would facilitate Sabertooth tiger to fight him, and once he was hit, it basically meant a lore.

He used the most common way to deal with oversized opponent, when playing games in his previous life: around the heels, and strong physical qualities let him quickly walk under Sabertooth tiger.

Sabertooth tiger once fell into the whack-a-mole mode, trying to kill Victor with two front paws, but every time Victor dodged from his attacks.

Ten minutes later, instead of killing Victor, Sabertooth tiger scratched himself. Yes, after Victor become familiar with Sabertooth tiger's attack's, he used his claws to leave a lot of loot for the opponent.

However, this situation did not last long. Sabertooth tiger quickly found a way to crack it. He ignored Victor's harassment and jumped straight ahead.

Then he turned at the moment of landing, and locked Victor. who had not yet responded, and a culling directly off it.

Every time, Victor and Sabertooth tiger fight in the space of consciousness, Victor ende up under the claw of Sabertooth.

Correspondingly, he found that his own strength was increasing day by day, and the daily extraction of Father Creed had little effect on him.

At the moment of unplugging, he can quickly regenerate his abilities, but he doesn't want to cause unnecessary trouble again, so he waits for Father Creed to start regenerating.

In this way, a year has passed.

From the appearance, Victor barely changed. Instead, Father Creed, who was originally full of blonde hair, became much older and his hair became gray.

I have to say that reality has hit the man too hard. The happy family is now fragmented, and the murderer, who has killed his one son is his other son.

He tried to kill Victor countless times, and then committed suicide. But his faith and love for his son prevented him.

Yes, even if the body is occupied by Demon, it is still his son! How could he kill him?

Sometimes he often wonders if he had killed too many people in the battlefield, so God is punishing him like this.

However, his troubles will soon disappear, because today, at this very moment, Victor in the basement broke the two iron chains that bound him.

"I have been imprisoned for ten thousand years… Ahhh! Finally! I am free! Now, I want you to pay for it! Father."

The first thing Victor did after breaking free of the chain was to break through the door in the basement, then smashed the window and climbed into the living room.

At this time, Father Creed was eating a piece of fruit pie, and when he saw Victor breaking through the window, he was so scared that he choked.

Then Victor, who was about to give him a profound lesson, saw Father Creed grabbed his neck and fell to the ground from chair, and then struggling on the ground like a dying salted fish.

But Mrs. Creed, who could have been rescued, was scared and panicked by the scene in front of her.

"Is he … choking?"