
Rodent Supreme

After his death, Adrian was reborn as a monster. Will he embraced his new life as a monster or will he cling onto his humanity.

Anxiety_000 · ファンタジー
31 Chs

Chapter 5 Rat in a bag

Mnnn... Let me sleep for a few more hours. Stop it. I feel some thing pushing me, quite roughly too. It felt like I'm being hit by a pillow, seriously will you stop.

With great reluctance i opened my eyes, no doubt they are blood red. Waking up during a REM sleep with alcohol running in my veins had always been the hardest part of life.

My bad vision even made worst by my intoxication could barely make out the thing that woke me up. It was a cat. Oh shit it's a cat.

Adranaline rushed through my head, it did little to numb my hangover but I'm now wide awake. I quickly leaned over to the corner. The cat was sticking its paws into the little hole I was hiding, it's body was too big to fit in like I do but goddamn was it trying to gets its claws on me.

I see three of them, no wait it converging into one cat, now its two. Is that the alcohol or the cat's magic? I couldn't quite tell. It pulled out it's claw and peeked inside, shortly continuing in its attempt to place it's unholy claws on me after it got a more accurate info on where I was.

I was in a big pickle right now. I'm lucky I'm alive at all, if I was sleeping a centimetre closer towards the entrance of the cave that cat would be currently chewing on me. I want to throw hand but its head is three times the size of my body and my instincts are telling to run with all I can.

Too bad instincts the only exit is the one with the cat paw. It can't reach me now but a few meows from it and the farmers might get involved. I need to get out of here fast. Meaning, I look at the cat desperately reaching for me, I have to get past it.

I need to think this one out, come on drunk steps sober thoughts. The mouse cave is 40 - 50 meters from here, I'm nowhere fast enough to our run the cat especially in my current state. It's also a better climber than me and it's stronger and tougher and better sight, hearing and I stop myself. In every way you compare it the cat is better than me aside from intellect then again its an actual predator that had hunted in this farm for probably its whole life.

I wish I was better prepared for this and I wish I could do it without being drunk but there is nothing I can do to change the past, no point in regretting the big sip, if I somehow survive this I'm punish myself for it wasn't even that good a drink but I will also reward myself. I muster my resolve and prepare. Drunk steps sober thoughts.

I grab a handful of dirt and waited. The cat pulled out it's arm and I rush towards it at full speed. Running at two leg while your drunk as a rat was not as good an idea as I thought and I stumbled and fall. Damn drun rat's leg. The cat was watching me with its eyes just outside the hole, no doubt checking for my exact location. But I knew it would do that so with all my might I threw the dirt I grabbed into its eye.

My plan was to dirted the eye and make a run for it. Except that was not what happened, the dirt did little to the cat's eye and with a swift motion it shove its paws into the hole directly towards me. Dispite my best efforts I couldn't dodge it I was too close to the entrance.

One of its claws was piercing deep into my skin. Too sharp and curved in such a shape it could climb trees with it. I was not getting out of its clutches, not once it got me like this. Like fisherman with a fish already in its hook all it had to do was pull.

No, no, no, no. Not like this. Not to a cat. Everything went silent except for the deafening sound of my heartbeat. The part it got its claws on, the left side of my waist was starting to fell immensely hot. Think fast, think fast, god dammit. I stupid idea came to my mind, one so foolish it might just work.

With haste I place both paws on the cat's paw and started pushing. I know I don't have a chance of winning in a tug of war against something that much bigger than me, I know I can't just spin myself loose of its claws once it's this deed and I know I don't have much time. So I push the claw, pushing it deeper into my body and when the cat pulled instead of dragging me out with it, it cuts through. My skin torned and blood oozing out.

The wound was not too deep but large enough that I couldn't cover it with one paw. I look at the blood and I was relieved to not see it mixed with the drink I had. At least my intestines are intact.

My belly was still protruding, so I shove a paw in my mouth at force myself to puke everything out. Luuuaaakkkkkk... Ah, haa. You made me do this, I cursed the cat. I was convinced that this cat was an agent of the cat cat woh had made me a rat. Heavy panting follow the puke. And I was as slim as I was before the start of the adventure.

Vomiting had fatigue me more than I had like. In order to keep my mind awake I squeezed my torned side until I couldn't. I'll show the cat and the cat cat a rat's potential for malace and destruction. This pain, this experience had taught me one thing and it's that I cannot survive in this world as a rat pretending to be human! If I want to live I must embrace who I am not who I was. I must walk the rat path!

No longer trying to run with too leg I was on all four. The cat was still touching arround and it was nearly time for it to check where this rat is hiding. I scooped up my puke, as much as I could fit in my mouth. The stomach acid making the taste bitter sour.

When the cat retracts it's claw I ran. Just when its eye were poking through the hole, the cat see something it was not expecting. It was not a rat quivering and dying inside a hole but fangs. A rat's fang with a mouth full of puke. My fang mets its eyes. With its eyes punctured I blew my puke inside the holes my fangs made.

Not expecting the sharp pain of getting its eyes bitten and filled with alcohol mixed with stomach acid, cat recoiled in the pain and was squirming around in agony. No longer was it trying to catch me. I don't blame it, not one bit.

I frantically looked around and to my great relief no others were there but with the cat crying in pain reinforcement is soon to come. I ran with all the speed my body could provide which was not much at that time, all the while taking great care not to attract any more attention. I take a quick dip in the booze puddle to disinfect my wound and to throw off any one tracking my scent.

When I get outside the pain form my wound become unbearable. It feels like I'm surrounded by red hot iron and I accidentally touch them with every movement I made.

I don't think I can make it home, and I also have no idea what they did to the wounded there. I couldn't really stay out here either so I moved towards another of the structures. This one had a bad smell and I could tell there was some sort of farm animals in there even form the outside. It was risky in every way but it was the choice that hurt the least so I entered it.

It was a chicken coop. The chickens here could peck me to death but from the looks of it they don't really have a night vision or any other sense that could detect me in the middle of the night. If I could find a place they can't reach me I'll be safe for a while.

I search around for anything that could give me cover and I stop one. It was a hen laying an egg, I spied towards it and there was a layer of straws under the hen. Most likely to as some sort of a nest for the hen to lay and incubate its egg. I burrow through the straws making sure to close the opening I made and sleep under the warmth of the hen. I checked my stats an aside from my health at 2/3 there was no change to it, I got my sides torn and only one point of damage was done? Not that I want my health to go lower but it felt too painful for just a -1 hp. I hope tomorrow wasn't as eventful as this night.