
Operation: Gigachad - Phase one

Operation Gigachad. Named as such because it was the plan that was intended to turn me into a god among men.

It revolved primarily around my essence creation array (or ECA for short) and using it to create essences that will elevate every single part of my body to the peak of what is achievable in the Harry Potter world… and it started with using the troll attack to my advantage.

The plan was simple.

I would leave the hall when Quirrell came and did his whole act and make my way to intercept the troll before it got to Hermione, I would kill the troll to create a troll based essence and run the hell away before anyone saw me.

All in all a very simple and straightforward plan… with nightmarishly difficult preparation.

Two steps, intercepting the troll and getting away without noticed, were the easiest. These needed no particular preparation.

All I had to do was confirm that Hermione was getting bullied like in canon, and that she was in the girl's bathroom she was meant to be in earlier today. As for getting away unseen that was just as easy, seeing as the teachers won't be appearing till the very end and I'd already planned a route that'll take me to the Room of Requirement, which I'd use to return to my dorm unseen.

If I got caught, I'd simply say that I was there to warn Hermione and throw Ron under the bus to distract the teachers.

Yet, almost as if to make up for the easiness of those two steps, there was the more problematic step in the form of killing the troll and turning it into essence. It would probably come as no surprise to anyone if I told them that this was the hardest part of phase one, the part which I'd focused most of my efforts on…

… and those effort did bear fruit, one that may be useful in the future.

See I had been rather… focused on using the knowledge of rituals that I'd gained, both form the book and the room of requirement, to create self-enhancing rituals and while that wasn't wrong, especially seeing as I needed to fix the whole crippled thing, it did mean that I wasn't really actively pursuing ritual-based offense.

Well that wasn't the case anymore.

Using my skills in rituals, I had managed to 'repurpose' a couple of things form the nastiest ritual I learnt from the room of requirement and combined it with a couple of things from the ECA to create the perfect weapon against the troll, or at least the best one that'll let me create an essence with the remains.

It was, to put it simply, a ritual that was carved onto a bottle and absorbed the essence inside the bottle to create an implosion grenade. It was powerful, easy to carry and, most importantly, it gets stronger the more essence is used to fuel it.

It was the ideal weapon, with the only downsides being that it's annoying to carve the runes and symbols into the bottles used and that I had to edit the ECA a bit to be able to create essences from the mush that'll be left behind, something that slightly decreased the efficiency of the essence production.

Now, some would wonder why I don't just use the killing curse instead of creating a dangerous explosive and to them I'd say that it's because the killing curse stops the modified ECA from turning the killed thing into essence.

Yeah… not a good thing to find out, seeing as it made the curse far less usable than I'd thought.

But regardless, I still had something that I was sure would instantly kill the troll which just left the question of what, non-magical based, essence I was going to make from the troll…

… and as much as I wanted the significantly enhanced muscle fibres, I'd have to make a 'trolls liver essence'.

Yeah... It was a decision that I'd come to after long time of consideration and a LOT of studying on troll biology.

See, there many parts of the trolls biology that grant the trolls their abilities, but most of them also rely on the sheer size of the trolls. An example of this being the strength trolls are known for being as much the product of their unique muscle structure as it is from the sheer volume of muscles they have.

This meant that, despite the large amount of essence I'd no doubt get from the troll, I wouldn't really be getting the same level of effect and will likely have to replace it in the future. Which is where the troll liver comes in.

Not only is it the same size as a human one, an extremely strange thing for a being that big, but, according to the books I read, it is also the thing that grants the trolls their staggering resistance to poisons and harmful potions (though I'm not sure if that'll carry over properly).

Not exactly as 'bombastic' as superstrength, as diminished as it would be with my small size, but still, it was something… especially since I can't get the magic resistance before upgrading the ECA. Plus I had something in mind for superstrength anyways, something that'll be far more effective once I upgrade the ECA and won't be as hard to find as trolls.

Nevertheless, despite the difficulty and time constraints, I was ready to execute phase one of project Gigachad. I had the weapon in the form my ritual grenades, a modified ECA that'll let me extract essences from recently dead being and an escape plan that should work perfectly.

Though if all else failed I would literally just run away. After all, trolls are actually slower than even young children and the only real danger in them is being cornered by one or being in a confined space (like a bathroom) with one.

Essentially I was safe.

… yet now as I sat under the light of floating jack-o'-lantern, and took a carful sip of orange juice, I couldn't help but fiddle with the carved glass under my robes in an attempt to calm my nerves.

Despite everything, I was hesitating

"Troll! Troll in the dungeon!" putting down the glass in my hand I look at the act put on by Quirrel, noting that it looked surprisingly convincing compared to what I remember about the movies. He even got a cut on his chin from falling face first onto stone.

"No wonder everyone fell for his lies," I couldn't help but mutter as I slipped through the crowd until eventually, I reached one of the many side stairways.

It was finally time for the first step of project gigachad.

I really need to re edit this to make it more easily understood.

DoBeDocreators' thoughts