
Rising From Ashes To Riches

Zara Watson, a young woman who works tirelessly at a local coffee shop to support herself, her sister, and her grandmother. Born into poverty, Zara faces daily reminders of her family's financial struggles, especially when her sister's wealthy boyfriend flaunts his lifestyle. Despite the challenges she faces, Zara refuses to succumb to despair. Determined to create a better life for herself and her family, she channels her energy into her work and dreams of a brighter future. However, her journey is fraught with obstacles, including betrayal from those closest to her and setbacks that threaten to derail her ambitions. Throughout the novel, Zara's resilience shines through as she confronts each challenge head-on. Along the way, she discovers unexpected allies and talents within herself, helping her to navigate the complexities of her world. As she rises above her circumstances, Zara learns valuable lessons about perseverance, self-worth, and the true meaning of success.

Thobile_Shange · 都市
4 Chs

Introducing Zara

As I hurriedly get ready for the day, I'm once again running late. My grandmother, whom I affectionately call Grams, seems to have overslept, likely due to the effects of the medication she took the previous night. 

I quickly take a bath and join her grandmother in the kitchen, where Grams has prepared some porridge for breakfast.

"Thanks, Grams," I mumble with a mouthful of food, immediately realizing my mistake as Grams shoots me a disapproving look. Swallowing awkwardly, I offer a shy apology, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment as I look down at my bowl. 

Despite my occasional blunders, I appreciate the care and effort my grandmother puts into looking after my sister and I. 

I remember that time vividly, even though it feels like a lifetime ago. I was just 10 years old when everything changed. My mom got involved with a married man. I didn't understand it then, but looking back, I can see how it all spiraled out of control.

His wife, she found out. And she did something unthinkable. She messed with the brakes of his car. Then, one day, he picked up my mom. They never made it far. The brakes failed, and they got into a terrible accident. Both of them passed away.

My sister was 12. We were left alone, trying to make sense of everything. How could something like this happen? It was like a nightmare I couldn't wake up from. The betrayal, the anger, the grief—it was overwhelming.

Losing my mom in such a sudden and violent way, it changed me. I had to grow up fast, trying to navigate through my emotions while still just a kid. It wasn't easy, and there were times when I felt like I couldn't go on.

But somehow, I did. I found strength in the midst of the pain, leaning on friends, my sister and grandma for support. It's been a long road, but I've learned to carry the weight of my loss and turn it into something that fuels me, rather than holds me back.

Even now, all these years later, I still carry the scars of that time. But I've also found healing and resilience. And I know that no matter what life throws my way, I'll keep moving forward, one step at a time. 

Dealing with my boss can be a nightmare. I often wonder why she doesn't just retire or pass the shop on to her family. It feels like she's making our lives miserable by staying on. Last week, my friend and colleague Cindy got fired over a simple mistake of mixing up orders. It's scary because I'm clumsy too, and I worry that one slip-up could cost me my job.

It's frustrating to work in an environment where you feel constantly on edge. I can't help but think about how unfair it is that small mistakes can have such serious consequences. It's like walking on eggshells every day, afraid of making the slightest error.

I try my best to stay focused and do my job well, but the pressure is always there. Sometimes I wonder if it's worth it, but I know I need this job. Still, it's hard not to let the stress get to me.

I just hope I can navigate through this without getting fired like Cindy. In the meantime, I'll do my best to take care of myself and stay positive. Wow, this is awesome. Just as I'm thinking of Cindy , she calls! This is a nice surprise.

"Hey, Cindy! What's up?"

"Hey! I've got some exciting news to share with you."

"Oh, really? What's going on?"

"Well, remember how I got let go from the coffee shop last week? It turns out it might have been a blessing in disguise. I found a job at this bar downtown, and they're in need of extra waitresses."

"That's fantastic news, Cindy! I'm so happy for you. How did you manage to land that gig?"

"Thanks! Honestly, it was just luck. I was browsing job postings online, and I came across their ad. I applied on a whim, and they called me in for an interview right away."

"That's amazing. It sounds like things are really looking up for you. How's the atmosphere there?"

"It's totally different from the coffee shop, but in a good way. The staff is super friendly, and the customers are lively. Plus, the tips are way better!"

"That's awesome to hear. It sounds like a great opportunity. Do they need more waitresses? I could use a change of scenery myself. Mrs. Flaming is still living on our necks over here."

"Actually, they do! I was just about to ask if you'd be interested. I told them about you, and they seemed really keen to meet you."

"Wow, I'm speechless. Thank you so much for thinking of me, Cindy. I'll definitely look into it."

"Of course! We could totally use the extra help, and it would be amazing to work together again. Just bring your CV over when you get time."

"Absolutely. Let's catch up later and discuss the details. Thanks again for reaching out, Cindy. You're the best."

"Anytime! Can't wait to hear what you decide. Talk to you soon!"

"Bye girl!"

I'm feeling a mix of surprise, excitement, and gratitude. The unexpected news of Cindy finding a job at a bar and the prospect of joining her is sparking a sense of hope and anticipation within me. 

Learning about the lively atmosphere and better opportunities compared to this dull workplace is definitely lifting my spirits, giving me a newfound sense of optimism about my professional prospects. 

Cindy's thoughtfulness in mentioning me to the management is so sweet and very thoughtful of her. If I get this job , I'll throw her a mother of all parties. Our bond as friends and colleagues is something out of this world. I'm left feeling touched and appreciated. 

I quickly text Cindy, I want to express my enthusiasm for the opportunity she mentioned earlier. 

"Hey Cindy! Just wanted to let you know that I've decided to come by your workplace tonight. Looking forward to checking it out and hopefully joining the team. Thanks again for thinking of me!" 

After sending the message, I feel a surge of excitement and anticipation, eager to see what the bar has to offer and potentially embark on this new adventure alongside Cindy.

Heading home after my challenging shift, I waste no time in changing out of my work clothes into something more comfortable. I feel a sense of relief wash over me, shedding the stress of the day along with my uniform. 

With each article of clothing I trade for something softer and more relaxed, I feel the tension in my shoulders ease and my spirits lift. Tonight's visit to Cindy's workplace holds the promise of new beginnings, and I'm eager to embrace the opportunity with open arms. 

As I prepare to leave, I take a moment to kiss my grandmother on the cheek, feeling a surge of gratitude for her presence in my life despite the challenges we face together. With a whispered "I'll be back soon," I step out the door, leaving behind the comfort of home for the excitement of the unknown.

The absence of my sister, Zoe, is palpable, but not unexpected. I know she's off with her affluent boyfriend, living a life of luxury that feels worlds away from our own. Imagining her sipping champagne on a balcony only serves to highlight the contrast between our realities, but I push aside any feelings of resentment or envy. Tonight is about carving out my own path, and I'm determined to make the most of it.

As I arrive at the bar, I quickly realize that Cindy failed to mention one crucial detail—this isn't just any bar, it's a strip club. A wave of surprise and uncertainty washes over me as I take in the neon lights and suggestive signage, feeling a mix of curiosity and apprehension about what lies ahead.

Despite my initial shock, I remind myself to keep an open mind and approach the situation with a sense of adventure. After all, I'm here to explore new opportunities and broaden my horizons. With a deep breath, I steel myself for whatever awaits inside, ready to embrace the unexpected twists and turns of the night ahead.

As I approach the bar, I order a soda, noting the bartender's surprised reaction. I explain that I'm here to see Cindy, prompting her to make a quick phone call. Moments later, Cindy emerges from the crowd, clad in blue shorts and a white crop top—apparently the standard uniform for waitresses at the club.

I can't help but notice how striking the outfit is, with its vibrant colors and flattering design. However, I can already anticipate my grandmother's disapproval if she were to see me dressed in such. Despite the beauty of the clothing, I feel a pang of guilt for deviating from her expectations.

Nevertheless, I push aside my concerns and focus on the reason I'm here—to support Cindy and explore this potential opportunity. With a smile, I greet her warmly, ready to dive into the night and see where it takes us.