
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · ファンタジー
104 Chs


My mom was calmer lately, but she said she was going to ground me for a month. When I turned on the television I ended up seeing that they were talking about what happened in the cinema and that the patients started to improve, the reporter had the Fire Lion by his side.

"I am very happy that the patients have improved, my advice is available to help these people," says Fire Lion.

The report goes on to talk about what happened when my uncle came into the room complaining about the heat.

"I can't believe nobody talked about how he abandoned everyone in that theater to die," says Zoe angrily.

"Looks like he made up a story that convinced a lot of people, are you okay?" asks Joe.

"He could have saved everyone, he could have made hundreds of those fire lions to get us out of there with one hand," Zoe said irritably.

"Dinner is ready," said the mother.

"I don't think it's worth fighting, this hero must have already asked his bosses for help to cover up this incident and manipulate the media so as not to tarnish his reputation," Joe says to Zoe.

That night, somewhere unknown, Joe was in some lab analyzing what appeared to be a blood sample, when Susan suddenly appeared with a cup of coffee.

"So what's the result?" says Susan.

"This is very strange, according to the blood sample, it looks like it's an altered form of ChimeraX," says Joe over his coffee.

"What is ChimeraX?" asked Susan.

"In the old days the first super humans were people who used special formulas to gain powers, many of these formulas were unstable and dangerous, one of them was ChimeraX. But this formula is not very well known and has been lost for 70 years" says Joe.

"What does this formula do?" asks Susan fearfully.

"This formula mixes DNA from various random animals giving people animal powers, the problem is that many of these people couldn't control themselves and destroyed everything around them and after 2 hours the person died" says Joe.

"My God, you're saying she's going to die," Susan says tearfully.

"Don't despair, as I said the formula has been changed, it seems that it takes time to take effect, until then we will find a cure for everyone who has been contaminated" says Joe, fiddling with a computer.

"According to some data I have, it will take 48 hours to have any effect on her, but I don't know if everyone affected has the same amount of time," says a worried Joe.

"Why didn't the hospital scans show anything?" asks Susan.

"I don't know, but I'm going to work on that cure now, before our time is up," says Joe confidently.