
Rodent Supreme

After his death, Adrian was reborn as a monster. Will he embraced his new life as a monster or will he cling onto his humanity.

Anxiety_000 · ファンタジー
31 Chs

Chapter 25 Hole

The wizard was readying another spell. All his spells were wide range, so I have to dodge extra wide to not get caught in it. His spell were really powerful, making me wonder just how much mana he has. Another boom and another crater, the ground shaking with ever spell he cast.

He wouldn't use any ice magic, to avoid putting out the fire before I die. The other were getting desperate too. They know the wizard doesn't mind letting them die here, he wanted me dead and the only way out for them was to kill me. Everyone was gathering near me, the archers know they wouldn't be useful afar with all this fire and smoke, forcing them to join the melee.

Boots were flying everywhere, the wizard hesitated for a moment. Everyone wanted to put and end to this, they don't trust the wizard to be capable of killing me now, and that made them take matters into their own hand. All of them were screaming at each other, the wizard doesn't want to use his spell unless it was going to be a sure hit. With all the people surrounding me it was impossible to even see where I was, eventually he joined in the fray.

They were all tired, the fire was burning hotter than before causing them to be on the brink of exhaustion. Tired myself as I was, against all odds I was doing really good here. I've gotten used to dodging their boots, my speed was quite higher than theirs and regardless of how desperate they were, exhaustion had caught up to them, the smoke from the fire causing even more problem then the fire itself.

All the smokes goes up so it didn't effect me much. Turns out burning the hay rolls really was stupid on their part. The smoke wasn't just causing breathing problems for them, it was also obstructing there view. No wonder they couldn't crush me with their boots, they can barely open their eyes form all the smoke.

At once they all moved away from me, were they finally done with me and just headed for the exit I do not know. They screem at each other all the time and I don't understand the language they were speaking or in this case screaming. I need to get out of here as well, I want to take the wizard down but my mana was running really low so I'm more than okay with ending things here. All of them stopped at distance, they have me surrounded, I couldn't see their face due to the smoke, was the wizard casting one last desperate spell at me? I locked my eyes on him, he really was casting another spell. With the others out of the way there was no stopping him now, he doesn't really care about the others but he also doesn't want to be directly responsible for their death, before I could even think of running away an arrow came flying at me.

It came out of nowhere, I couldn't react in time, it pierced the left side of my waist and pinned me to the ground. The wizard was ready to fire his spell, a smile plastered on his face and he said something in a mocking tone. I remember the last time something pierce my waist, it was the damned cat, punctured it deep too and I nearly died then as well.

But I didn't die and I'm not dead yet, dying for sure but not dead. I ran my claws along the arrow cutting the skin that was the side of my waist, nearly disemboweling myself in the process. I was free form the arrow and that was all I needed. I jumped up to the arrow, standing there watching the wizard.

He saw me and not wanting me to escape he unleashed his spell, you can tell when someone was about to release their spell, especially when he was pointing it at you. I used my spell as well, [double jumpd], I was quite surprised when it actually activated. Normally you would need three points of mana and I only had two. It was not as strong I could tell but still better than being blast to pieces.

The wizard did not hold back this time, I was not in the direct path of his explosive spell but the shockwave it created nearly killed me. I was slipping in and out of consciousness, compressed air like shockwaves does alot of damage to the internal organs I've heard, a normal rat would be dead for sure.

All of a sudden the ground beneath us collapsed, everyone alive falls into the sudden opening hole. It was quite deep too, the wizard's spell must have caved in some underground expanse. The fall did quite a number on the humans, I managed to slide down the side with my claws, completely avoiding fall damage unlike the humans. Many of them had fractured or broken their bones, some of there limbs were buried by sand and rubbles.

It was all dark in here, the only light coming from the fire up above. Small burning wood falling here and there not quite enough to lit the place. Was this expanse apart of the rat tunnels or maybe even the mines they were connected to? Quite likely but I don't smell rat anywhere, aside form my own.

The wall were too smooth to climb with human hands, we were essentially in a dark pit with no escape. I slowly walked to the struggling wizard, he have seen better days. A boken bone was protruding from his leg, blood was comming out of his nose as well. I sensed something amiss, something different form him. There was some liquid near him, I did see him drinking some wierd potion during the fight. I took a sip out of curiosity and immediately realised what it was.

Mana: 1/12

It was a mana restoring potion, no wonder he could use so many powerful spells. All the bottles he brought with him were broken making the puddle on the ground the only ones that raemained. It was okay for me, I drank it all till all that was left was a mud.

Mana: 6/12

Wasn't enough for a full recovery. And speaking of recovery.

Health: 1/10

Yikes. I looked at the wizard, he couldn't see me nor hear me. I snuck into his robe, he felt one. When I reach his skin, I use my ability immediately. [Flesh Melting Strike] it did exactly as its name would suggest, it was like pouring acid directly on the flesh. I hit him on the left side of his waist, I need to know the pain I was feeling.

It might have been a bit more painful then the one I was feeling because the screem that came out his mouth was the kind that would left you mute. He was struggling, desperately trying to tore off his robe. I didn't give him a chance though, one hit from him could end me after all. On the part that was melting, I used the same ability on the exact same spot. The ability reached deeper, his innards spilling out from the wound.

I dive into the hole of melting flesh, the ability was still melting him but unlike normal acid it didn't seams to effect me at all, so I crawling my way in deeper.

I needed to eat and now I was basically in a candy house. Without thinking I ate my way in, ignoring the muffled screams from outside.