
A night to forget

As the three stood and stared down Naraic and Kabbol the leader smirks as everyone is healed, those in the fight and bystanders alike. Everyone dumbfounded by the power of this healing spells turns heads and stares at the gorgeous slender halfling woman in her late 30s she is wearing a blue lilac dress and has flowing auburn hair, which falls a short distance but still reaching her hip. Most of the group pick up their weapons and retreat but before the loud mouthed one could stand from the floor a second arrow pierces his thigh in roughly the same spot as the first. Naraic making it clear that this one deserves punishment. As the group took notice of this the hulking mass of strength smiled as he sized them both up.

"These younglings need to be roughed up now and again, I'm sure those two have learnt their lessons."

While speaking he opens his hand and directs it towards the two and swaying it down towards some seating offering to drink with them. Kabbol still pressing a mans face into the table let's go saying;

"I like your attitude, but sometimes one lesson is not enough"

Without so much as a pause in breath he brings his fist down again towards the man, as he punctures a clean hole in the table a strong smell permeates all of their noses as the man had just pissed himself from the powerlessness of himself before Kabbol.

"But I think we will retire to our room, enough commotion has happened her tonight"

As Naraic turns to re-enter his room placing his trusty bow on its rest behind his back, he notices that the two cloaked figures have disappeared, not even the tankards that they were drinking from are at the table. Feeling confused about this, Naraic checks the temperature of the benches and finds them to be cold, but strangely they are particularly cold where the two people were sitting. As Kabbol comes up and glances once more down at the rabble beneath him, he throws two bags down.

"One for you, get your men helped and let this be water under the bridge, the other is for that woman. No one should have to suffer such humiliation at work."

As the two of them return to the room, Kabbol sits his stuff down and lays on the bed. Watching Naraic sift through the room searching for things,

"Come on, its been years since it happened. Can't we just be in an inn and not have to explain why the room is a mess in the morning?!"

Naraic not stopping says;

"If we check it can be avoided, if we don't then we can get killed"

Kabbol sighs out of stress and agreement as he too gets up and searches around the room, the two of them had been together for a long time. They had been together for a long time, and Kabbol knew that if Naraic was adamant about something then that meant it was something that should be done. After a couple of minutes the two of them had almost turned the room upside down, all that was left is the mirror in the corner and the drawer in the bedside table. The both take a glance at the mirror, before Kabbol laughs saying "I think you've got a grey hair over there." Pointing to a completely random point on Naraic head just to annoy him.

"What?! Where?! There can't be!!"

As Naraic was busy trying to find it, Kabbol started taking the drawers athem. laying them out and carefully inspecting the bedside table itself. Before feeling a wack on the back of the head from Naraic.

"Ass, there weren't any!"

A quiet laughter came from Kabbol who was dying of laughter on the inside but knew he shouldn't show it off in front of his friend. Naraic seeing Kabbol still working away he decided to check out the drawers, unlike Kabbol, Naraic preferred a hands on approach, he took his knife out and slowly trailed it across all the drawer seams and edges after he done 2 the third one clicked as a back panel fell down and landed on the floor before a book slid out and was caught before landing. The two of them looked over this new object like it was a heap of money.

"What does it say? I can't read any of it..."

"Neither can I, none of these letters even make sense"

The two of them flabbergasted that between them they couldn't read the text, they decided to reorganise the room, but keep the book. As they got cozy in their beds Naraic sat up and yelled;

"I paid for a bath I never got!! Damn it, now I'm sad"

Kabbol already asleep snoozed along to a soft melody as though he was humming a song. With the peaceful mood in the air Naraic found it easy to calm down and drift off to sleep.

From outside the inn the two cloaked figures could be seen in an alleyway looking up towards the room where Kabbol and Naraic are sleeping.

"Are you sure it is tonight, if its wrong..."

Sounded a harsh and coarse voice, the person was male and a dwarf at that, he seemed to be quite big for a dwarf and didn't have a beard. Which is why most people mistake him for a half breed.

"You don't trust me anymore? I thought we were starting to get along."

A fluttering and energetic voice emerged from the second she was a little on the petite side for a halfling but was still well endowed for a member of her race. The two of them staring up at the small window which is the only way to see into the room suddenly became silent as they felt as though the winds themselves were changing. Convening inside the walls of that room. Kabbol and Naraic blissfully unaware of all that happens around them