
New Dawn Rising

As the morning sun rose into the icy white sky, illuminating the darkness Kabbol and Naraic awoke abruptly as a commotion kicked off downstairs. It sounded like a man was arguing with a woman, as they neared the door and opened it slightly they could hear the argument.

"It wasn't her fault! She didn't do anything!"

"So what, its not like we can punish the customers. She even got money from them and decided to not share it!"

The arguments were dragging on and starting to get more vicious before they heard the door slam shut, only hearing the males voice still inside. As they made sure that nothing else was going to happen they donned their armour and gear before heading down.

"Ahh, adventurers, lovely day isn't it?"

The man, standing about 5 ft tall, behind the counter, seemed to have an unnaturally thin frame, he made an effort to appear more joyous in front of customers. Kabbol quiet eager to hear about the fellow demonfolk that was in yesterday decided to fire questions at the man.

"I notice that some employees have came in but I don't see the demonfolk who got harassed yesterday."

The man realising that there were the two that caused the whole upset, luckily the other group decided against targeting the workers. "Ahh... I believe she works somewhere else in the mornings, she might be here tonight."

"Hmm..." Suspicious about the fight earlier Kabbol imagined that something might be getting hidden but found it hard to think of how the information could be acquired peacefully. "I just hope that she is not suffering from last night, it was a horrible experience."

The man clearly trying to hide his frustration smiles and nods without any noise. Naraic feels this tension before asking;

"Is there anywhere in which I could find a satchel for books? Or even a marketplace nearby?"

"Yes, there is a library which sells those kinds of things, it is a white building, if you follow the road with coaches you'll find it easily. There are two marketplaces, one is stalls in the centre of town its cheap but not much of a selection, while the other is closer to the noble district it has a wide array, but prices are high."

Naraic happy for the information smiles and puts 1G on the counter "Thank you, sorry for the trouble last night. Let's go to Kabbol."

Both of them turn and exit the door as they remember that the air is colder than icy "Damn, Kabbol, how can you cope in this weather without a cowl. Its freezing!"

"Its actually quite refreshing for me, usually I'm too warm!"

"Lucky duck. Anyway, I'm going to head to the Library how about you? Coming with me?"

"Gonna go check about, I saw a nice hill on the way in and could provide with a good advantage, but I will meet you at the market."

They both waved off agreeing to find one another again later.

Naraic whistling to himself as he strolled down the road keep an eye out for the white building he was told about, saw a couple of carriages crash together and spill contents onto the side of the road. Some people were trying to help while others were trying to pocket coin and whatever else they could get their hands on. However, Naraic not bothered by the troubles of others, decided to ignore the commotion and continue onto his destination as he was on his journey. Kabbol had wandered round bends and through alleys before reaching the hill. Somewhere that seemed to be untouched by the cold, up on the hill under the great maple tree sat a single figure bound is leather armour with a hat too big for the head slanted forwards masking all features from the face. Only thing allowed to leak out was curly blonde hair which fell down to her chest, with the sound of children playing as two kids ran around from the back of the tree, seeming to play tag. As Kabbol claimed up the wood logs which trailed out a path towards the tree the figure lifted its head slowly, letting out a voice filled with both tranquility and and a sense of threat. "That's a new face, here to stay?"

Kabbol taken aback by the voice struck still responds in turn;

"I noticed it would be quite a good vantage point, new to the city so figured may as well come here and see what there is."

"If so then you can ask away, I'll answer your questions, for a price of course."

Kabbol laughing slightly before answering as;

"Of course, always a price."

After a while, Kabbol felt fulfilled with the answers he was given and tossed over a pouch of money. While making his way down the hill, he heard a second voice originating from the tree, however it was too mature for it to be one of the kids.