
Rise Of The Hoarder

On Christmas day, seemingly overnight, God summoned everyone on Earth, giving every single person a 'Gift' along with a System. These Gifts, synonimous with special abilities granted people powers beyond comprehension. However, with these abilities came tragedy that enveloped the world. The Apocalypse! Jeremy Lewis, a reclusive loner, is mysteriously exempt from this phenomenon and finds himself being the only one without a Gift. God decides to grant him the last Gift available, [Subspace], and forcefully returns him to a world that has become hell. Horrifying monsters now lurk around every corner, and inevitable death awaits. Arming himself with his wits and the Gift he possesses, how will Jeremy survive this cruel new world that he finds himself in? "Everything will go according to plan, and ultimately the path I have started will lead to my victory... these tools will be useful in achieving that!" PLEASE JOIN OUR DISCORD!!!  https://discord.gg/nTP43UEphg ALSO, WE NOW HAVE A SUBREDDIT COMMUNITY. Please join to interact more with other readers and the author! https://www.reddit.com/r/Magecrafspellcraft?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share This is to provide better services to you readers, and for a more direct conversation between me as an author, and you as readers. Plus, there are Original Character Designs of the novel characters in the communities. So, please... Hop on the Discord and Subreddit train! Follow me on Instagram: the_magecrafter You're all welcome!

Magecrafter · ファンタジー
464 Chs


"Skriiiiekkk!" The Demons let out as they jumped, ready to pounce on me.

"[Subspace]!" I quickly called out.

The blue window appeared in front of me as I proceeded to tap on the item of my choice.


Before I could move my hand to the screen, one of the beasts had bitten into my arm with its piercing fangs, digging deep into my skin as it sank its teeth in.

"Gahhhhh!" I yelped in pain.

Even though I had leveled up, and my resistance to pain had somewhat risen, the intense sensation as blood gushed from my skin made me groan in agony.

"Grriiiiikkk" Another demon came from behind me and bit my leg.

"Hyaaaa!" I let out, falling on my knee instantly.

The other monsters didn't waste any time, taking my moment of weakness to pounce on me.


They bit through my legs, my hands, my stomach.

"Uarhhhhhh" I screamed, feeling the primal fear I had forgotten due to my initial luck.

Blood leaked from me as I felt their sharp teeth enter my body, tearing my skin as they satisfied themselves with my flesh.

I could feel them scrape through the bones of my legs, slurping the blood that was released from my ruptured vessels.

"H-Help… S-Someone… H-Help m-me…" I screamed.

I kept screaming and begging pointlessly, even though I knew no help would come.

Hope was an illusion in this cruel world… Yet I begged for a miracle to descend and rescue me from the intense suffering I was experiencing.

The pain was unbearable, I could feel myself losing and regaining consciousness at the same time. I wanted to die quickly at that moment, but my demise didn't come.

A red window popped open, displaying information I didn't bother reading.


<HP 20 Has Dropped Below Percent>

<You Are Experiencing Severe Status Conditions>

<You Will Soon Die!>

My eyes caught the last paragraph, causing it to bulge widely.

"N-No… N-No!"

I don't want to die!

Not yet… I haven't done anything yet. I don't want to die!

As my brain rambled on solutions to my current predicament, I felt my entire body grow numb. My partly eaten hand shook slightly, moving toward the [Subspace Window] which glowed in front of me.

The Demons, numbering nearly 15 were majorly above me, enjoying the fleshy portions of my legs and stomach region.

My skinny, partly devoured hands were finally free.

Using the last strength left within me, I used my shivering hand, possessing only two fingers out of the original five, to tap on the object of my choice.

It was a risky gamble. Any mistake and I could die… But at that point, the risks didn't matter.

"I'll be dead soon anyway!" My thoughts rang.

It was all or nothing! However… One thing remained in my heart, a conviction that refused to dissipate despite the despairing situation… My will to live!

"I'm not going to die here!!!" My heart rang.

"aarrghhhh!!!!" I let out one final growl, tapping on the screen I faced.

<Deep Freezer>


Immediately, my colossal home appliance appeared high up in the hallway, as high as I could send it.

I need the force!

The bulk of mass above my body slowly started descending by the will of gravity immediately it materialized.

The Demons who were too focused on their meal couldn't notice on time, the impending danger which neared them at a rapid rate.

As they continued to devour my innards, feeding on the intestines and bloodied flesh left in me, the Deep Freezer neared them.


Before they could protest, the Deep Freezer made a massive impact on them, crushing their skulls as their bodies clamped into a bloodied mash.

I was no exception.

In that instant, I immediately lost connection with the major parts of my body, leaving only my head to the chest region still intact.

The rest were all crushed by the huge impact of my object of destruction.


- HP: 2/ 400


That was close… I'm nearly dead. But…

[You Have Leveled Up]

[You Have Leveled Up]

[You Have Leveled Up]

[You Have Leveled Up]

… Just in time…


- HP: 600/600


My gamble paid off after all.

My bloodied body glowed, immediately reconstructing and regaining its original form.

My eaten-up stomach reformed and my legs returned. The display of partly crunched bones disappeared, with flesh replacing them.

"A-Ah…" I groaned.

My body appeared above the Deep Freezer, so my lying position was awkward, with my legs and stomach resting on the freezer.

Since my body was still in contact with it, I returned the Freezer to [Subspace]. It was a lifesaver indeed.

My lower half dropped immediately after the Freezer turned into particles and entered the [Subspace], falling on the Demon Cores that littered the floor where the Freezer Landed.

"It's a good thing they were in a single place… If they weren't… I would be dead by now…" I muttered.

Also, it seems the ones I had killed were not very high in level. Their durability wasn't impressive, to have been one-shotted by the Freezer, even after taking in food.

"That's probably why I was able to last very long even when they kept damaging me.

This is a world of Levels.

Since their Levels were not as high as mine, the damage inflicted on me only shaved off a small portion of my HP at a time, even though those attacks would have killed a normal person instantly.

" I have to get out of here… It's no longer safe!" I muttered, quickly looking around me.

My eyes darted to the door to an apartment not too far from me.

"Perfect!" I beamed.

Quickly picking up the Demon Cores on the ground and placing them in [Subspace], I took to my heels and advanced to the door.

I turned the doorknob upon arriving in front of it, but as I should have expected, it was locked.

"Tch" I grunted.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in my head.

"[Subspace]" I called out, placing my hand on the door handle.

Immediately, the doorknob vanished, along with the locks that came with it as a whole.


I pushed the door, causing it to open slightly, creaking as it did so.

I entered the strange home quickly, closing the door immediately I did so.

"<Deep Freezer>"

Focusing my attention on the door in front of me, the object of great mass appeared directly before it, blocking it from ever opening.

"Just to be safe…" I muttered.

I tapped on my subspace and brought out my wardrobe, placing it horizontally on the freezer, serving as another blockade in front of the door.

"None of those Demons should be able to get in now… Hopefully…" I reasoned.

Finally, alone, I made a deep sigh of relief, collapsing on the hard floor.

"I-I almost died just now… Shit!… I almost died!…" I said to myself.

That was the closest I'd ever been to death in my whole life. The trauma made my body tremble as I imagined the experience all over again.

I feel sick!

The gore and pain reflected in my head, showing me the scene I wanted to forget so desperately.

As I drowned in the hellish experience I just had, I couldn't help but laugh at myself.

"That's what you get for being cocky, idiot!"

I deserved what I got.

Being scared wouldn't change anything. In the end, there was only one solution to the fear I felt right at that moment .

"I just need to make sure that never happens again!"

I need strength.

I need strategy.

I need everything!

Jeremy has experienced the cruelty of the world... Hopefully he won't make the same mistakes again.

Magecraftercreators' thoughts