
Ruthless Monster's Sweet Wife

- "What do you want?" "I want to save my children." "And why should I help you?" "Because... you are their father." - Go A Yeong had no choice but to run to the person who, she had been hiding from for five years, to save her children. In return, he asked her to marry him. Between saving her life or saving her children, the answer was obvious to her. But, is she really giving up on her life or upgrading it? Jeong Seo Joon didn't know who the woman he spent the night with was, five years ago, neither he wanted to know. That is, until the woman in question appeared in front of him without a notice, asking to save her children or, should he say, his. And before he knew it, he had a wife and a twin boys. 

moonlight_14 · 都市
99 Chs

Chapter 14

She looked around to find someone who could help her, but everyone had left for lunch. Without much choice, she went to the elevator. A few curses left her mouth after seeing the 'under maintenance' sign before the elevator. How was she supposed to climb the stairs with the heavy boxes from the ground floor to the ninth?

She thought of leaving the boxes somewhere, but the big 'confidential' stamp on the files stopped her. Without any choices left, she started to climb the stairs. The very familiar pain hit her after climbing the first two floors. Seven floors more.

After two more floors, the pain started to get unbearable. Much to her dismay, she forgot to consume a painkiller before leaving the house. It was supposed to be two hours of meeting, so she didn't worry much about her stomach pain. How could her fate be this cruel to her today?

While carrying the boxes, Go A Yeong felt like dying every now and then. Almost half an hour would've passed for her to reach the eighth floor. She started to chant "just one more" like a mantra for each step she took toward the ninth floor.

There was only one office on the ninth floor. She took a deep breath and hobbled to the door. There was only one more step left. But before she could take that step, she blacked out, and right at that moment, the door in front of her opened. The only thing she felt before completely losing consciousness was a strong arm wrapping around her.

Go A Yeong opened her eyes slowly. The room felt unfamiliar to her, which made her panic. Was this deja vu? Was history repeating itself? But she was a married woman. Jeong Seo Joon's going to kill her. What if her children feel disgusted by her?

"I suppose this was the reaction you had five years ago. No, it wouldn't have been to this extent." She turned around to see Jeong Seo Joon staring at her. She was in a bed with an IV attached to her left hand, and he was sitting on a chair beside the bed.

In the blink of an eye, Jeong Seo Joon went from smirking to glaring at her. "Are you an idiot? Why would you climb the stairs with those boxes when you were already in pain? You-" he stopped after seeing her eyes tearing up. Shit! He messed up again.

"It was that man. He passed me those boxes and told me to bring them to the ninth floor. He didn't even stop to hear me when I tried to explain that I'm not an office worker. What kind of agency are you maintaining? The elevator was under maintenance, and the files were confidential, so I couldn't leave it just anywhere. I had no other choice but to climb the stairs. I risked my life for you. Why are you blaming me?" Go A Yeong wiped her tears furiously as she glared at him.

Jeong Seo Joon was taken aback by the outburst. But he started to laugh. She looked so cute when she was angry. "Why are you laughing? Is this funny to you?". Jeong Seo Joon stopped laughing, but he still had a smile on his face. "I'm sorry for today and for yesterday too. Hmm?". "Yesterday?" she looked at him confused. Then, remembering that she had zoned out in the middle of their conversation, she started to blush.