
Rising Gods

In a World where being Weak is the Greatest Sin. A world where the strong eats the weak. "Yee foo" the strongest Human. the most Talented in medicine. alchemy and the only person who managed to reach Legendary Realms in cultivation. back to his great Palace in the Holy Dimension after defeating one of the strongest humanity's enemies. finds his most beloved ones killed and slaughtered by his own trusted Disciple what led him to lose control of his powers and destroy his phisical body and at a rage moment. then he Opens his Eyes inside the void after a long time

Zithmane · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 5: Plans

After leaving the Refining area, Yee foo was once again walking alone in fancy white clothes inlaid with so many gemstones "Did he really have to give me this luxurious dress, it looks too expensive for residents of this area, I do look like a fucking cute Princess now!. Hehe.... what I've already got from them is already enough for me!" A fair smile formed up the edge of his pink lips as he raised his hand, there were 3 green glowing pills, they had a rich Aura. Yet, it was still lacking if compared with the Tier five pill from before. They were Tier four pills!!!


The Alchemy House was only a Branch of a Greater Alchemy Sect. However, it was the Only Branch not only in the Profound Dou City but the whole Region and Nearby Towns, it had a good reputation

Meanwhile, in the Main mansion at the Alchemy House, there were a lot of people in white clothes at the same moment now! In the most important place inside the mansion, there was a White-haired Old man with a white long beard, clothed with simple Gray clothes, with wrinkles all over his face sitting on his chair. you can easily tell it's the last years of his life. Yet, no one could confront him or disrespect him the slightest, he had a great presence of a strict leader

Just below him, there were ten other middle-aged men with white clothes sitting on their chairs in a well-organized line. They were the ten Elders of the Alchemy House the only Disrupting thing was the empty chair of the Second Elder!

In the middle of the mansion, there were three persons kneeling. In front of them there was a fancy black table made with one of the most precious jade, over this table there was a shiny silver looking box, on it you can see a glowing purple Pill with many Golden Marks with an exceptional pattern on it.

Everyone's eyes were focusing on this strange item, they have never seen anything like this before. It is known that all refined pills would be in a simple one Color, this even goes on tier four pills, only high tier pills would have Marks on it.

the place was silent for a long time Until the old looking man opened his sharp black eyes" Second Elder, Luo Fao, do you know what would happen to you if you were lying, you can't use these methods even if you want to be promoted to a higher level alchemist"

"I am a late-stage tear three alchemist. Yet, i can't refine an early stage tier five pill, even refining a tier four pill is almost impossible for me, not to mention a tier five" the old man kept staring at Luo fao with his old eyes, there were both honesty and threatening felt in his words but there was no mocking!

"Master Luo Hong! I'm one of your well-trusted disciples, I took you as my Master! my father! my savior! even if i am really ungrateful, i still do not have the guts to lie in front of you!!!" Luo fao raised his both hands and bowed down again, he didn't know bringing such an object will cause him this much problems

" it is true i said we managed to refine this pill, we didn't steal it nor buy it or anything like that. However, we weren't alone back then we got a strange little girl's help, actually if it wasn't for her we wouldn't have been able to get even a Tier one pill" Luo fao raised his head, there's was seriousness and honesty on those black eyes of his

the whole place went noisy in moments, Luo Hong then lifted his hand full of wrinkles towards the crowd, once again the mansion went silent" you saying that a little girl was able to refine a Tier five pill, not any tier five pill. It's the Heavenly Orb Forming pill, amongst all the tier five pills in this world it's considered the most valuable one, even if it is an early stage it can even be compared to the tier six pills, this kind of items are treasures amongst treasures"

"This pill greatly ups the chances of breaking through the Peak of the king Realm and advance into the Emperor Realm. Due to its effect, it is always in demand but it is a very Rare Treasure can't be found even in the Major regions, if you were lucky enough you might be able to find one at the capital but you will have to spend a fortune for it since it is always selling on auctions."

"Luo fao, i wanna believe you but if you don't explain everything step by step i'm afraid i will not be able to" Luo Hong kept a calm look on his face while looking at Luo Fao

Luo Fao nodded his head and started explaining everything starting with Yee foo's Strange appearance to his mysterious disappearance"... Also she mentioned that if i want to meet her again i can ask that person, a slave called Yee foo in one of the great clans in the Profound City 'the Mo Clan'"

"A fourteen years old young girl able to come out alive from an Elder's Spiritual attack at the Spiritual element level, and has the ability to refine Tier five pills. Hmph! Luo Fao i was Considering you as a big brother to me but you dare to say such bullshit in front of us and even in the Master's presence. If you don't have a Proof i am afraid i'll have to enforce justice on behalf of heaven to get rid of you" One of the Elders stood up and faced Luo fao with a Fierce look on his face

"Brother Luo Hung no worries, if you people don't believe us i then only have one choice! 'The Soul Revealing Technique' i just want you to be responsible if anything happened" Luo Fao faced the Man named Luo Hung with the same Fierce look, there was clearly a harsh confrontation between the two

"The Soul Revealing Technique? isn't that a Technique to reveal one's memories!"

"It is said that only the Practitioners who reached the Spiritual Element level can use it"

"Elder Luo Fao is a Practitioner at the second layer of the Spiritual element level, is he really gonna do it?" everyone in the mansion was shocked by what Luo fao said

Everyone was surprised at his saying Especially the Ten Elders who were silent all the time, because they know that even if you reach the Spiritual Realm You'll still be severely exhausted or even damage your Spiritual Sea

"Good!" Luo Hong nodded and waved towards Luo fao, he knew this is gonna give a big hit to Luo fao's Cultivation, but they had no other choices" if you were lying and something happened to you it would be considered as your punishment. However, if you were honest i myself will make sure to compensate you and even give you a prize you and your two students!"

Luo fao nodded, he then raised both his hands and made some moves, he was covered in his white spiritual aura before launching it in mid-air and formed a Giant tablet. after the tablet was formed a tiny black energy ball flew out of Luo fao's forehead and Bursted at the tablet then vanished.

Few moments after that, the Giant Tablet started displaying a scene, there were three Human shadows in front of a Giant Yellow Refining Furnace. The Tablet kept displaying all Luo fao's memories about the scene how a strange voice came out of the Forest and the first Conversation between the group and the mysterious person. The mansion was a bit Noisy but the second the little girl showed herself it was as if a meteorite just hit each one of them, the shock on their faces was unexpected

The sound of irrepressible breathing overlapped against one another as many people stared straight ahead, unable to snap back into reality. That is the power of this young lady's charisma, for this all happened without meeting her in person! Based on her aura and posture alone, she still seemed like a fairy that had walked out straight from a painting. Her beauty was so immense that none could take their eyes off her.

"sh..she is a fairy! there is no way a human is able to possess such a Charming looking!"

"No! she is an angel! that look on her face, her delicate nose, the charming and fair pink lips, her perfect slender narrow waist, her whole person is incomparable, such beauty is indeed not from our world"

"Actually, now i can peacefully die since i lived enough to see such a thing, even if it wasn't in person i'm still happy"

The Tablet kept displaying the rest of the scene as the place fell into the silent state again, how they started the process and the young girl interference at the last moment along side the Energy pillar piercing through the sky, everything was shown to the Crowd of people

The Tablet displayed everything to the point when Yee foo left"....., Take care Old man! Brother Feng! Brother Changsheng!" Finally, it Transformed into a white spiritual energy and fired at Luo fao's forehead. the moment the energy entered his body he felt a sweet flavor coming out of his throat then he unconsciously threw blood out of his mouth!

"Third Elder! Seventh Elder! Bring the Second Elder Luo fao to the Main Medical post, use whatever you need to heal him up as soon as possible, even if you need high Tier pills i allow you to use it"

"Second Elder was almost at the early stage tier two Alchemist, Since i am the Great Master of the Alchemy House i officially make him an early stage Tier three Alchemist. Both his Students Luo Feng and Luo ChangSheng will be promoted to the late-stage Tier one Alchemists"

"Tenth and ninth Elders you will stay to protect the Alchemy house at the Profound Dou City. Me and the Rest Elders will bring the Tier Five Pill and Travel to the Main Great Alchemy mansion at the Capital to Report"

"If you catch anyone spreading the news about the Tier Five Pill annihilate him and his whole family. From now on the Alchemy house will close its doors, you may take your leave, this is all for today!" Luo Hong kept a calm look on his face when the Crowd in front of him started spreading through the Mansion doors like flows of mobile meat, his old voice spread all over the Alchemy mansion indicating the seriousness of the current situation!!!