
Ruthless Monster's Sweet Wife

- "What do you want?" "I want to save my children." "And why should I help you?" "Because... you are their father." - Go A Yeong had no choice but to run to the person who, she had been hiding from for five years, to save her children. In return, he asked her to marry him. Between saving her life or saving her children, the answer was obvious to her. But, is she really giving up on her life or upgrading it? Jeong Seo Joon didn't know who the woman he spent the night with was, five years ago, neither he wanted to know. That is, until the woman in question appeared in front of him without a notice, asking to save her children or, should he say, his. And before he knew it, he had a wife and a twin boys. 

moonlight_14 · 都市
99 Chs

Chapter 76

"What is wrong with you two? Do not even think about ignoring my question." Han Ji Min took a long breath and slowly looked up to face Go A Yeong.

But once she did, she instantly felt remorseful. Go A Yeong had been her support and family since day one, and lying to her broke her heart. But despite that, she did not want to tell her the truth. Her sister would surely wish her happiness, but it was not what she deserved.

To be honest, she was not what he deserved. How can she expose her feelings regardless of knowing that she did not match him in any way? There was no possibility of them being together. Even if there was a miracle and they did get together, it would all become ashes because her family and Han Ji Min could do nothing except stand still and watch the blazing fire.

She would never be that selfish.