
Rising From Ashes To Riches

Zara Watson, a young woman who works tirelessly at a local coffee shop to support herself, her sister, and her grandmother. Born into poverty, Zara faces daily reminders of her family's financial struggles, especially when her sister's wealthy boyfriend flaunts his lifestyle. Despite the challenges she faces, Zara refuses to succumb to despair. Determined to create a better life for herself and her family, she channels her energy into her work and dreams of a brighter future. However, her journey is fraught with obstacles, including betrayal from those closest to her and setbacks that threaten to derail her ambitions. Throughout the novel, Zara's resilience shines through as she confronts each challenge head-on. Along the way, she discovers unexpected allies and talents within herself, helping her to navigate the complexities of her world. As she rises above her circumstances, Zara learns valuable lessons about perseverance, self-worth, and the true meaning of success.

Thobile_Shange · Urban
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4 Chs

The Morningstar

I clear my throat uncomfortably. Well, this is certainly an unexpected turn of events. Working at a strip club was likely not what I had in mind when I said I'd take anything to get out of the coffee shop.

I can understand the desperation that might lead someone down this path when faced with financial hardship and limited options. However, it's important to carefully consider the implications and potential risks involved.

Strip clubs can be environments rife with exploitation, unsafe working conditions, and exposure to unsavory elements. There are often issues around power dynamics, objectification, and a lack of basic protections for employees. My safety, dignity and well-being could be compromised.

I take a deep breath. I'm sitting across from Cindy, trying to process everything she's telling me about this place operating as a strip club. A pit forms in my stomach as she lays out the Options of being a waitress or even a stripper.

Part of me wants to get up and just walk out - this was definitely not what I had in mind when I said I'd take anything to get out of the coffee shop. Working anywhere associated with the sex industry feels like a massive compromise of my values and self-respect.

But then I think about the reality of my situation - the constant struggle to make ends meet, the nights I've gone to bed hungry to ensure my sister and grandmother are fed. If Cindy is right that this place is at least relatively professional and aboveboard, maybe it could be a way to finally get ahead financially.

Still, those nagging concerns about safety, objectification, and putting myself in potentially unsafe situations won't go away. I've worked so hard to maintain my dignity despite our poverty. Would taking a job here, even just as a waitress, strip away the last remnants of that?

Cindy is watching me carefully, waiting for my response. I know I need to make a decision, but it's one of the toughest choices I've ever faced. Do I chalk this up to being desperate times calling for desperate measures? 

Or do I trust my instincts that this opportunity, no matter how lucrative, could come at too high a personal cost? I stare down at the crumpled piece of paper Cindy just slipped me, the numbers scrawled across it burning into my mind. My heart pounds in my ears as the implications set in.

Those figures...that's more money than I've ever seen in my life! All from one week's work? It's almost too much to comprehend. 

I steal a glance back up at Cindy, her expression carefully neutral as she waits for my reaction. A flash of nana's warm smile dances through my memory - the same smile that would light up when I was a kid, dreaming out loud about buying her that fancy new kitchen set.

My grip tightens on the paper as visions of renovating her rundown kitchen flood my mind. Gleaming appliances, beautiful cherry wood cabinets, granite countertops - the whole works! All those years of her pinching pennies and making do with secondhand things...I could give her that dream at last.

But it's not just wishful thinking anymore. These numbers confirm it's all possible. One month's paycheck from this place and Gram's home, our home, is transformed! 

A tremor runs through me as the weight of this opportunity sinks in. So much could change, so quickly, if I...if I what? My gaze darts guiltily back to Cindy, her lips curling up at the corners as she can already sense my resolve crumbling.

Do I dare? Risk everything - my values, my self-respect - all for a chance to finally escape this cycle of poverty? To give grams the life she deserves? 

Just one month. One month of...I swallow hard, my throat tightening. Is it worth the cost if it means everything finally changes? 

There's only one way to find out. With trembling fingers, I clutch the paper tighter and lift my chin to meet Cindy's gaze.

"When can I start?"

My heart races as Cindy pulls me into a tight hug, her perfume enveloping me. Before I can fully process what's happening, she's ushering me down the hall with a firm but reassuring hand on my back. 

"Wh-what's going on?" 

I manage, struggling to keep up with her brisk pace. Cindy just flashes me a conspiratorial wink over her shoulder.

We reach a nondescript door, and she raps sharply before a deep voice calls out, 


I suck in a sharp breath as Cindy swings the door open, revealing the most stunningly gorgeous man I've ever laid eyes on. He rises from behind an immaculate desk, eyeing me up and down with an intensity that makes me flush.

"Zara, so lovely to meet you." 

He purrs in a voice like velvet. 

"I'm Jason Morningstar, the owner of this fine establishment." 

His gaze holds mine for a dizzying moment before he turns to Cindy. 

"Thank you, my dear, that will be all for now."

She gives a slight nod and sidles out, leaving me alone to face this Greek god of a man. Jason gestures toward a plush red armchair. 

"Please, have a seat and make yourself comfortable. We have approximately 10 minutes to...get acquainted before your interview begins." 

He flashes me a smile that could easily be an air-brushed billboard ad for male cologne.

I sink numbly into the soft cushions, my heart thundering as he circles around the desk toward me with the graceful prowl of a jungle cat. Get acquainted? Interview? What is happening here?

He leans back against the desk's edge, folding his arms in a way that strains against his crisp dress shirt. 

"So, Zara...tell me a bit about yourself and why you're interested in this...unique opportunity."

His bedroom eyes bore into me, awaiting my response with undisguised intrigue. I give myself a mental shake - now is not the time to be intimidated! Lifting my chin defiantly, I open my mouth to respond…

I force myself to maintain eye contact with him, pushing past the disarming effect of his striking features. This is too important to get flustered over some sultry club owner.

"I'm interested because I finally have an opportunity, a chance at a better life." 

I state, my voice is steadier than I expected. 

"My family has struggled for too long just to get by. This job, this...'opportunity' as you put it, could change everything for us."

Jason's perfectly sculpted eyebrow arches ever so slightly, but he says nothing, silently prompting me to continue. I forge ahead, letting years of pent-up frustration fuel my words.

"I work myself to the bone and it's still never enough. My grandmother raised me after my parents..." 

My voice catches, but I push past it, unwilling to show weakness. 

"She sacrificed everything, and now her health is failing. This could be my chance to finally give her the comfortable life she deserved all along."

I lean forward, gripping the armchair tensely. 

"So yes, I'm very interested, because I'm dead set on doing whatever it takes, as long as it's legal and...relatively ethical. I have boundaries, but I'm determined. If you're looking for someone with ambition and drive, you've found her."

The barest hint of a smirk ghosts across his lips as he holds my gaze approvingly. 

"Well said, Miss Watson. I admire a woman with fortitude and principle." 

He pushes off from the desk in one fluid motion, prowling toward me like a panther cornering its prey. My breath catches as he crouches beside the armchair, near enough for me to smell his musky cologne.

"However, this line of work requires...very particular assets and skills. Ones which may test the limits of your boundaries." 

His eyes rake over me appraisingly. 

"Tell me, are you prepared to be utterly fearless? To have no shame or inhibitions when it comes to using your body and beauty to entertain? To do whatever is required of you without hesitation?"

His voice lowers to a rumbling purr. 

"Because here, you'd belong to me and this club. You'll cater to every whim of our elite patrons, no matter how... unconventional their tastes may be. Can you handle that, little one?"

His piercing stare bores into me, awaiting my response. I'm utterly transfixed, my mouth suddenly dry as the gravity of his words sinks in. This is so much more than I bargained for - but the stakes are too high to back out now.

Squaring my shoulders, I hold his smoldering gaze. 

"Try me."

A slow, predatory smile spreads across his chiseled features…

A hushed tension hangs in the air as he slides a hefty contract across the desk towards me. My eyes flit over the embossed words on the cover - Paradise Gentlemen's Club.

"This is a standard six-month contract." 

His velveteen voice breaks the heavy silence. 

"Review it in full, ensure you understand all the terms and...expectations." 

There's an undercurrent of something darker implied beneath those last few words that sends a shivery thrill down my spine. Jason folds his hands calmly, holding my gaze with those penetrating emerald eyes.

"If, after reading it thoroughly, you still wish to proceed, then return here by 8 o'clock tomorrow with the signed paperwork. At which point, you'll officially be mine." 

The rumble in his baritone on that last sentence is utterly possessive, visceral. As if he's staking an irrevocable claim. The heavy contract, my fingers trembling ever so slightly against the weathered document.

"And just to reiterate..." 

He rises from his chair in one sinuous movement, rounding the desk until he's looming over me with ominous presence. 

"This isn't somet-table service job you can simply clock in and out of, Zara."

His fingertips graze my jawline, tilting my chin up so I'm forced to meet the intensity blazing in those hooded eyes. 

"In Paradise, you'll belong to me, mind and body. Your autonomy, your boundaries..." 

He leans in until his lips are a hairsbreadth from my ear… 

"They'll only exist on my terms. It's a total surrender of yourself. No exceptions."

A violent shudder rips through me at the sheer dominance saturating his words. This man, this,1 is both terrifying and intoxicating. The primal part of me is utterly enthralled, while my conscience screams in warning. 

He allows his fingertips to trail down my neck possessively before straightening once more. "Sleep on it. Search your soul. If you can still return here tomorrow and sign your life over to me and Paradise, then we'll proceed." 

He taps the cover of the contract with a finality that somehow conveys both threat and promise.

"The choice is yours, little one. Life...or freedom?"

I clutch the document with white knuckles as he dismisses me with a curt nod. My legs are shaking as I rise, headed for the door and the monumental decision that lies ahead.