
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · ファンタジー
104 Chs

Super villain emergency meeting

It was night, several villains were heading towards the same mountain where the previous meeting had taken place. Many villains went to give their condolences to Dragon and his daughter, after a while everyone went to another room, the super villain who summoned everyone to the meeting presented all the information about the hunter he managed to gather from the crime scenes. Many villains who were listening to the presentation were complaining that the hunter was not much of a threat, furthermore they said that they could simply hunt the hunter to end the whole problem and avenge the villains killed by him.

"Since you guys are so stupid, he has already killed some of our esteemed colleagues, this assassin is a problem and must be eliminated" shouted the villain called Zero X.

"You who are placing too much importance on this assassin, here in this room we have the greatest villains in the world, why we should be afraid of. I say we must hunt down the hunter and scatter his body across the cities where he killed our friends" said the villain called Dream Eater .

"You're very young, from what we've been told this killer not only killed our friends, he killed other villains in other countries," said Jack's father.

"You who are too old, my group and I will kill this assassin" said Dream Eater leaving with his other 6 friends.

"I also want to go kill the hunter" Liz said getting up.

"Daughter let them go, you'll end up dying going with them" said Dragon.

"Dad I want to hunt him too" Liz said.

"We'll kill him as soon as we get more information" said Dragon.

"I will kill this assassin" shouted 2 villains simultaneously.

The meeting ended quickly, many young villains decided to hunt down the assassin while the other villains decided to just watch the battles. Dragon and her group were heading back to their lair, Liz was furious with her father for not letting her go hunt the assassin.

While the villain meeting was taking place Snow was testing Joe's new invention, a special training room that could help in his battles, Snow entered the room and trained for 2 hours. That night, some of the heroes who were patrolling their cities saw something unusual, some villains were sitting around waiting for something. The villains saw the heroes approaching from afar and decided to leave, the heroes tried to chase them but they disappeared.

"That was weird" thought some of the heroes.

In the morning, 1 more hero and 2 villains were found dead, from the injuries it was confirmed that it was the work of the assassin known the Hunter. A famous hero known as the Blue Guardian appeared on television warning that his group would capture the Hunter and bring him to justice. After 3 days, neither the villains nor the heroes could locate the assassin, many thought that he had escaped but others thought that something was about to happen. In the afternoon everyone was surprised by an interesting news, a hero claimed that he would capture the killer and would film it live for all to see.

"Hello, this is your favorite hero, Hurricane. As you all know, I'm going to capture the famous Hunter, he entered this abandoned factory, but don't worry, everyone will see my magnificent battle" said the hero entering the factory.

When the hero entered he realized that there was no one, he used an equipment to scan the area where he was. Suddenly the famous assassin appeared, the hero laughing casts his wind powers to trap the villain, then he casts an electrical net to disable the assassin from escaping. The assassin starts to laugh, the hero without understanding asks what's funny and the villain just points to his side, 4 people dressed like the assassin appeared, the hero panicked and used his powers to incapacitate the 4.

"Looks like this hero is going to be my first victim," said one of the people dressed as an assassin.

"Who would you be, impersonators or the circus arrived in town?" asked Hurricane, laughing.

"Circus, you're dressed as a clown" replied one of the people dressed as assassins.

"I think we should introduce ourselves, I'm Green" said the person dressed as an assassin showing his metal claws in his hands.

"Hello, I first wish you a good afternoon, my name is Mister Blue" said the person dressed as an assassin.

"No need to be so polite, he will die soon. By the way my name is Incredible Super Mega Yellow" said the girl dressed as an assassin showing her wind powers and nullifying the Hurricane's wind powers.

"I am the head of this group, my name is Gray and the one you captured is our little brother Silver, we are all brothers and we belong to the assassin group that will lead this country" said the person dressed as an assassin showing his sword.

"I have your brother, if you want him hurt I hope you surrender" said Hurricane.

The assassins laughed, the hero is confused and feels a pain in his chest, he looks down and sees a sword going through his body, Hurricane dies as everyone watched the revelation of new assassins. Some heroes and villains arrive at the abandoned factory, but there was no one else there, only the hero's body, it looked like the heroes and villains were going to fight but a hero realizes that something is wrong, sees an object shining and screams.

"A bomb" shouted the hero.

Everyone flees the factory, no one was hit by the explosion, but with the new threat the heroes decide to go to their secret bases and train their skills. Liz decided to go alone to look for her mother's killer, meanwhile Snow was leaving the training room and decided to put on his new uniform to fight crime.