
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
104 Chs


I woke up in an unfamiliar room, looked around and saw my mother and uncle at the door talking to a man who looked like a doctor.

"When will my daughter wake up doctor?" said my mother.

"We are still analyzing patients who have been affected by this gas, but if all goes well she will wake up soon," said the confident doctor.

"Hello" says Zoe confused.

Soon everyone turns around, my mother starts crying and comes to hug me. A nurse soon arrives saying that some of the patients are waking up.

"Could someone tell me what happened?" says Zoé.

"Well, it seems that some villains filled the cinema with gas and some people were in a coma for a week" says the mother looking at her daughter.

"I remember, they said everyone was going to die and someone broke the movie theater wall with a truck," says Zoe.

"Lucky for those villains to be stupid or incompetent, the solution they used in the gas looked like a potent version of the Blue Vibe energy drink, that energy drink that goes on TV with that famous hero," says Joe.

"Energy, they said it was a lethal poison that would kill everyone," says Zoe confused.

"Looks like they broke into one of Blue's factories to mix the poisons, only they must have mixed the barrels. The police went to investigate Blue's closest factory and discovered several barrels with toxic substances and some equipment they left behind." says Joe.

"Don't worry, young lady, no one is going to die, the mixture has already left everyone's body, without causing any harm, in 2 days you can go home", says the doctor.

"Daughter rest, when we return home we will talk" says the serious mother.

Zoe remembers that she went to the event without her mother's permission and ended up terrified of the punishment she expected at home. After that, friends of hers came to visit her to see how she was doing, stayed talking and left when the nurse came to complain about the noise.

During the night I hear a familiar voice talking to the doctor, it was Ben my ex-boyfriend, it sounded like he was arguing. I tried to avoid listening to the discussion since I didn't want to know anything about Ben, but I couldn't.

"Why don't you go visit her" says Ben angrily.

"I'm very busy with my patients," says the doctor.

"Bullshit, you never visit her. I noticed you didn't even send her birthday gifts," says Ben.

"Son, understand that I'm busy and I don't have much time to see your sister, I can't even leave here anytime soon," says the doctor.

"You just don't want to care, you know what, forget about it and go to work" says Ben angrily.

The argument ended and I went back to sleep, then the 2 days passed and I went back to my house.