
Ritual Ascension - A multiversal journey (HP start)

Dying by getting shanked by a hobo? Bad. Finding yourself the entertainment of an omnipotent version of yourself? Possibly even worse. Finding out that you're actually a decent person, even with unlimited power? Great. This is a self-indulgent story of an average dude going through the multiverse. First world: Harry Potter

DoBeDo · 書籍·文学
32 Chs

Interlude: The monthly head of houses meeting

'Albus looks very tired,' FIllius Flitwick couldn't help but think as he looked at the aged headmaster, 'and for good reason too.'

It wasn't easy having three positions, even if two of them were more for show than anything, and it probably didn't get easier with having to deflect attempts in 'inquiring' for the 'boy-who-lived' constantly. This made him feel particularly bad about the issues he'll be dropping on his lap today.

"So, with that out of the way, let us discuss the students," Albus looked across the table at the assembled head of houses, "let's start with the first years and how they are fitting in? Why don't you start, Severus."

"Everything is as expected," Severus drawled, a hint of darkness reflecting in his eyes, as a light sneer formed on his face "in fact if there's anyone who has been a problem it's Potter, the boy's a menace."

Sighing he felt a disappointment surge through him at Severus' inability to let go of a childhood grudge, one he felt personally responsible for. After all it was through his advice to Lily, inadvertent as it had been, that resulted in her leaving him for James, even if it was prompted by Severus' poor decisions.

"Now Severus," but that did not mean that Severus was justified in his blatant targeting of James' son, "you are being too harsh on the boy. He's been nothing but well-mannered in my classes."

"Hmph, harsh is the wrong word for it," of course Pomona spoke up in defence of her Hufflepuff, "Harry is not only one of the politest boys I've met, something I'm sure everyone except Severus will agree, but he's also one of the quietest. The fact that he only seems to be a 'menace', as you say, in your classes may say more for your teaching abilities than anything."

He, along with everyone at the table, winced at the jab at Severus' skills, something he took great pride in. But it was to be expected, while it took a lot to get Pomona to be so confrontational, targeting one of her Puffs was one of the easiest ways.

With a full blown sneer now on his face, Severus hissed out his words, "perhaps if you didn't show blatant favouritism then the boy would show his true arrogance, like his father before him."

"Favouritism! Why I…" sharing an exasperated look with Albus and Minerva he sighed as the head of Hufflepuff and Slytherin continued to verbally fight, an event that had become common since the start of this year.

"Enough!" eventually though Dumbledore had enough, with the normally ever-present smile on his face nowhere to be seen, "we are not discussing whatever grievances there are against certain students, especially if they come from a place of bitterness that we should have moved past."

The last part was directed at Severus, and from the grimace Fillius saw on his face it was obvious he understood.

"As you wish headmaster," with a carefully blank face, Severus gave an incline of his head, "and in line with that, I will inform you that my Slytherins are doing perfectly well."

"Thank you," Dumbledore thanked, the smile back on his face, "now, let us continue. Minerva?"

"It's as you'd expect Albus, they're rowdy, loud and many of them are still late to their classes," Minerva gave a small wry smile, for but a moment, before it quickly faded, "but there is a small group of them who are being particularly bad. They have been lagging in almost every class and it is beginning to worry me."

"I see… it appears that we may need to reinstate supplementary classes for first years," Minerva nodded at the headmasters words, "excellent, now Pomona?"

"My Puffs have been excellently behaved," Pomona replied, giving a minor glare to Severus, "some of the muggleborns have been a bit shy but the older students are getting them to open up and teaching them about the magical world."

With a widened smile Dumbledore nodded, before turning towards Fillius, "and Fillius, How go your Ravenclaws."

"They are studious as always Albus, almost all of them spend more time in the library or their rooms than anywhere else. There is one student who spends a lot more time outside but even he spends a lot of time in the library," shaking his head he can't help but smile, "but they're doing well."

So it went.

For the next hour all topics were covered, ranging from the upcoming Halloween celebrations to the preparation of the fifth and seventh years for their OWL's and NEWT's respectively. Once everything was discussed the sun had gone down and Dumbledore was looking more tired than ever.

"Albus, a word please," sadly Fillius was unable to let him get the rest he looked like he needed, and so as everyone left to go to bed he decided to talk about the things he needed to.

"FIllius, you look troubled. Did one of your students fall asleep in the library again?" despite his tired appearance Dumbledore still chuckled at the joke.

"There was an attempt to break the wards," the jovial expression on Dumbledores face immediately evaporated.

"Did they manage to reach the mirror?" he asked with a sombre expression on his face.

"No, but it was a close thing," Fillius replied with an equally sombre expression, "far, far too close."

"You believe we must change our security," Fillius nodded at the statement, "… I am inclined to agree. In fact, I am of the mind that we must… diversify our defences."

"You wish to involve the rest of the staff?" Albus nodded, "I suppose that makes sense, seeing as secrecy has proven not to work."

"Then it is agreed, I shall begin the preparations immediately," with that Dumbledore made to leave the room.

"Ah, I have one more thing I wish to discuss," only to be stopped by Fillius again, "one of my students is metamorphosising."

"Have they shown anything…" the question was left open, but Fillius understood what was being asked.

"No, it seems that Mister Adams doesn't have any… distinct changes yet," the reply didn't set Albus at ease at all, for good reason to.

Metamorphosising, otherwise known as magical exposure warping. It was a rare condition, one normally only present in young and devoloping muggleborns or magicals raised in low magic environments.

It is the process by which the magic starved bodies of the magical in question rapidly soak up the ambient magic, strengthening both itself and the person in questions magic while causing some cosmetic changes based on their personalities. It is a natural extension of the natural ability of magical, to slowly absorb ambient magic as they grow older, to strengthen their magic as they age.

Yet, while it all seems beneficial, it comes with a rather dangerous downside.

The ambient magic, even in the most regulated places, is composed of a chaotic mixture of the magic that is emitted by living beings. This usually isn't an issue for the normal rate of absorption of a normal wizard or witch as their very souls are able to filter out the 'impurities' in the ambient magic as it incorporates it into itself. But with the increased absorption of a magical going through metamorphosis?

Their soul is overwhelmed and they fall to insanity, even as their body warps and twists based on the 'impurities' within the ambient magic. The magical themselves even continue to grow stronger at an even faster pace which only makes them more dangerous to those around them.

Even worse is that this can't be stopped once it starts and the only hope they have is the miniscule chance that they complete the metamorphosis without mutating.

"Is there a possibility of you being mistaken," Albus asked after a moment of deep thought.

"He's been getting the spells faster than anyone and from what I've learnt from Minerva he's constantly bored in our classes." Fillius however just shook his head, "even if he was constantly practicing, the only way for an eleven-year-old like him to learn those spells so quickly would be to have unnaturally strong magic."

"… what are the changes so far?" he asked after another long pause.

"His eyes are taking a reddish hue and his hair is darkening to black, no mutations."

"Passion and ambition…" Dumbledore mutters under his breath, seemingly reminiscing on something, before taking a deep breath, "very well. Since young Noah has not shown any mutations there is still hope that he may yet make it through this so we must wait and see."

"Should I tell him, it is after all is own life and sanity that is at risk," FIllius asked.

"No," Dumbledore gently shook his head, "If these are to be his last days then they need not be lived in fear of the end. Let him enjoy his life… I'll also speak to all the teachers and tell them to allow him some leeway."

Nodding sadly, for he knew there was very little chance of his student surviving, Fillius wished Dumbledore well before leaving.

Though as he left a few faint words managed to reach his ears, "passion and ambitions… just like him."

-- Noah POV –

Swallowing the first dose of essence after so long I looked into the mirror provided by the room and scribbled the near imperceptible change in my eye and hair colour.