
Rise of the Evil Spirit

Elvira Eterna, a girl who grew up as a princess of the noble house of Eterna. She was not a princess who was locked up like a bird in a cage, and allowed her to go to school like a normal human. However, her normal life can only last before her destiny to become a princess arrives. In this world, every girl who bears the status of a princess will get a blessing when they reach their teens. But a few days before her birthday arrives, a classmate of Elvira who is a princess and has received a blessing is suddenly found dead horribly due to being killed by an evil spirit. She finds out that she is the only one among her classmates who has seen an evil spirit. To most people, they are monstrous creatures who seek power and indulge in bloodshed. This makes Elvira afraid that the evil spirits will also target her when she reaches her teenage age. Will after she get her blessing she will become the target of evil spirits who want to increase her strength or will there be someone who will help her to get out of a situation that put her life at stake?

Warf · 若者
159 Chs

Where's Olive?

When Julian almost decided to take his young miss home, suddenly a limousine came and stopped behind Elvira's car.

3 people came down from different doors and approached Elvira.

"Let me guess, you guys must be Olive's friends, right?" A man in a royal uniform came over and immediately greeted Elvira and Eliza.

Even though she didn't know him, she knew that the man was from the royal family.

"Yes, we are. Um, who are you?" Elvira looked down while pinching both sides of her dress skirt to greet him.

"Ahaha, of course you don't know me because we haven't met. Introducing me is Joel Ragny, Olive's father. She is Lena Ragny, Olive's mother and the man in police uniform there is Calvin Ragny, Olivie older brother... We come from overseas especially to attend a birthday party and celebrate Olive's graduation." Joel introduced his family one by one to Olive's friends.

"Nice to meet you. Introducing me is Elvira Etherna, the first daughter of the Etherna family." She, who was initially suspicious of the man in front of her, immediately disappeared when she found out that he was Olive's father.

"Ah.. Eh.. My name is Eliza Befort... 3rd grade junior high school student... I'm really honored to be invited to your daughter's party." Eliza was really nervous and stuttered while introducing herself in front of the head of the Ragny Family.

"No need to be so formal, Olive has already told me a lot about you. As the head of the Ragny family I apologize for making you wait in the courtyard for a long time, it seems the servants are busy preparing for the party, so let me escort you in. Is it okay?" Joel offered to accompany Elvira and Eliza while staring at Julian with an intimidating look.

"Yeah, I'm just making sure that my young miss is safe." Julian put his hand on his chest and looked down.

After giving orders to Julian to go home, Elvira and Eliza entered the luxurious mansion with the Ragny Family. Eliza was really happy when she entered the mansion even to the point of humming a birthday song. But that happiness can only be felt for a moment until she sees the party area.

"Eh, where's the party... And where's Olive?!" Eliza who was really looking forward to the party was a little disappointed when she entered the mansion and didn't see any decorations or celebrations like a lavish party.

Not only Eliza, but Joel was also surprised by the situation inside the mansion. Feeling something was wrong, he immediately gave orders to his son. "This is weird, Olive should have prepared everything. Calvin, try checking all the rooms in this mansion."

After exploring the mansion for a few minutes, Calvin returned with bad news.

"I've checked all the rooms, and it turns out the mansion is empty! The servants aren't anywhere either. There are only gifts that are being packed in the room over there." Calvin, who had just come down the stairs, looked breathless when he told his father and mother the state of his younger sister's mansion.

"This doesn't make sense. Did they go somewhere because of the Evil Spirit's attack? Calvin, try calling the sorcerer we hired a few weeks ago!" Joel starts to look panicked and tries to find a way to find traces of his daughter.

Things got worse, when Lena Ragny cried hysterically at the thought that Olive had been attacked by an Evil Spirit.

Eliza who was initially excited suddenly became weak because the party she was waiting for didn't go according to her expectations. And Olive's disappearance made her a little sad.

"Eliza.. Eliza...follow me." In a low voice, Elvira called her friend to accompany her after she felt a strange aura from the room in front of her.

"W-where are you going? I'm a little scared." Eliza's legs trembled slightly when she heard Olive's mother cry.

"There's something I want to confirm."

The disappearance of Olive made Eliza and Elvira who were previously warmly welcomed, immediately ignored by the Ragny Family like inanimate objects. Even so, Elvira doesn't mind it because things are in chaos and she has to help Ragny's family find Olive.

Elvira took Eliza to a room where Calvin said there were some gifts being packed. Eliza really gripped Elvira's hand tightly because of the dim lighting in the room.

In a room that is quite large with luxurious ornaments, she sees on a large carpet there are several boxes filled with gifts and ready to be distributed. Nearby there are also quite a lot of food and toys ready to be packed in cardboard boxes.

After making sure the place wasn't scary, Eliza slowly started to let go of Her hand and started exploring the room.

"Are these gifts going to be distributed to the guests?" Eliza looked at an open box that had been filled with gifts.

"If Olive had prepared for this the birthday party should really have been held. But judging from the unpacked gifts, it looks like the servants have only finished a quarter of it."

"They should have finished this work yesterday, but how come the servants only finished a quarter of it? Are they working so slowly?" Elvira's findings made Eliza even more confused.

"That's the point. That means Olive and the maids left this place a few days ago... Eliza, try telling Calvin about this evidence." Elvira, who felt this would be a strong clue, immediately asked Eliza to tell Calvin this finding.

"Fine, I'll be right back." Eliza ran a little briskly towards the vestibule to convey the important information to the Ragny Family.

Actually she was quite reckless in asking Eliza to leave, but actually she was doing this request to make her friends stay away from the area she wanted to confirm. Even though it was faint, she could clearly see that the black aura she could feel from afar was actually coming from one of the dolls in the neatly arranged box.

Although hesitating, she tried to get closer to the pile of dolls and pick up the dolls that were surrounded by a black aura.

"Get me out... Get me out!"

Elvira immediately threw the doll when she saw clearly that the doll's mouth moved and spoke to her.

"Ah!!" She screamed trying to get away as fast as possible from the cursed doll, because she was too panicked she accidentally tripped over her own feet and fell.