

Leading one of the top teams at Beacon Academy, third year Joseph Cameron is considered one of Beacon's greatest leaders. Persephone Comis, a Demon Faunas, Rachel Ariti, the rebellious 2nd IC, and Samuel Hunter, the bachelor Sniper, make up team JSPR and this story is a retelling of their heroism.

Daoist2DPLMq · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

Character Intro: Joseph Cameron

Joseph Cameron (Or Y/N)

Nickname: "Atlas's Pride "

Age: 19

Occupation: Team Leader of JSPR/Mentor of Team RWBY or Specifically Ruby Rose

Appearance: 5'11, black-haired, blue eyes male

Bio: Born on May 5th and raised in Atlas, Joseph Cameron is the only child of two officers who are currently serving in the Atlas Military as Engineers. Due to their level of work, Joseph's parents never had the opportunity to see his parents alot due to their deployments. Sadly during one deployment Joseph's parents were killed when they stayed behind to stop a bomb from exploding while ordering their troops to leave them. Joseph was basically taken in by his parent's division, who trained Joseph in engineering, marksmanship, Grimm studies, leadership, reconnaissance, etc. 

Psychological report (provided by Ozpin): "Joseph has shown an incredible sense of justice and will to do anything to ensure that humanity will prevail against the Grim. He is willing to make the tough calls which is why he is chosen to lead more sensitive missions. Joseph dislikes politics, and doesn't really care for it. But, he understands that a group of people will have to be lead by a higher power. When off-mission Joseph can be seen as a goofball and will need extra supervision. Due to losing his family, Joseph treats those that are older then him as family if he knows them very well."

Semblance: Joseph semblance is Esprit De Corps this allows him to lift ones spirit and to encourage them to give it 1000% in battle. Through Joseph's natural leadership his semblance has only grown and it's believed that one day he could become a headmaster if he so choose. For Joseph's semblance to be activated he must meet two conditions one he must be in control of the situation this means that Joseph has to always be optimistic and be the light in the dark. And lastly, the person must be willing to let Joseph's semblance take effect which is why Joseph has to become an efficient leader to convince the individuals to follow him regardless of the situation. Basically he replaces fear with vigor and high morale.

Weapon: Joseph utilizes two pistol swords named Cain (L) and Able (R). The pistol that are attached within the sword can be used in close range to surprise the opponent. With gravity dust embedded within the sword's handle Joseph is able to recall the swords to his hand. Joseph has also created a variety of support items with Rachel such as a smoke bomb utilizing steam dust. And even a taser like weapon by using electricity dust. 

Joseph's symbol 

Fun fact

- Joseph cares for Ruby greatly, and normally refers to her as Kid or Mentoree.

-Joseph is seen as the older brother of Penny, and the younger brother of Winter. 

-On a mission that he gets to go on in his first year at Beacon he ran into Qrow drunk at a bar.

-Joseph has a knack for engineering with Rachel and Velvet's help he was able to create Spot a robotic probe that serves as the team's slicer and is able to be programmed for combat. 

-Joseph has a heated rivalry with Shade Academy's Headmaster Theodore aiming to eventually take his spot by beating him in a one on one fight. Current score is Joseph 0 and 200 Theodore. 

-Joseph's favorite drink is black tea.

-Favorite past time is to play games on his scroll playing as the username noobmaster69, training Ruby, or reading stories about historic leaders.

-He seems to have a passive ability of foresight either through guessing probability or more supernatural.

-His semblance was activated when during a dodge ball game he was able to change the tide of the game when he was able to give his team a boost of confidence through a speech. 

-One of Joseph's strongest techniques is "one more breath", this allows him to encourage someone with a fatal injury to keep on living for a short amount of time. But, Joseph dislikes using this technique due to it being an ethical issue and it takes alot of Aura to utilize. 

-His Aura is a Gold.

-His parent's name are Donald Doyle and Vanessa Kimball.

Joseph's Trailer

Somewhere in Vale

A young man will get flown into a wall as he is battling a muscular individual who is part of a crime syndicate.

Joseph: "Come on man you have to do better then that." Joseph will say as he gets back into his fighting stance.

King: "You better watch your mouth boy I'll break you!"

Ring Ring Ring Ring

Joseph will stare at King enemy and shrugs as King begins to run at Joseph.

Joseph: "You are reaching Joseph."

Coco: "Joseph where are you?!"

Joseph: "Downtown why you ask?" Joseph will say as he dodged an attack and kick the individual in the cheek.

Coco: "Well, it's been a while since we talked ever since you started going on those missions."

Joseph: "Sorry, but you know the General personally asked me to do these mission and you know it'll be a while before I can return."

Coco: "Your team misses you and also..."

Joseph: "Rachel is forcing them to partake in her experiments?"

Coco: "Yes that..." Coco will say a little disappointed, she will then hear the sound of grunting.

Coco: "Joseph what are you doing?"

Joseph: "Traffic is the worst you won't understand." Joseph will knee "King" in the face before being thrown into the street.

Coco: "Then why do I hear grunting."

Joseph: "Yeah, I hit this guy's car and I don't think he's really happy about it." Joseph will jump on the back of King and begins to stab him with his sword.

Coco: "Joseph are you telling me everything?" Coco will begin to reach for her purse preparing to go aid Joseph.

Joseph: "Of course why will I ever lie to you." King will throw Joseph off his back and into a power pole.

Joseph: "That's going to leave a mark." Joseph will say as King will then run at Joseph.

Coco: "Joseph are you-" Joseph will cut connection from Coco.

Joseph: "Now, I won't hear the end of it."

Joseph will then jump over King and use the hilt of his sword to bring King down to his knees by hitting the back of his leg. Joseph will then put his swords to King's neck.

Joseph: "Nice job King, but you know what I need." Joseph will say as he begins to put his sword even closer to King's neck.


Joseph will then knock out King leaving a locater next to him for the Atlas military to come pick him up.

Joseph will run towards the diner bursting through the door and flip a table over to see a timed bomb. Joseph will read the timer he only has 30 seconds to get rid of the bomb.


Joseph will carry the bomb and run it through the street. Passing by tourists who were marveling at the many sculptures and buildings.


Joseph will push the tourist out of the way as he begins nearing the bomb drop off point.


Joseph will look at his horror at a group of school children near the place where the bomb is suppose to go off. Joseph will begin to shout at the teacher to move the children out of the way.


Joseph will look at the ocean as he prepares to throw the bomb into the sea. But, before he could one of King's associate jumps ontop of Joseph attempting to stab Joseph with his sword.


Joseph will punch the associate in the gut but it had no effect as the associate seems to be getting closer to accomplishing his goal of killing Joseph.


Joseph will hear a whack as he open his eyes he sees Coco hitting the associate on the side of the head with her purse.

5 (Prepare for impact)

Joseph will quickly stand up and throw the bomb into the sea.

4 (Impact imminent)

Joseph will then turn towards Coco and push her to the ground.


1 (Have a nice day)


A large explosion will follow the noise causing nearby store windows to break.

Joseph: "Just another day...for team JSPR or in this case me." Joseph will say out of breathe getting off of Coco.

Coco will stand up and slap Joseph

Joseph: "Ow...what was that for?"

Coco: "For not asking for help you didn't have to handle it by yourself." Coco will look angered.

Joseph: "Fine, next time I have to deal with a bomb I'll let you know but don't get your hopes up."

Coco will shake her head and begin to examine the damage realizing that if any second sooner the city of vale will be severely effected.

Coco: "But, Joseph good work." Coco will give Joseph a congratulatory smile.

Joseph will smile and offer her a fistbump which she accepted. Joseph will see a middle aged man in a white suit walking towards him.

Joseph will give the middle aged man a salute and the man will give him a salute back.

Joseph: "General."

Ironwood: "Joseph, I'd like to thank you for helping in dismantling a crime syndicate that originated in Atlas. I feel bad having a Beacon student solve a problem that the Atlas military should be dealing with."

Joseph: "No problem, General I enjoy these little adventures that you and Ozpin send me on.

As Ironwood will look off into the distance he can see the news reporters are beginning to arrive onto the scene. As Ironwood will look back at Joseph he was gone along with Coco. He'd shake his head and begin to walk toward the news reporter
