
Rising Gods

In a World where being Weak is the Greatest Sin. A world where the strong eats the weak. "Yee foo" the strongest Human. the most Talented in medicine. alchemy and the only person who managed to reach Legendary Realms in cultivation. back to his great Palace in the Holy Dimension after defeating one of the strongest humanity's enemies. finds his most beloved ones killed and slaughtered by his own trusted Disciple what led him to lose control of his powers and destroy his phisical body and at a rage moment. then he Opens his Eyes inside the void after a long time

Zithmane · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Chapter 4: Tier five!

The Profound Dou City was the smallest city of the Holy Pheonix Empire. It was so small that it wasn't even suitable to be called a city; perhaps calling it a town would be more appropriate. The Profound Dou City was not only the smallest city but was also the most geographically remote in terms of location. The population, economy, and even the average Spiritual strength was the lowest of the low. even nearby Towns had to suffer even if they were a few hundred miles away. These days, The Profound Dou City's residents often mock themselves for being a forgotten corner in the Holy Pheonix Empire.

If someone managed to Refine a Tier two Pill or Elixir, The Profound Dou City would particularly be alive no matter what day it is, not to Mention a Tier three Pill, there were a few Alchemists in the City. Moreover, they all had to gather and arrange a large Yard and assure loads of high-quality Ingredients just to make a Tier three pill. Yet, there was a high chance they will Fail. The whole Profound dou City can Refine only one Tier three pill each ten years

Tier four Elixirs and Pills were Considered as the most valuable Treasures, one can even sell their family members in order to obtain one. If someone was lucky enough to Refine a Tier four pill it would be the Profound Dou City's biggest exciting event, or even be considered as an annual feast!

Even when Luo fao accepted Yee foo's interference, he still had some doubts about him, they were about to refine a Tier four Pill after all

"Elder Fao, please let us begin" Yee foo standing in the front, without turning back order Luo fao

Luo fao kept staring at Yee foo's back for a few moments, anyone can easily tell that there's still a bit of hesitation in both of his black eyes"Feng! Changsheng! both of you release the pressure!"

the two youths clothed in white immediately responded as they slowly lowered their arms, at the same exact moment they performed this action, suddenly the Big Yellow furnace, and with no warnings started Roughly trembling, it was just a few steps away from blowing up

"Elder Now!! solidify your spiritual Energy to form a 10 feets spiritual pot, Then drag the melted ingredients from the Furnace into the pot. Meanwhile, both Feng and Changsheng Maintain using seventy percent of your spiritual Energy to apply Pressure to Form the Pill" Yee Foo kept staring at the vibrating Furnace as he quickly shouted.

In the Alchemy's Domain, it was known the moment you pull the Ingredients out of the Furnace before forming the pill, they would instantly lose all their value and become useless Trash. Was she really just lying about everything? huh, there are no other solutions now that we came this far!

Luo Fao kept thinking for a few seconds. However, he didn't have the time, a few moments later he Raised his hand, at the same second, white glowing energy started to appear and formed a 10 feets floating Pot in mid-air

After forming the Spiritual Pot, Luo Fao turned his person to the Other side to see a Smiling young girl standing still over there, there was no fear or Hesitation found in those two gray glowing eyes of her, After a few moments of the silent confrontation between the two, Luo fao Finally Turned to face the Furnace

there was no Other choices for him at this point, if they fail, everything they have prepared and all the Ingredients they have been gathering all this time would be wasted for nothing. Yet, if they had a success, Everyone in the Profound Dou city will be shocked

Luo fao Finally Raised his Hands towards the Yellow Giant Furnace when a white Energy surrounded his whole body, a few moments later Green looking liquid covered by the same white Energy got out of the Furnace's only Entrance, the same Moment they saw the green Liquid, both Feng and Changsheng surrounded their bodies with their Spiritual Energy and Raised their Hands towards the Green liquid, at a glance it appears they were heavily stressed but they were using only seventy percent of their Power to apply pressure on the liquid

With the Help of the three Practitioners, they Finally managed to drag this liquid into the floating spiritual pot

"Brother Feng, Brother Changsheng, you can release the Pressure and step back Now" Yee foo asked both of the young youths behind him

"It's your Turn now Elder Fao, all that's left to do is compressing the Spiritual Pot as much as possible, until the point when you start noticing a refreshing smell. Upon Finishing this Process you will Finally have your Pill"

Elder Fao kept listening Carefully to each word coming out of Yee foo's mouth, if he really Managed to Refine a High-level Pill, he might even be Promoted to a level Three Alchemist, it would be an Unforgettable event in his entire life

Elder fao had a serious expression on his face as he slowly raised his arms, once again he surrounded his entire body with his white Spiritual Energy. Moreover, he was shinning way more than the last time. At the same exact second, the floating pot started glowing as it gets smaller and smaller due to Luo fao's actions, if you focus on the pot you might notice a green liquid inside of it, it slowly started taking a pill's form after being pressed

"Ahh!! it is really working, at this pace we..we are....."Luo fao was a very Wise man. However, the middle-aged man couldn't hide the excitement and happiness expressions on his face, An arc formed at the edge of his mouth and she joyfully resumed, like a kid who had been given his favorite candy.

After a long time of compressing, you can now easily see a glowing green pill's form floating in mid Air "Is it done, have we really managed to do it?" Changsheng couldn't keep standing still and asked

"No, there's still something lacking, the Aura of this Pill is Indeed way higher than a Tier one Pill. Yet, i can't say it is a Tier four one. Actually, i can't even tell what Tier level it is. Ther..there is something strange about it" Luo fao kept staring at the floating Pill with his old Black Eyes

"In this case, let me help you" Yee foo Suddenly Appeared in front of Luo fao under the Pill, in an instant he quickly jumped and reached the Floating pill as he Raised his hand and reached for the Pill and Grabbed it. when Yee foo's Hand Touched the Pill he Started Shining, a Mysterious Green Energy Surrounded his Body and Formed a Giant Green Glowing ball, with Yee foo inside of it, few Moment Later this Giant Shinning Energy Ball Transformed into a Green Energy Pillar and Pierced through the Sky after separating the clouds over the Forest

If a Normal Human Happened to see the Rays coming out of this Process he would be blind for the rest of his life, even Luo fao had to cover his eyes with his Spiritual Energy to witness the scene" What's happening!!, i was lucky enough to Witness a Tier four Pill Refining Process before. Yet, none of this happened. Wait, C..Could it be...!" At this point, Luo fao was lost in his words

When the Energy Pillar Pierced into the Sky and Disappeared, there was nothing left but the Dust and a few tiny Rocks dropping from the sky, After a few moments, there was a human's shadow coming out of the cloud of dust "Good, this bit of energy will help me to Restore my Heavenly Veins, i'm just a few steps away from making my first Breakthrough...and for this..!" inside the cloud of dust besides using the Energy to restore his damaged Heavenly Veins, all his leftover clothes were destroyed during the process. At this point, he was literally Naked "Uhh.. Elder Fao can you please land me a Pair of Clothes, haha..."

"Ahh!! Y.. Yes, Of course young lady, here you can use these, they're my daughter's clothes. I think both of you have the same age" Luo fao had a few clear red touches on his face, even if it was just a thirteen to fourteen years old young girl, he wasn't even able to resist her charming look before, not to mention watching her naked now. Luo Fao quickly sent a white pair of Clothes inlaid with many shinning gemstones towards Yee foo as he grabbed the two other shocked youths behind him and went behind a tree"hm..hm, we will wait here young lady"

Yee foo ignored their reactions and grabbed the clothes, a few seconds later he allowed them to come back

"i really thank you Elder Fao, i'll make sure to send these clothes back to you later" Yee foo raised his hands and slightly bowed towards Luo fao thanking him

"There is no need! there is no need young lady, hm.. Can you please tell us what happened just now? i witnessed a lot of Alchemy events and even participated in a Tier four pill refining process before, but i have never seen something like that before" Luo Fao kindly asked Yee foo with a lost look on his face

"To be honest, i myself was shocked, i thought that in best cases we might be able to get an early or mid-Stage Tier four pill, but i never thought something like that would happen. Consider your self lucky this time, you can see the fruits of your labor with your own eyes" Yee foo ended his talking as he slowly raised one of his hands

There was a glowing purple Pill floating in his hand, there were many Golden Marks on it, each mark has its own charm and looks stranger than the one before" it is called the heavenly Orb forming Pill, an early stage Tier five Pill, it's not the highest quality. Yet, Considering we used Tier one ingredients it's still a good result in my opinion"

"This Pill is mostly used by Practitioners at the Peak of the king element level, it ups the chances of forming the Heavenly Orb inside their Spiritual Sea in order to Advance into the Emperor Realm, besides that i can't see other uses for it" Yee foo explained everything about the pill to the group in front of him, they had no idea after all, he passed it to Luo fao when he stopped talking like it was nothing.

"If there is nothing else, i'm taking my leave, if you need to find me again search for a slave named Yee foo in the 'Mo clan' he will help you!" Yee foo quickly faced south and shouted a few words as he disappeared from their field of vision"Take care old man!, Brother Feng!, Brother Changsheng!" Only his Delicate voice was heard at this point

"T..Tier five Pill?!? Em..Emperor Realm!! Who the hell was this lady? she mysteriously appeared and disappeared in a more stranger way, could she be from a Major Sect? i even attacked her before! hopefully i didn't screw up this time"Luo fao kept staring at the floating Purple pill in his hand, he was lost in his words once again