
Rise of The Fallen

This is the story of Razjeel, Angel who lost everything and stood against God. He was the first angel ever created and also the first one to clash swords with his 'Father'. Follow Razjeel after he returned after 7 000 years of imprisonment to the world that completely changed but one thing stayed the same... His thirst for revenge towards those who took everything from him. ___________________ It's a DxD fanfic. It was my first ever idea for fanfic. I like the DxD universe and how many possibilities it has, almost endless!! I also never saw any fanfic where Mc is Angel or Fallen Angel so I tried to make one. It was created in my free time but still, I hope you'll like it! If this would be accepted by you, there would be no big harem, it's a drag to make one and keep all the personalities different and give each of the girls some screen time to not forget about her, so it would be 2-3 girls max. I don't own Highschool DxD and its characters except a few which I created. I don't own a cover either, I found it on Pinterest. Please, think of this as Parallel World and don't compare this to the original, it should make reading more comfortable.

ReeviN · アニメ·コミックス
34 Chs

Chapter 26

!! Important info at the bottom !!


Razjeel and Michael arrived at what earlier was the meeting room where the leaders of the three factions gathered. The chamber was more damaged than it was before, Razjeel couldn't help but wonder how this place could still stand with all that cracks and holes.

Soon, he noticed Azazel talking with Srizechs and Raynare resting at one of the debris. The leader of Grigori and the leader of Heaven walked toward the Fallen and the representative of the Devils.

"It looks like you had a little trouble." Said Razjeel after looking at his swollen cheek and something akin to a burn mark on his left arm.

"Yeah, that was unexpected. Her power suddenly skyrocketed and strange markings appeared on her body. Though I have a guess what was that..." Informed Azazel while rising his arm, inspecting the non-threatening wound. He gazed at Michael's pale expression and snickered.

Hearing that Razjeel's eyes widened slightly. "Black, serpent-like things suddenly wrapped around her body?" Inquired green-eyed man. Azazel nodded in confirmation. "Ophis..."

"So what she said was true." Sirzechs joined the conversation.

"What do you mean, Gremory?" Asked Razjeel and Azazel also looked at him clueless.

"In public call me Lucifer- Haah...whatever..." Sirzechs tried to correct Razjeel but seeing the flat look the latter gave him, he gave up.

"You didn't listen, both of you, right?" Asked Michael with an awkward smile. The men in question just shrugged their shoulders. A sigh almost escaped Michael's mouth. "During her speech when she arrived, she threatened Miss Leviathan and then started talking about taking the title of Satan for herself and making the Ophis a God of the new world, even as a symbol only. They called themselves Khaos Brigade." Explained Michael.

Hearing that Razjeel and Azazel looked at each other seriously. "That's not good. If Ophis abandoned its neutrality and joined a faction, chaos will spread around the Worlds." Said Azazel. The atmosphere turned heavy the moment Ophis' name was brought.

"We have to act quickly. Gathering information about that "Khaos Brigade" takes priority. Also, the intel of whereabouts of Great Red is important. If somehow the two would be about to fight the consequences would be unimaginable." Razjeel immediately told them what they need to do. It wasn't a joke. If there is even a 0.5% of possibility that a powerhouse like Ophis sided with someone they have to be prepared. Having no.2 strongest being in existence as a possible enemy made even Razjeel nervous. He wants to avoid conflict with Ophis, but if it's unavoidable, he won't back down.

"I don't know about the Ophis, but it doesn't look like the Great Red is planning something. He's been inside the Dimensional Gap for quite some time without any suspicious movement." Informed Michael. Between three factions, it was Heaven who had the greatest intel capabilities.

'...So he's still guarding the passage...' Thought Razjeel in relief. "It's also requested for the Devils. All information regarding Khaos Brigade should be shared with the rest. It looks like our three factions are their current target."

"What do you mean?"

"During our civil war with the Rebels, I encountered a similar situation like today. The man who was in charge of the rebellion also possessed the Ophis' snakes. It's safe to assume that they had the backing from the Khaos Brigade as well." Razjeel explained to everyone present.

Sirzechs grimaced. "I don't know the reason but if it's true, then I promise to fully cooperate. But overall, we shouldn't act rashly. They may just use Ophis' name as an empty threat, but if it's the other way then better act carefully. I don't want to endanger innocent people." Stated Sirzechs firmly.

Looking at the young leader of the Devils, Razjeel couldn't help but approbate his way of thinking. He gained some positive points in Razjeel's opinion, even if just a few.

"I think that Michael should be more cautious. They tried something with us and Devils, but we don't know what they planned for you. It would be better if you stay on high alert, especially the churches on Earth." Azazel voiced his opinion.

"That's true... I'll immediately take care of this." Assured Michael.

"Then it's settled, let's not waste our time," Razjeel said and started preparing to leave. The members of the Grigori faction moved to the back of the room. The leaders of the factions looked at each other one last time and nodded at each other. A moment later the three Fallens disappeared in bright light.

Soon after that, the rest arrived at the former meeting room. Serafall started looking around, searching for certain someone. "Hey, where is Razjeel? He left without telling goodbye??? *Angry Sera noises*" Serafall pouted feeling a little angry. She hoped that after the meeting they could at least chat for a bit.

Suddenly, Michael plopped on one of the debris and breathed heavily. He looked exhausted, with beads of sweat rolling down his face.

"Lord Michael! Is everything okay?!" Xenovia and Irina rushed to him, worried that something may be happening to him. "Asia! Use your Twilight Healing!" Ordered a blue-haired girl.

"Y-yes!" Responded nervously, Asia.

"No, there is no need to bother yourself, child. I'm fine... He finally left..." Micheal reassured Asia seeing her panicked, mumbling the last part. He finally could relax after being tense and stressed for almost half an hour. But his last sentence didn't escape Xenovia's and Irina's ears.

"Who are you talking about, Lord Michael? Do you mean that black-haired Fallen Angel?" Asked surprised Irina. She never saw Michael so overwhelmed and nervous just by someone's presence.

Sirzechs and rest looked at Michael, with questioning stares. Although he didn't like him, Sirzechs had to admit that Razjeel was quite intimidating, but to the point to make someone like Michael look like he was about to faint? He needed to know more about him in case he would pose a threat to those who are close to him.

"Who is he anyway? With all due respect, but when you first time saw him you looked scared, Lord Michael." Said bluntly Xenovia. She was curious about Razjeel since the incident with Kokabiel. She had always admired strong people and she felt respect for Razjeel's power. But what really intrigued her was the fact that he as the unholy being was capable of using one of the Holy Swords, Durandal.

Everyone focused on Michael even more. Surprised by the amount of attention he got he blinked few times without a word. "I'm sorry everyone. But I can't tell you anything about him." He shook his head.

"What, why?! I think we have a right to know about him!" Declared Rias with a frown. She remembered the moment when Issei's Sacred Gear was about to tell them about Razjeel but in the end, they only get vague answers like [Do not provoke him], [If there is an opportunity, get on his good side] or [Never stand against him, NEVER!]. She wasn't satisfied with that.

Hearing her tone, Xenovia, and Irina, couldn't help but glare at her. Serafall reprimanded her to speak more kindly. Michael stood up and raised his hand to stop them.

"It's not like I don't want to, but I really CAN'T talking about him." He put a strong emphasis on his sentence. "Our Father, The God, forbidden every Angel from ever talking about him. It's bound to us by the same System responsible for making us fall. Though I think Fallen Angels are the exception to this..." Micheal wondered about his own words. As a current Moderator of the System, he was curious about many things connected to it.

"That doesn't make any sense! Who the hell is he to make 'Him' forbid even talking about him?!" Asked frustrated Issei, by 'Him' means the God.

"*Sigh* Child, some things are better when left in the past, it's not good to bring them to the present." Michael sighed and gave Issei and the rest a warning. "If you are that curious then try searching in ancient chronicles, books, scrolls, and even fairy tales." He got up and fixed his attire, preparing to leave as well.

Everyone was confused. As they were a race with an average lifespan of 10 000 years, the ancient chronicles, books, or scrolls all referred to the events 30 000 years before the current date. Even some Gods aren't that old, so they assumed that he just want to discourage them. Though some of them will check it anyway.

"But I doubt that you will find anything." Announced Michael once again.

Serafall looked at him and tilted her head. "How come? We have a pretty big library in Sitri House and Lilith. And I can always ask Razjeel myself, haha~." She giggled at the end.

"Can you explain, please?" Sirzechs looked at Michael, ignoring Serafall as he is used to her behavior.

Archangel raised two fingers. "From two simple reasons. First, Father made sure to either gather or destroy everything related to him." Seeing questioning stares that screamed 'Why?!', Michael continued.

"And the second reason?" Asked Sirzechs with a frown.

At that, Michael smiled wryly. "You don't know his true name..."


The dim room suddenly filled with light from which three people emerged on top of Magic Circle that faded along with light.

"Azazel, gather the rest in the meeting hall in an hour. They may be doing something important right now so I want them to make it done in that time." Razjeel told to Azazel while heading to his own office, followed by quiet Raynare and Azazel who saluted jokingly and took the right turn on the corridor.

"Yes, sir! I'll drop by Med lab. It's stings like hell!" Complained Azazel. Although the wound on his arm wasn't life-threatening or even serious, the pain was annoying. "Oh, and you did pretty well back there." He shows thumbs up toward Raynare who bowed politely in response.

Now in his office, Razjeel turned toward Raynare and checked her from head to toes. Her maid outfit was not in the best condition. The top part of her attire was dirty with dust and at some places the cloth was ripped. Her skirt was in no better state, along with her stockings which now were torn here and there. There wasn't any visible wound, only a few scratches.

Feeling his gaze over her, she looked to the side and tried to fix her clothes as much as possible. She was feeling a little embarrassed, but she wasn't sure if it was because of her look or because of him looking at her so intensely.

"Fortunately, it looks like you are okay. Good job." He suddenly said.

Unexpectedly, Razjeel started stroking her head. Being unprepared, she flinched under his cold hand, her face turned beet red. Unaware of herself, she closed her eyes and started enjoying the gentle feeling, although it didn't last long. When he took off his hand, Raynare unconsciously reached to stop him, but she comes to her senses when she almost touched his arm. She stopped in an awkward position, with both her hands in the air.

Razjeel gave her a questioning look. "Something wrong?" He asked leaning closer, thinking that maybe he touched a hurtful spot.

"N-No! I'm fine." She took a half step back, bumping into the cupboard.

Seeing how she avoided his gaze and by the color of her face, he realized everything. "Ooh! So this is how it is. I didn't know you liked such a thing~. Want me to continue? Hmm~?" He waved his hand he touched her head a moment ago, with a teasing smile on his face.

Raynare stared at him surprised for few seconds as if she was considering his offer. But then she shook her head strongly and pushed him gently away.

"I don't want to! You are just looking for the opportunity to touch me! Pervert!" Though she was clothed, she covered her private parts.

Razjeel's mouth twitched. "Pervert, huh? Fine then. I won't touch you in any way from now on." He put his hands in his pockets and started walking towards his desk.

Noticing that he was talking seriously she didn't even realize when, but she grabbed him by his arm stopping him. "I... I didn't say that." Her voice was quiet, with her looking down on the floor. 'Why did I say it?! Why do I even care if he touches me or not?!' Her mind was full of self-berating thoughts, but she still didn't let go of his arm.

Razjeel looked behind over his shoulder. Seeing her rosy cheeks, coupled with her violet eyes and embarrassed expression, he thought that she looked cute. His lips curved in a small smile.

Holding him by his arm, she felt it trembling. Surprised by it, she looked up at him only to see him holding back his laughter. "I see. So you want me to touch you? Ahh, pervert~!"

Realizing that he was teasing her all this time, and how it sounded what she said, she wanted to hide somewhere and die in shame. "Nghh! I hate you!" She turned around and stormed through the door, with her face all red with both embarrassment and anger.

"Hey!" He shouted after her, stopping her in the middle of opening the door. "You must be dead tired after all this. Rest well, I will need you later." He sends her a smile.

Stunned for a moment, she also smiled. "I know." And with that, she left the office in a great mood.

Now being alone, Razjeel sighed tiredly and suddenly turning serious. He sat by his desk and took out some documents from a drawer. "Ophis, 'Khaos Brigade'... Things are going to get complicated... I should contact Kael, it's a good opportunity for his unit..."


I hope you enjoyed the chapter, It was a boring one though.

I wanted to remind you that my FanFic doesn't really follow the original plot, so things like events, places, characters may be changed, not appeared, or appear too early. I can only hope it's fine with you.

I'm officially announcing that the Demon Slayer fic is postponed for the time being. I lost motivation for writing that one for now and it looks like you are more interested in this fic anyway.

Next thing. As I don't have much free time to update this FF more frequently, I am going to start writing a new FF but with much shorter chapters (1000-1500 words/chapter). Though I can do the same with this Fanfic I don't want to ruin it with hastily written chapters, it just won't sit well with me. This may not look like it but I'm really trying to make this FF as good as possible so I hope you understand.

I'll write one regardless of what you say, so at least help me choose seriously:

-MHA- either as a teenager with Ghost Rider powers, but nerfed because Ghost Rider is to OP, or as a twenty years old man with Nano suite from Crysis as a quirk. Imo both ideas are cool.

-Black Clover- as an orphan from the have village, slightly older than Asta and Yuno, with either Angel magic or True Necromancy. Both magics are cool and would fit great. Maybe a little crossover with Fairy tail?


-The Witcher- as a Witcher from Cat or Manticore school because one is simply underrated and the second is mysterious. I always liked The Witcher universe since I read books and played all three games, and since then I've always wanted to write a good FF about it.

If you have any questions regarding these ideas just ask in the comments. I wish you a good day or night!