
Rise Of The Hoarder

On Christmas day, seemingly overnight, God summoned everyone on Earth, giving every single person a 'Gift' along with a System. These Gifts, synonimous with special abilities granted people powers beyond comprehension. However, with these abilities came tragedy that enveloped the world. The Apocalypse! Jeremy Lewis, a reclusive loner, is mysteriously exempt from this phenomenon and finds himself being the only one without a Gift. God decides to grant him the last Gift available, [Subspace], and forcefully returns him to a world that has become hell. Horrifying monsters now lurk around every corner, and inevitable death awaits. Arming himself with his wits and the Gift he possesses, how will Jeremy survive this cruel new world that he finds himself in? "Everything will go according to plan, and ultimately the path I have started will lead to my victory... these tools will be useful in achieving that!" PLEASE JOIN OUR DISCORD!!!  https://discord.gg/nTP43UEphg ALSO, WE NOW HAVE A SUBREDDIT COMMUNITY. Please join to interact more with other readers and the author! https://www.reddit.com/r/Magecrafspellcraft?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share This is to provide better services to you readers, and for a more direct conversation between me as an author, and you as readers. Plus, there are Original Character Designs of the novel characters in the communities. So, please... Hop on the Discord and Subreddit train! Follow me on Instagram: the_magecrafter You're all welcome!

Magecrafter · Fantasy
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464 Chs



The squashing sound of monster flesh sounded in the hallway as I once again succeeded in killing a couple of demons.

"Skriiiiikkk" They weakly let out before breathing their last.

"This makes it the third wave!" I smiled, looking down at the pathetic beasts.

[You Have Leveled Up]

[You Have Leveled Up]

Leveling up twice in a row, uh? I expected more.

The Demons I just killed were three in number, and they were all at considerably high levels.

One was at Level 6, while the remaining two were Level 5. I was at Level 4 when I killed them, so I expected more Exp.

"The higher my level, the more difficult it is for me to level up, uh?" I muttered.

Very well.

I bent to pick up the cores of the three Demons who had turned to dust already, shoving them among the rest within my [Subspace].

Suddenly, a ping sounded.


[You Have Exceeded Level 5]

[You Are Now Able To Use Skills]

[Skill Slots Have Been Opened]

What the hell is this?

My eyes bulged with excitement as I closely read the contents of the window that appeared in front of me.

"Don't tell me…!" I exclaimed.

Skills, I've finally obtained them!

Watching the world from the Heavenly plane, I saw people use these special abilities, but I didn't know the Level required before it could be unlocked.

Skills are powers used by Gifted which have no connection to their Gifts. Unlike Gifts, which are fixed, Skills can be obtained as an individual progresses.

It's a good thing that I have gotten it early. They'll be very useful to me and crucial to my survival since my Gift has no real offensive capability.

"Skill Slot" I muttered.

Immediately, another Golden window appeared in front of me, different from my Status Window. It glowed, displaying its contents.


- You Currently Possess 3 Skill Slots

• Slot 1 – Empty

• Slot 2 – Empty

• Slot 3 – Empty

[Skill Slots Will Be Added As Your Level Increases]

I smiled as I read through the information displayed.

"Three is plenty… For now…" I muttered.

The anxiety and nervousness I felt earlier had nearly dissipated. With each victory I secured, I could feel my confidence rising.

As long as I can Level-Up and become stronger, I'll be able to survive!


I suddenly heard voices of Demons emanating from every side of the hallway.

The stairs, The rooms, the corners… The sounds kept coming.

"Shit! I wasted too much time-"

Panic spread through me and I cursed myself for once again succumbing to carelessness.

I contemplated leaving the freezer where it was and returning to hide, but I immediately banished the thought.

"I need it to smash the Demons! " I grumbled.

Even if I ended up hiding myself on time, the Demons will eventually catch on to my scent. And once they do, they will have the advantage.

The only reason I'd survived until now was that the Demons were always distracted by their dead comrades whenever they arrived, and for a moment they would remain confused at the scene of carnage I intentionally left behind. It was usually at this moment that I would strike. However, right now… I don't have enough time to set the stage. Not only that, judging by the sounds I'm hearing, these aren't just a few Demons.

I can't run. I can't hide. I'm trapped!

"There's no other way…" I mumbled, quickly rushing to touch the Freezer.

As my contraption returned to [Subspace], I hurriedly tapped on the icon of my Gift to access a particular slot.

<Demon Core (Lesser) x8>

"Select all!" I said impatiently.

Immediately, the glowing purple cores poured out, landing on my hands.

As I felt the sensation on my skin, the low energy they emitted made my body tingle.

An icon appeared in front of me, just as I expected.

[Hell Kobold Spawn's Demon Core Equipped]

[Hell Kobold Spawn's Skill 'Claw Attack' Available]

[Save Skill In Skill Slot?]

[Yes] [No]

With a nervous look and darting eyes, I glanced around me and accepted immediately.

Immediately, one of the eight cores glowed. It dissipated, turning into little glowing particles as it merged with my body. I felt a tingle as the specks of energy entered me and slowly transformed into a surge. At that moment, I obtained a Skill, as well as the know-how of how to use it.

The system is really useful!

"Skraaaaa!!!!" Demons suddenly appeared around me. They numbered at least a Dozen, even though I didn't have enough time to get their accurate number.


I quickly placed the remaining cores unto [Subspace], saving them for later.

Their eyes depicted rage as they saw their dead comrades, lunging toward me in unadulterated animosity.

"Activate Skill: Claw Attack" I instinctively said.

As my blood rushed due to the enemies which surrounded me, my fingernails suddenly started expanding, reaching unbelievable lengths in an instant. They grew darker and sharper, and I could feel they were sturdier.

With no time to further observe my newly changed body, I stretched my hands toward one of the beasts which charged before me.

My bladed nails immediately impaled it, piercing its skull as it died in an instant.

"Whoo! Amazing." I beamed.

Two more jumped at me from behind and I quickly turned and launched both hands at them, cutting through their bodies in an instant. Five claws each pierced through portions of their body, causing them instant death.

"Oh yeahhh!!!" I smiled, feeling a rush of excitement welling up within me.

The Demons felt threatened by the sudden elimination of three of their comrades in an instant and stepped back, wary of me.

"Scared now, are we?" I taunted, enjoying myself and the feel of superiority I emitted.

Suddenly, an alarming beep sounded, followed by a system window in front of me.


<Skill Duration Has Elapsed>

<Skill Deactivated>

Before I could read through the notification, my nails shortened in an instant, returning to their normal length.

"Shit!" I exclaimed, realizing what had just happened

How could I forget? Every skill has a Duration Period!

"Activate Skill: Claw Attack" I yelled.

Immediately, a system icon appeared in front of me, showing me the information I dreaded.

[System Notification]

<Skill is in Cooldown>

- Time Left Until Next Use (09:56)

Of course, there's a Skill Cooldown too!

"What the fuck! I have to wait for ten whole minutes?!" I yelled in desperation.

Panic spread through me and I saw the Demons around me sneer at me as they opened their salivating mouths. Their growls filled everywhere, and I could tell they were ready to lunge at me and devour me whole.

I had made a big mistake, and once again… I'd been cornered!

"Oh shit! I'm screwed!

" Skrrrrrrriiiiiaaaakkk!"

Jeremy is surrounded by bloodthirsty and vengeful Demons

How will he survive now?

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