
That is the woman he likes...!

"hehee, young aunty you are beautiful I am tired of being young anymore can't you make me grow big and beautiful like you?

But I really like phelix, not want me and find another girl I can't allow it....." She tapped her foot after that

"....." Everyone

"Hey, who is phelix" the mother asked

"Ooh, that mother that is this cold and arrogant boy from a certain Kingdom but his only friend is sister I pity her if she end up with him,, mommy am afraid we will prepare for her burial early" he said

"Stop it stop talking about him like that he is my best friend and help me with mathematics questions" 

"Okay your friend it is" he said

"Daughter welcome back home" old madam said

"I heard sister is home daddy can't you see I came back immediately I didn't reach the destination how is my Princess 

Princess am sorry brother didn't provide for you, now you went ahead and worked very hard by yourself I feel like I shouldn't exist"

"Brother, look at your sister look at me, am leaving my life and now am rich, am not just coming from a prestigious family but also a woman who can stand by herself

See how healthy and beautiful have become and how my name is now k know all over, you should be happy for me for not knowing how to eat pizza only

And look at my sister's sn law all of them are working hard despite the fact that there families are well off and ours too 

I also want to be like them, so that my in laws will respect me and respect my family too" she said

Smiles were on each and everyone face and they hugged each other, 

Young's family is just like any other family the vicious and the good people are also there, 

But they don't show it due to family rules

"My daughter has been away for so many years I want the best and most delicious food served for her" but old Mrs Young was no fool, she could see right through her daughter that she was heartbroken,,, 

'what made my daughter sad? Did she fell out with her boss? Or did that young man do this? I will not let him off' she thought

"Thank you all, I came here today to say sorry for being rebellious back then, but now that am stable I thought it wise to come home and say sorry and take same Break off from work" she said 

"Daughter what matters is you are back home, we really missed you and 

We are happy, all that happened back then had long been forgotten sweery and your room is clean and with everything you left in it is intact

Welcome back home once more sweery,,,," old Mrs Young said

'am sorry mommy I am heartbroken for sureee, I feel like dying" she thought

Elder son who was seated opposite her sensed that something was wrong with his sister and he has to be love issues

The house was very happy and Tasha got to experience the warmth of her family that she has missed, now she was nolonger moody and had forgotten all the sadness in her heart

"Sister, I know something is wrong, I don't want to force you to telling me about it but believe me you everything will be fine,

There is no smooth relationship, for those that truly love each other they seat together and talk things out they don't run

Think about it, help him overcome his shortcomings okay" the elder brother said

"Okay Brother I just want to take a short break after I will be fine I will go back and listen to him again" she said

"Sister have a good night rest, I love you and we love you" he said and walked out

'i think brother is right, when she was young Roby was there, and accompanied her, in highschool he was to go to the school of royals he denied himself that opportunity just to be with her, 

Roby dropped his main course and major just to help her achieve her dreams,

They met Jane and build the empire of three all this time Roby was by her side, now why is it after there engagement was when the scandals started, ,,? And Roby kept saying that what she saw was not the truth

Now she felt like going back to him was the best to find out what is going on with there relationship who is trying to ruin them?' she thought

"Brother is sister young up?" The fourth child asked

"Yes she is but heartbroken" the eldest said

"Who, dare do that to my sister no one is allowed to cheat and you with her, she is too outstanding to be scammed I will find him and deal with him" the young brother has always been fast in judging

"Relax young brother this person that hurt sister is that young boy years ago,, 

And now he is the lost prince and if he was not in love love with our sister why did he follow her all this years, 

Why did he help sister in each and every step of her life? If you ask me I will tell you that this young man love sister very much and there must be someone in the shadows that is separating this two, 

He is from the royals, schemes and games are always at the tips of there hands therefore we must talk to him first" the eldest said

Meanwhile, Roby called Eileen to check if Tasha went to there place, ,

But he'll no she didn't, he placed a call to Jane and informed her if Tasha arrives in the UK she was to tell him,,,

He was worried, his heart trembled at the thought of loosing he, that is what he fears the most

"Roby, what happened why did Tasha leave without telling you his partner is there a problem with your relationship?" Jane asked

"No.... Actually there is we had a disagreement and all this were caused by me" Roby said you could clearly hear that he was forcing himself to talk

"Tell me what happened no exactly" she said

"Okay, I was in the office......" Roby said everything and  Tasha cought him in a position that he could not help explain no matter what, "

"Okay I will try looking for her," Jane said

"She left her phone home,,," he said

"Then let's all wait for her,, to  reach here" she said then hung her phone

Meanwhile bat the Fernandez corporation**

"Jackson where is Colin I haven't seen him for a long time" 

"Ma'am boss travelled for a meeting in the UK" Jackson said

"Aiah' this son of mine is really hardworking heheee, he didn't go to visit his wife to be because of job and here I was worried about his behavior

Okay, son work hard but also go out there look for a wife okay" with that she left the CEO's office

Just at the entrance Katherine who was the receptionist said

"Hello, madam Fernandez,, am Katherine nice to meet you"

"Okay nice to meet you beautiful girl to you happen to know when my son will be back from his trip?" She asked "I failed to ask Jackson, that boy is too serious" she added

"Mrs Fernandez, CEO Colin travelled to UK to look for the kids the twins I mean your grandchildren and there mother" after saying that she pretended like she didn't want anyone to hear this

When Colin's mother heard of this

She was shocked that her eyes turned no red

"What did you say??" 

"Sorry sorry sorry madam" she pretended like she was afraid

"Just talk there is nothing to be afraid of" she said

"Hehee, really, am sorry I said this about my boss" 

"Boss indeed travelled to the UK to look for his two kids and the mother" she be said

"Okay young lady thank, you here" she gave her some sort  of money

Katherine looked at the money in her hands and said "does she think that am poor I come from the most prestigious family in the nation C, if not for my love for your son I could have not been here" she said and gave out the cash to her fellow employees

"At the main residence

"Papa, ! Papa!" Colin's mother shouted

"Who is that? My daughter why are you shouting" he asked

"Can you believe, that my only beloved son my first born son , didn't tell me while he was going to follow those illegitimate children and that shameful woman isn't it enough that her appearance ruined my son's wedding?" She was even crying

"I don't blame him, I blame only his father how can he not control his son and tell him the best things to do" she shouted again

"My daughter listen that woman that you don't like is the woman your son has chosen to like" he said