

Leading one of the top teams at Beacon Academy, third year Joseph Cameron is considered one of Beacon's greatest leaders. Persephone Comis, a Demon Faunas, Rachel Ariti, the rebellious 2nd IC, and Samuel Hunter, the bachelor Sniper, make up team JSPR and this story is a retelling of their heroism.

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14 Chs

Character Introduction: Samuel Hunter

Samuel Hunter

Nickname: "The Red Haired Marksman"

Appearance: 6'1 red-haired and gold eyes male.


Occupation: Member of Team Jasper/Mentor of Team RWBY Specifically Yang Xio Long

Bio: Born on September 19th and raised in Mistral, Samuel's parents were executed by a terroist organization within Mistral under levels during a undercover mission for the government. Sadly, this was their last mission before officially retiring from Mistral's intelligence service and taking a more office job. Filled with grief and sadness Samuel was eventually adopted by his parent's co-workers who worked with them on a variety of assignments. They taught him everything that he needs to know such as the basic of espionage, basics of marksmanship, and close quarter combat. Samuel is the older brother of his sister, Sarah who is the golden gem of Team JSPR and visits whenever possible.

Psychological Report (Provided by Ozpin): "The self proposed "lady's man" of Team JSPR, Samuel Hunter always find a way to put a smile on your face. He is great under pressure and is able to make decisions decisively. Though Samuel has leadership potential he refuses to take a leadership position due to him believing he'll be more limited by the rules and expectations of others. His parents trained Samuel to be able to read someone and gain their trust which is why Samuel is always used to get that Intel Team JSPR needs to complete a mission. Samuel is a team player and he works well within a group. "

Semblance: Samuel's semblance is mental manipulation he's able to manipulate the minds of others to get what he wants. Samuel has found a variety of ways to utilize his semblance. His semblance have drawbacks for one he will get headaches for extended use of his semblance but this can be trained upon. And lastly, his semblance doesn't work on those with strong wills such examples are Ozpin, Ironwood, and Glynda and on some grim that are too mentally complicated (like those elephant Grim when RWBY went on their first mission with Professor Caboose (forgot the name but not the voice actor). And also his semblance isn't effective (can still cause some mild damage) against anybody with two souls such as Ozpin, the 4 maidens, and those with silver eyes. 

Weapon: He utilizes a Rifle that was based on a old design brought by his parents, who went on a tour in a Atlas Military Museum called "Yeager". The rifle is equipped with a silencer and a scope which he calls "Hannah." He utilizes rock dust as his "ammo" for his weapon but he is also known to keep a variety of dust on-hand. He carries a 6 inch blade on him at all times as a last resort named "Margaret." 

Fun facts

-Samuel is good friends with Fox due to them having an appreciation for the fine art of comedy they like to get together and tell jokes to one another.

-Samuel likes to spend his free-time either napping, reading a book about puns that he let Yang borrow from time to time, or practice hand to hand combat with Yang. 

-His Birthday is on September 19th

- His favorite drink is Chocolate Milk

-His semblance was activated when during a school trip to a mistral police service he interrogated a criminal and got all the information he needed for a case to be solved. 

-Samuel always carry around pictures of Sarah to boast about his sister's accomplishment to his team members. 


-Ozpin always thought about putting Qrow and Samuel on a mission together to see what'll happen but for some reason he was never ever to reach Qrow.

-Samuel is considered the spirit of the team being the glue that keeps them all together.

-People believe that Pyrrha and Samuel is somehow related but they are close.

-Samuel strongest ability is "migraine" a trump card to all of his abilities which requires all of his aura and will result in him being in a 3-5 week coma. This ability will cause the victim to think to death but this technique is one Samuel doesn't like to use similar to Joseph ,"migraine" is an ethical issue.

-Samuel's adoptive parents are named York and Carolina.

-Sarah's birthday is on May 29th.

Samuel's Trailer

3rd POV

Somewhere in the forest of Mistral.

Samuel will be blindfolded as a shadowy figure will appear next to him.

???: "GOT YOU!"

Sarah will lunge at Samuel making a futile attempt to attack him with her stick.

Samuel will jump over Sarah and land at the top of the tree peering down at his sister.

Sarah: "NO FAIR, YOU KNOW I CAN'T JUMP THAT HIGH MEANIE!" Sarah will give a pouting face.

Samuel will look down at Sarah laughing as he begins to remove the blindfold. Samuel will then jump down from the tree and pat Sarah on her head.

Samuel: "Well, maybe when you are a little bit older I can teach you."

Sarah will lay down on her back (on the grass) looking up at the sky.

Sarah: "Brother, can I ask you a question?"

"What's up Sis."Samuel will look down at Sarah in interest.

Sarah: "How is it being part of a team?"

Samuel: "Well, how do you like my team members?" Samuel will smirk.

Sarah: "I like them a lot! Do you think they'll want to be on the same team with me?"

Samuel: "Well, by the time you go to your school they will be way too old to be with you."

Sarah will look down clearly saddened by her brother's answer.

Samuel: "But, I'm sure that you will like the people that you are on a team with."

Sarah: "You really think that I- I will like my team?"

Samuel: "Well, you are going to have to like them. You didn't think that me and the rest of JSPR just became friends right off the bat right?" 

Sarah: "Did you guys fight a lot?" Sarah will look up worried.

Samuel: "We had our minor differences but at the end of the day we came together as one. They have my back and I have theirs." Samuel will look up at the sky.

Sarah: "You have good teammates, Brother."

Samuel: "Yes, I do but you know if you have any problems and I'm not able to answer you can always bring it to my friends. As far as I'm concerned there are two "S" in JSPR me and you Sarah." 

Sarah will smile and get off the ground.

Samuel: "Alright, come on let's head on home." Samuel will hold Sarah's hand as they exit the forest and walk toward a large house.

As Samuel will open the door the house was in complete darkness. Sarah will reach for the light switch.

Sarah: "Mom? Dad?" Sarah will call out before turning on the light switch.

Confetti will fly in the direction of Sarah.


Sarah will smile as her face will lit up.

Sarah: "You, guys are the best!"


Samuel Mental Interview with Professor Goodwitch in-between 2nd year.

Samuel: "Hello, Professor."

Goodwitch: "Samuel, you are 5 minutes late."

Samuel: "I was talking to a girl outside."

Goodwitch: "Mhm...do you know why I called you down here?"

Samuel: "Judging from the room the microphone, and the tinted windows is this an interview?"

Goodwitch will nod.

Goodwitch: "A mental examination."

Samuel: "I'm perfectly sane."

Goodwitch: "That's still questionable, Samuel."

Samuel: "Fine. Go ahead and ask your questions."

Goodwitch: "When were you born?"

Samuel: "September 19th [Redacted], see I know my birthday I'm sane."

Goodwitch: "Your mental abilities are quite fascinating never seen anything like it. How does it work?"

Samuel: "Well, I can control other people's mind basically persuade them to do what I want to."

Goodwitch: "Is that why you have remarkable precision?"

Samuel: "Yep, I can persuade someone to stand out of cover and they will. Then I can shoot them one shot." Samuel will say making a finger gun. 

Goodwitch: "As you know everyone in JSPR has a specific specialty to accomplish the mission that Ozpin gives to them. What's yours?"

Samuel: "Reconnaissance, Intelligence, Torture, but that's more of a Joseph thing though, and Assassination."

Goodwitch: "Why use a sniper rifle? Your weapon aptitude test shows that you have a proficiency for assault rifles."

Samuel will sigh.

Samuel: "Some people just don't want to watch their enemy die up close."

Goodwitch will nod and write it down. 

Goodwitch: "You and Persephone seems to be quite close."

Samuel: "Well, she's someone I admire and care for."

Goodwitch: "Can this compromise a mission?"

Samuel: "The last thing Persephone will want is for a mission to be a failure because of her. So, I try to keep my emotions in check for her..."

Goodwitch: "You have a sister right?"

Samuel: "Yep! Sarah!"

Samuel will take out multiple pictures of Sarah from his wallet and slide them to Goodwitch.

Samuel: "This is her when she made her first omlette. This is her when she made her first goal in soccer. This is her when she first learned how to swim."

Goodwitch: "Will you take her life if she's a threat?"

Samuel will stop and look at Goodwitch in disbelief.

Goodwitch: "Answer the question, Samuel."

Samuel will place the pictures back into his wallet and sit back down in his seat.

Samuel: "Next question...."

Goodwitch: *Sigh* "That will be the end of questioning for your sake. Dismissed."

Samuel will nod and walk out of the room.