

Warhammer and Ancient Rune Nerd, Is reborn in a world that should not have Rune's. Decides that he shall climb to the highest point he can and works with his Runes. So Someone commented wondering when I would update. Monday Wednesday, Friday, those are the days that I update. I have a patreon where we are several chapters ahead if you would like to take a look see at. Up to you. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=16995523 Artwork By LordValmar on Webnovel

ironpriest · テレビ
84 Chs

Hearth Heart Eve

Onyx sat on the train, stretching out his back as the girls watch the great city of Canterlot slowly appear over the horizon. As the girls chattered at each other about how beautiful it was, Spike slowly walked up to Onyx and sat next to him. "Are you ok, Onyx?"

Onyx nodded with his eyes slowly opening and closing. "Just tired, Spike. I make a little over 50 toys for Ponyville Orphanage, so they all got hearths warming eve gifts."

Spike nodded while looking at Canterlot itself that was slowly moving towards them. "How are you, Runes going?"

Onyx smiled happily. "I am almost done with the language, and when it is finally done, I can finally start making serious money."

Spike looked at Onyx, curious. "How much are you going to be making?"

Onyx hummed, looking a little more alert. "A little over 5000000 bits a year, I will no longer be worried about money, not really."

Spike broke out coughing because that sounded like a massive amount to him. "How are you going to be making so much Onyx?"

Onyx snorted at Spikes Reaction because it really was not. "My limbs, my engine, and my Runic armor are going to be giving me a huge amount, but that is not a lot compared to the old-timers in the Runa Society spike."

Spike was surprised that the Rune makers were so rich. "So you are nowhere near the top of the tower."

Onyx shook his head while watching the mountains fly past. "Not even close."

Spike nodded, seeing Onyx stop talking and looked around for something to do before noticing how close they were getting to Canterlot. "Well, be prepared to get off the train Onyx."

Onyx nodded his head and slowly stood up, gathering his things while watching the girls. "I will most likely catch up with you. I am going to go check up on some things."

Pinkie smiled at Onyx and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Ok, be careful with whatever you are doing."

Onyx nodded before moving off on his own.


"Princess Luna Rune Maker Onyx is here to see you." Luna heard from her bedroom door.

Luna quickly called out for them to enter, and slowly Onyx followed a maid into the resident. "Welcome young Rune Maker."

The maid quickly bowed before leaving Onyx and Luna alone. "Princess Luna, I have a question about a condition that only you and your sister can answer."

Luna understood immediately. "So, you have noticed the strain your magic is having."

Onyx nodded his head, looking at her in curiosity, Luna stood up before motioning for him to follow. "Come, we need to speak in privacy magic."

Onyx followed her and felt himself enter a barrier, and all noise outside of it stopped and sat down once he had gotten the motion to. "Why is my magic feeling harder and harder to get a response from."

"Most Alicorns, as you call us, we ascend right of the bat with our godly magic, but there have been two before you that created their magic and failed to get their deed as needed." Luna explained and slowly thought about how to articulate it. "God magic is not meant for the ponies' body; some dragons that are old enough can handle it, but we ponies can not once you complete your god magic you only have roughly a year to create a deed that Harmony considers worthy."

"And if I fail Princess Luna," Onyx asked with no little to worry because he already has an idea about what he is going to do, and it takes place in the crystal empire.

Luna looked Onyx up and down. "Your body will fall apart before dying, I Truly hope you ascend Onyx."

Onyx nodded while bowing to her. "Thank you for this information, Luna."

Onyx quickly stood up before noticing that Princess Luna had something more to say. "Onyx, this is truly the hardest part if you go too quickly or too slowly, you will most likely die. You need a chance to make your Runes, and you shine in the sense of the word."

Onyx nodded and bowed before moving out of Luna's room and leaving her alone in thought. "I hope he truly ascends and does not fail like the last two."

---Hearth warming Play---

Onyx slowly made his way to the VIP box where he would be sitting so he could watch the girls put on the annual play. When he had entered, he was surprised to see Celestia and Luna there. "Good evening, My lady's, I appear to be in the wrong place."

"Oh no, Onyx, we invited you to sit with us because they were your friends, and you are a good friend of ours." Celestia smiled and motioned for him to sit in the chair nearest to them, Onyx nodded and quickly sat down, hearing Spike begin his recaption to the Ponies in the crowd.

"I wonder if it truly happened the way the records say." Onyx could not help but question the validity of the tale.

"Oh goodness, no." Celestia snickered as she remembered those days, same with Luna. "We have the most accurate descriptions, but the Wendigo are a truth, and it was little over 3000 years in the past way before we defeated Discord."

Onyx nodded his head and looked at Spike, explaining the tribal system. "Why on earth were the tribes so fragmented?"

Celestia smirked, remembering the reason. "It was a little over 500 years before we were born, and it was said that the tribes were allies in on land before something shattered their trust."

Luna hummed, remembering the story. "When the tribes gathered for the first time that evening, it went exactly as the story said with shouting and arguing."

Onyx looked extremely curious about that. "So, we really hated each other during that time?"

Celestia and Luna nodded their heads, watching the action with their eyes in a faraway place, almost as if they were remembering that day personally. Celestia was the first to speak up. "It was also the first day that we saw a chance at uniting the tribes from their eternal hatred."

Onyx was surprised, and Luna was quick to follow up. "They argued before agreeing about the storm and that if nobody was doing it, then they had no choice but to gather together and move to a new land for safety."

Onyx nodded his head because from what the books said, it was hazardous to travel the lands. "What happened to the Wendigos?"

"The Wendigos are trapped in the north." Celestia answered with a surety to her voice that surprised Onyx. "I have checked the magic we had cast to banish them, and it is still holding strong."

Luna nodded her head in agreement with her sister. "We will not let the Wendigos return and cause havoc on the land of Equestria."

Celestia looked saddened. "That is what truly brought us out of our hiding when we had passed over the land into Equestria the wendigos struck and snowed in a pass we were in."

Luna remembers the death and destruction of that day as well. "When the snow fell, the tribes were caught in the middle, and it destroyed the baggage trains and most of the elderly, it is also the thing that led to the unification of Equestria."

"So, we struck down the Wendigos and banished them to the eternal north to forever keep it cold in their misery." Celestia told the story before coming back to the play. "I love this play Onyx because it is a much happier tale than the one we lived."

Onyx nodded his head, and it always humbling to admit that these have been the protector of Pony kind for a little over 4000 years. Still, in the games of Immortals, they are pretty young, just like the race of Ponies. "The elements will certainly keep ponies safe same as Harmony as long as we abide by it."

The two Princesses nodded their heads together before looking down at the Elements tell the story of their leaving of the settlements. Celestia was the first to speak up. "Rarity does a quite good Princess Platinum."

Luna nodded, watching Rainbow, and cannot help but snicker at her, causing Onyx to poke her lightly in question, Luna slowly nodded her head while explaining. "Rainbow's hurricane is quite funny because it could not be further than the truth."

Onyx was surprised because, from the history books that was really accurate, Celestia snickered at the confusion on his face. "Hurricane hated warring and conquest, he was the Pegasus General and commander, but that was because all of his plans kept as many soldiers as possible Alive and killed many many enemies."

Onyx nodded his head and could see that as well from the history books before looking at Pinkie playing Chancellor Pudding head. "and Pinkie's Character."

The two watched how she reacted and made Pudding head out to be a party-loving Pony. "That is actually scary accurate to how he acted when he was alive."

Onyx let out a low snicker at the Princess's words because trust Pinkie to find the one Character just like her. "May I ask a question, my Princesses?"

Celestia nodded her head while Luna watched Pinkie, deeply disturbed that Pinkie was getting it so accurate. Onyx asked the question that had been on most Unicorns' minds for a long time. "Whatever happened to King Bullion, the father of Princess Platinum."

Celestia and Luna both smirked at the question because it was evident that everyone would be curious about one of the last true Battle Unicorns, which is different from today's soldiers. These are people that could fight the Princesses to a standstill, not win but a standstill. "One day, Bullion decided he was tired of the crown, gave it to Platinum and walked off without an escort or anything and disappeared."

Onyx blinked because that is how the story goes but for it to really have happened that way was a surprise. "So, you two have no idea what happened to him once he walked off?"

The two sisters started nodding their heads before shaking their heads. Also, Celestia first explained. "Yes and No… yes, we have an idea about what happened to him, but no, we are not certain."

"We had traced his path for about a year before our followers lost him and only heard the story for another 10 years of him pretty much destroying anything that threatened Pony Kind before the stories stopped." Luna spoke slowly looked at the girls going about the play. "He up and destroyed most of the western threats for Pony-Kind, giving us plenty of time to lock down our little corner of Equestria and allowed us to slowly expand and take the whole continent."

Onyx nodded because that pretty much fit the stories. He had read about King Bullion, one of the few Unicorns crowned a Kind hell one of the few Ponies. Just like the Princesses are called Princess, that stayed the same through the Millennium even the other Tribes decried him as a king because of how strong he was. Spike was starting the final act the girls had just arrived in… "Ponyville was the first town of Equestria?"

Celestia and Luna snickered because Onyx was probably one of the few to notice it. "It was the landing zone, yes but not the permanent first Settlement."

"So why not stay in Ponyville?" Onyx was confused because from what it looked like, it was a great place nowadays.

Celestia smiled while looking up and thinking about those early days. "We were not the first Rulers of Equestria. There was originally a council of three, Onyx, one of each of the tribes."

This surprised the hell out of Onyx before thinking about it. "So how did you ladies get the crown then?""

The Two Princesses looked at Onyx and smiled at him with smiles that held secrets, Onyx got it immediately. "Understood you will probably not ever tell me, huh?

The two Princess snickered and smiled at Onyx. "Smart of you, Onyx, to not ask because that is a point in time we two have taken great care to keep out of history maybe one day we will tell you."

---Dream Realm---

Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon looked at the shade that was slowly forming behind Onyx. "What do you think, Moony."

"You know I dislike that name, Day." Nightmare moon replied before looking him up and down and walking around the forming shade. "He will be a warrior type, at least from what it looks like. He also developed his own Runic Language from what I can see, and it looks more attacking oriented than Onyx's."

Daybreak nodded her head, moved her hand through the shade, and was surprised that she could not touch him. "Well, at least we will have another alicorn with us,"

Nightmare Moon smiled because there are more and more Immortals around them and making it less and less lonely. "I am glad to be here with you."

---Ethereal Realm---

Harmony stood in the VIP box with her agents watching the play and remember King Bullion because he closes 97 doors to their world and they are still sealed shut to this day. Discord slithered up next to her. 'You ok, Harmony?'

Harmony nodded her head, a little saddened. 'I do not know why all these feelings are hitting me, Discord.'

Discord nodded his head before looking at the newest game piece and thinking about it. 'Want to make Reincarnation a thing?'

Harmony started sputtering at Discords nonsense. 'We agreed that Reincarnation would be a terrible idea because if we do not have a god of the dead to control it, we would be messing up the world maybe by accident.'

Discord hummed. 'Well, it is working for your newest agent, so I thought you would like to.'

Harmony looked at Onyx. 'The only reason I allowed him to Reincarnate is that he would not be adaptable to Tartarus, and I did not want to just destroy his soul.'