
99 flowers,,,,! For Eileen,,!

"father I won't accept it, if he can marry Joylen then another person except for that woman, who schemed against him" she said

"Daughter I will only say this once remember where you came from before judging another person,

If we the Fernandez were to choose those that were to marry here you could have not been married here no matter how much my son was in love with you" he said

"But father that is not the case here that woman schemed against my son how can I allow her to be among us?' she asked

"Are you sure that is what happened back then, you Know who your son is and how he behaved and I will tell you the truth

That woman was very innocent from the start, all this things are because of your son , and do you know who that girl is? She someone you can't offend and therefore let me not hear you meddling in your son's relationship or family affairs" he said

'how come I didn't know I have a senseless daughter in law from the start since when did this daughter in law cared for repetition and the rest did I pamper them too much?" He thought

"Okay father I will prepare you supper before going back home " she said though she was not satisfied with the answer

Meanwhile at the Fellers' corporation**

"Jeffrey I think that Colin is madly in love with Jane and that is why he went for her but why is he using the wrong method, must he force her to give her kids to him?

I thought that he is a grown up but I don't expect him to use such a cheap method towards the great Sanch" George sa

"You tell me are you okay after everything that has happened to you are not feeling any abnormalities like you miss seeing someone or something?!" Jeffrey asked

"Why am I suspecting that you wanted me to go to Italy so that you could come and pick up my corpse if king didn't go" George asked

"Idiot don't change the topic am asking about the lady that made you have a nose bleed how can you forget about her" Jeffrey was teasing him

"Shut up! And I think I have a meeting " 

"Hey hey! Come back here that lady she is beautiful she is the top model and was once Joylen Wade's  best friend and let me tell you a gossip buddy

That lady third master Young and  young master Swon are having a thing for her and both are working towards winning her heart, 

Brother,,, bring my sister in law home before it's too late" Jeffrey said

"What do you mean???" 

"I mean my sister in law will be gone before you even express your feelings"

With that George dashed out if the office to a flower shop, he purchased 99 flowers, and sent them to the knight's jewelry corporation, 

"Hey,, do you know who bought all these flower house and those flower petals 

Heheee, "

"These flowers are rumoured to be bought for someone in Gold and Pinnacle peak designs floor"

"Heheee, that must be be boss Roby and Miss Tasha,,"

"I just don't understand why God didn't not bless me enough, "

"Blame your luck, "

"Those two people are coming from prestigious family, and they found true love in each and everyone , actually I wish them happiness"

"Heheee, let me tell you all that glitters can never be gold"

"Are you jealous of Miss Tasha?" One of the team asked

"I can't be jealous but I pity her, she is beautiful and loyal to him but

He is a cheat can you imagine he cheated on her with two women,,?"

"Shhhhhh,, talk again and you will be fired"

"And how did you know?"

"I was by the dressing room that day when Miss Tasha, passed crying and Master Robinson was running after her she shouted at him and initiated the break-up first"

"What? How dare he cheat on my beautiful  queen when she only loved him? And she cared for him she was happy oooh"

"Men as all scumbag, useless trush, even the most beautiful girl they dare to cheat on them"

"Yes men can never get satisfied"

"Actually I have a plan since that model initiated the break-up let's teach her a lesson for breaking the relationship of our best boss, 

I wish Miss Gold was here she could have been fired immediately"

"Yes we have to teach her a lesson"

"I support, we have to take revenge for our beautiful goddess"

"So this flowers are for apology"

*Good news everyone* 

"What is it again?" They were impatient

"So the flowers. Happens to be for our number one, beauty of beauty ,, Miss Eileen"

"What?" "Our number one too beauty is off market? And who is this Mysterious man?"

"We don't know either cause as it is Miss modeler doesn't know this mysterious man who bought all the flowers"

"She doesn't know?"

"Yes she has sent the guy who came with the flowers away and she said "go and tell who ever sent you to do this stupid thing to go to the hospital for check ups and tell him 

I don't like stupid men" just like that

But those men were like 'we are deaf ' and arranged 99 petals on her door steps the sweetest and relaxing airfresher sprayed in her office"

'are you sure you are not resighting a read novel for us"

"Sure you go upstairs and see take the lift"

All most everyone wanted, to fly to gold emperor 

"Too bad this man didn't come I wish to see who dare do this to our number one beauty'"

"Am coming to work on this floor I do not want to be single all my life, this floor sure has luck"

"Me,too me too I want to come work here am going to ask for transfer"

"Don't be stupid, you know nothing about designing of this floors product"

All this time Eileen could not understand what was going on and who dared to send her flowers without showing up

"Sister are you at work" she called Addah

"No beautiful sister am home ,,, is everything alright?"

"No,, can you come to the knights' please?" 

"Okay, will be there in a few minutes" Addah thought that something might have happened to her sister since she was the only one in the empire

"Sister, tell me is Tasha back flowers are everywhere from ground floor to here?" 

"Hehee, Roby is serious and surely love sister Tasha I envy them, what Happened?" She asked

"Can you not see that the flowers actually end into my office and that love drawn out there?" She asked

"Wowwwws! Sister,,, you are in love,, " she jumped around like a little kid "sister how does he look like, talk long face, CEO,, heavy body,,, with 200 bodyguards and strong aura, and ,,,, sister tell me already I want to see him already"

"Young lady, I don't know this mad person and I haven't meet him at all I just walk into my office when doing my work then four men came in with flowers"

So sister you have a secret admirer, who bought all flowers for you, poor brides out there that were expecting flowers today, they are disappointed no flowers left in the shops"

"Young lady are you even helping? Remember I don't know who this person is....." Before she could continue she received a ca, she dare not pick any call now

"Sister pick that call maybe that is my brother in law calling I want to hear him speak" Adday was all jelly everywhere she was happy for her sister

"Helloo," Eileen's dull voice reach his ears, at that time time seems to stop for George, 

"Do you love my gift baby girl" he asked expecting 'yes I love them, I love them, that you very much mmmwah! When can I meet you ?' as he was busy with his imagination, an angelic voice came through

"Young man I don't like men who loves wasting time, come and pick this flowers away and also

Let it be the last time you are doing this am not interested" she said

George did not expect this to be said, actually he was expecting her to come and hug him,,,

Even though he ain't innocent and he is the handsome CEO next door,,, he has never tried dating someone in his life

And has never felt a single thing like attraction towards any lady, this was the first time he nose bleed, be come nervous when talking to a lady in his life

He could not understand himself

"Am sorry beauty I did not mean any harm, and thank you I will not send you flowers but I will open my heart for you and my world for now allow me to stay in the darkness" he said

Jeffrey could not believe how dumb his friend is