
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · Fantasy
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104 Chs

Chaos And Battle

After the murder in the bar some villains started going after superheroes to kill them, probably these villains believe that the heroes killed the villains that were in the bar believing that they killed the heroes that were in the alley. Because of these 2 murder cases, the heroes' lives started to get chaotic, any hero could be targeted by some villain and no one was safe. Snow was going to school when she realized that there was someone strange watching the school outside, she calls the school principal to warn about this person, she entered the school and went to attend the class, but she put on the clock with a field of strength in case she needs to face someone.

"Hi, did you also notice that suspicious person standing outside?" Snow asked confused by the calm of the people at school.

"The principal turned on the new school defense, don't worry" replied Roxy next to her girlfriend.

"Star you're fine, I was worried about you, anything we're here" said Ed.

"Thank you" Star said sadly.

"Here the director is speaking, I ask that everyone stay calm and don't leave the school, a super villain was identified outside, but we have already warned the police and the heroes" said the director through the speakers in the hallway.

"Aren't you going outside by any chance?" asked Steve.

"It's probably a villain that came after me, I don't know much information about him, but I know that all the villains that are going after the heroes come prepared to kill the heroes, before facing someone I need to know more information" replied Snow touching the cell.

After a while the villain who was outside used his powers to try to invade the school, he ran towards the school with great speed, but because of the force field he was repelled, he ended up being thrown towards a tree and passed out, after a few minutes the police arrived quickly to arrest the villain who was passed out.

"It's over," said Ed.

"It was so fast, what was this villain thinking. I heard he came running towards the school with a hammer but before he got to the door he was thrown across the street and passed out" Steve said.

"It was the security system that Joe installed at the school," Star said.

"Cool" said Steve and Ed.

Snow and the group decided that after school they would have fun at Steve's house, meanwhile Liz, Serena and Jack were at Liz's father's lair, in Dragon's lair everyone was plotting some robbery, when Liz's mother warned her that she was going go out to buy something.

"Dad, how long are we going to hide here?" asked Liz.

"Don't worry daughter, in a few hours the computer program my friend made will erase any mention of our names and identities from the internet" replied Liz's father.

"Don't worry Liz, everything will be fine, then we'll have fun in our new house and we'll get revenge on Snow and her family," Ben said.

"Guys, you've all seen what's happening in the world, villains are hunting heroes. Don't you think we could take advantage of this chaos to steal more money?" asked Jack.

"I think we'd better be quiet for a while, remember we were warned not to appear as villains for 1 month" replied Jack's father.

After a few hours the villains who were in the lair were surprised by the delay of Liz's mother, Ben's sister and Serena were watching television when suddenly a breaking news appeared, it was a live report in the city where the villains were hiding , was the battle of Liz's mother and a hero against the mysterious assassin who killed the villains who were in the bar.

"Mom," Liz said.

"It's at the supermarket on the other side of town," Serena said.

In the battle the assassin looked like he was losing, but Liz's mother ended up hitting the hero with her fire powers that was restricting the assassin's movement, causing the assassin to flee. The hero turned towards Liz's mother when he was hit by a fireball, the hero is launched towards the supermarket door. The hero manages to get up, but he is hit by a knife in the head and dies, Liz's mother and the people at the supermarket see the hero's death horrified, the assassin disappears again. Liz's mother decides to fly away, during her escape she is caught by a chain and is pulled to the ground, she tries to free herself but she is quickly decapitated by a sword and dies.

"Mom" cried Liz in tears.

"It can't be" said Liz's father falling to the floor.

Everyone was shaken in the lair, meanwhile everyone watching the report was amazed at what they saw. Journalists christened the assassin Hunter, villains who were thinking of going after heroes gave up, and heroes who were determined to take revenge the villains' attacks decided to return to their homes or lairs.

"I swear I will take revenge" Liz said crying.

Dragon tries to leave the lair to go to where his dead wife was, but is stopped by Serena's father and Ben's mother, who said it was better to wait as it wasn't safe. Dragon looks at his crying daughter and hugs her, everyone was in mourning, suddenly they received a call inviting everyone to an emergency meeting for all super villains.