
Chapter 4: Victor and Sabertooth

Victor, who entered the world of consciousness for the first time, has not yet figured out what this is. He only knows that he has just meditated in the basement to learn meditation. The next moment he arrive at this place. There are no ghost places.

But soon he realized that it wasn't nothing. A pair of red glowing eyes stared at him not far away. The evilness in those eyes was like eating him.

And soon, the owner of those eyes began to act, one of the largest prehistoric cats on the planet: Sabertooth tiger attacked Victor.

While facing a fierce beast that quickly killed him, Victor's first reaction was to turn around and run away, but soon he found that he had made a wrong choice.

As the largest prehistoric cat in the world, Sabertooth tiger can reach 2.7 meters in length and weigh 200-400 kilograms. And it has a very fast speed while having a huge and strong body.

Compared to the swift and strong Sabertooth tiger, Victor is no different from a little chick, and almost immediately the moment he turned around, he fell to the ground by Sabertooth tiger.

What followed was a roar and a sharp pain on his neck, but Victor's expected death did not come.

Victor opened his black eyes and found himself back in the basement, still in a meditative posture.

Just when he thought he had just fallen asleep accidentally and had a nightmare, a strong killing desire and desire to attack all life around him appeared in his mind, and soon occupied all his thinking.

Victor, who was infused with killing intent, only wanted to be transformed into a beast, freed himself from the chains of his body, and then killed everyone in sight, and the first one he had already thought about was Father Creed.

But this is destined to be a futile incompetence, because his body has not grown to the point where he can break free of the chain made of steel.

And as his strength increased, Father Creed also specially strengthened the iron chain to avoid the situation of removal.

After tossing for several hours, the exhausted Victor gasped and fell on the stone bed. He entered the sage mode and finally recovered his reason.

Although he returned to normal thinking, he didn't have the extra energy to think about why he suddenly went crazy, so he slept on the stone bed.

When Father Creed came to the basement to start his daily tasks, he saw Victor sleeping on the stone bed.

Looking at the calm face that was almost exactly the same as when he was a child, Father Creed felt for a moment whether he was really cruel to Victor.

But soon, he remembered another face that was also similar and young. He had lost a son, and he must not let the beast take his second son. Everything he did was correct.

In fact, he also thought about killing Victor, and then went to the police to surrender himself, and in this case, he must be released from the death penalty.

However, at the thought of being sentenced to death, Father Creed suddenly felt that Victor could still be rescued. He didn't give up on his son so easily, not to mention that devout people should stay useful to serve the Lord.

"So, start today's salvation."

With that said, Father Creed kicked Victor's stomach, and then took a half step back to prepare for the crazy counterattack from Victor.

As a result, the expected counterattack did not arrive. After poor Victor suffered a heavy blow in his deep sleep, he had no strength to stand up and curled up to cover his stomach, reducing his beating area as much as possible.

And Victor's reaction was clearly beyond the expectations of Father Creed (the excellent sound insulation in the basement made him unaware of what happened to Victor before).

But this does not affect his next move. Since the imaginary resistance has not arrived, then he continue to start redemption.

Later, Father Creed began to pull Victor out, and after pulling out, he threw him onto the stone bed and left the basement.

Because Victor did not have the strength to resist, he was not beaten, but fortunately the self-healing factor is still working.

And unlike before, Victor clearly felt that his teeth were growing and recovering. Before that, he was passively waiting for the self-healing factor to recover his body.

It's never been possible to fully sense the situation of the injured part like now, and it seems that he can control this recovery ability and let it continue to repair or stop.

Just as Victor tried his new ability, Mrs. Creed came to the basement with food, clothes and Victor's book to read.

In the dim basement, only the candle, which was not bright, exudes a faint light, bringing only a little light and heat.

And her poor son Victor, was falling on the stone bed, his lips and face covered with blood, so weak and helpless.

Even though he had made irreparable mistakes before, he had become like a beast, but he was still her child.


Victor discovered the arrival of Mrs. Creed, and he propped up his body with his weakened arm, leaning it against the wall beside the stone bed so that he would not fall again.

"Victor, how did you become like this? Did he hurt you?"

Mrs. Creed soon noticed that Victor's condition was not right. Although Victor seemed to be covered in blood, but he was still full of energy and full of energy.

But today, there is almost no blood on his clothes, and he is exhausted. Even it is difficult to even sit up.

"No, Mom. It has nothing to do with Dad. He just kicked me today. After pulling out my teeth, he left. He was not abusing me, was he?"

Although it seems that Victor was helping Father Creed to defend, the sneer flashed in the corner of his mouth and the coldness in his eyes when talking about the word "redemption" still did not escape from Mrs. Creed's eyes.

"Victor …"

"I won't kill him, even if I escape, I won't kill him, at least he didn't kill me, right? Besides, if I did that, wouldn't it prove that he was right? I will not become a beast, at least, not yet."

Finally, Mrs. Creed, who was worried and sad, left the basement, and Victor, who was rested and cared for, also recovered a lot of energy.

He began to think about what happened after his meditation, from what was the dark space and Sabertooth tiger in it, to the reason why he would fall into a rage after he was bitten.

In fact, he is not completely clueless, but he is not sure about it. This is a bold idea: there is actually his consciousness space, and Sabertooth tiger is the wild beast that he has manifested.

In fact, the purpose of Sabertooth tiger was not to kill him, but to unite with him again. In fact, he did the same.

The subsequent rage was obviously caused by a bit of a 'fit', which can also be seen from the exhaustion of Victor's 'passion'.

As for whether it is what Victor thought or not, it's very simple to check if he try again meditation.

And, since it is his own consciousness space, does it mean that he can control it? If he can, many operations may be able to try.

It just happens that Father Creed has completed the daily routine of today. It will not come before tomorrow. There is enough time for Victor to meditate and deal with emergencies.

Hesitation is not a Sabertooth tiger's style. After confirming what he wanted to do, Victor directly began his second meditation.

Although Victor has realized that there may be his own space of consciousness, and that he may be able to control it, but how to do it, in fact, he has no bottom.

Fortunately, as long as he can enter by meditation, he can be easily bitten to death, but if he try a few more times, he will know the method.

Although he will fall into violent after leaving, it is not irreversible, isn't it? Anyway, he is locked in the basement. Besides reading books, he has not much to do.

At least he is not totally unproductive. After the last meditation, he mastered the skills to control his recovery ability, and the control of the body has also been raised to a new level.

This shows that meditation is good for everyone, and if he will completely master or restrain his animal nature through meditation, then the day of getting away is not far away.

It is precisely for this and other reasons and considerations that Victor made a meditation action, and this time, he also quickly reached his own consciousness space.

Again the scene was same, or the same big tiger, the only difference is that Sabertooth tiger seems more angry.

However, Victor did not take it seriously, because he already knew that the other party will not cause substantial harm to him, so he did not panic, and even with a bit of scrutiny, Sabertooth tiger hesitated and did not rashly attack. He just staring at Victor's eyes.

In this way, one person and one tiger played the game of eyes in Victor's consciousness space. If they were equipped with narration, then the content will be:

"Boy! What are you looking at!"

"Looking at you!"

"Take another look!"

And just when Victor thought that he could cycle indefinitely with Sabertooth Tiger, so he could won enough time for him to try to control this consciousness space.

Sabertooth tiger lifted his leg…