
Rise of the Evil Spirit

Elvira Eterna, a girl who grew up as a princess of the noble house of Eterna. She was not a princess who was locked up like a bird in a cage, and allowed her to go to school like a normal human. However, her normal life can only last before her destiny to become a princess arrives. In this world, every girl who bears the status of a princess will get a blessing when they reach their teens. But a few days before her birthday arrives, a classmate of Elvira who is a princess and has received a blessing is suddenly found dead horribly due to being killed by an evil spirit. She finds out that she is the only one among her classmates who has seen an evil spirit. To most people, they are monstrous creatures who seek power and indulge in bloodshed. This makes Elvira afraid that the evil spirits will also target her when she reaches her teenage age. Will after she get her blessing she will become the target of evil spirits who want to increase her strength or will there be someone who will help her to get out of a situation that put her life at stake?

Warf · Teen
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159 Chs

Birthday Party

"Elvira, I sent the photo we took on the street earlier. See you in two weeks." Eliza who had arrived in front of the gate of her house waved her hand while showing her cellphone to Elvira.

"Okay. I'm really looking forward to that day." Elvira waved to her friend and continued on her way.

Compared to Eliza, her house was the farthest away. Because she and Olive live in a luxury estate specially used by nobles and royal family. But since Eliza's house is not too far from the noble residence she only takes 10 minutes to walk.

The road that students usually go home from now looks deserted because only 3rd grade junior high school students go to school, while high school students will go home at 5 o'clock.

"If I send it to Olive, she should be jealous." She smiled faintly as she pulled her sling bag and took her cellphone in her bag.

When she just opened her cellphone screen, she immediately saw that there were hundreds of notifications. With a blank stare, she ignored the 99+ misscalls and focused solely on the message from Eliza.

"It's funny, but I didn't send it to Olive." Her smile slowly began to disappear when she saw a photo of her and Eliza who were posing in front of the school gate. Even though she wanted to show off to Olive, but after seeing a strange shadow covering the entire school gate, she immediately deleted the photo.

*ring* *ring*

Right after she deleted the photo, her phone screen immediately turned red and there was an anonymous call.

She quickly turned off her cellphone screen and put it in her bag. She lowered her head and slightly increased her walking speed.

Even though she hasn't looked back, she has already sensed that a strange energy is following her. She tried to ignore the disturbance, and continued walking without paying attention to the area around her.

Even though it was only today that she could see that strange faint image, but 2 days ago Elvira had felt strange disturbances that she had never experienced. The nuisances were like continuous calls with anonymous red screens, spam messages using strange scripts that couldn't be read and phone screens moving on their own.

The disturbance really scared her, but she didn't intend to tell anyone about the bad experience, because she didn't want to add to her mother's worries.

When she arrived at the gate, she was greeted by a security guard who immediately opened the gate. "Good afternoon, Lady Elvira."

Elvira just nodded and continued her journey through a large green yard to her luxurious mansion.

"I'm home. Uh, why Julian?" She, who just opened the door of her mansion, was surprised to see a man in butler's clothes sobbing while surrounded by servants.

"Young Miss, where have you been?" Julian was a little hysterical when he saw Elvira come home safely and immediately crawled towards her.

"Ew, I'm not a kid anymore! And don't come any closer, your snot will fall on me you know!" She immediately made her bag into a shield to keep Julian away who wanted to hug her.

Julian was the butler of the Etherna family. His family has been the servant of the Etherna Family for 3 generations, and he was in charge of being her personal servant.

He was a tall old man with white hair, beard and wearing a suit. Because since childhood he has always been by Elvira's side, he really cares for her and even they look like parents and children.

While she was still trying to keep him away with her bag's shield, a maid came over and immediately explained what had happened to him. "Let me explain. He was worried because of your report regarding your broken cell phone yesterday. He suspected someone had bad intentions towards you and took the initiative to pick you up at 4 o'clock. But he failed to find you, and ended up sadly like this."

"If you feel guilty, please replace my new cell phone. It's broken." Elvira took her cell phone and gave it to Julian who was kneeling in front of her.

"Eh, it's broken again? Even though I've taken it to the service center, but they said that your cellphone is fine." Julian was a little confused when his young miss kept saying his cellphone was broken even though nothing happened to the cellphone.

"I'm not asking you to fix it again, just replace it with a new one. I want to rest." Without explaining it any further, she went straight to her room after giving her bag to one of the maids.

"Fine. Have a good rest." Julian immediately stood up and lowered his head.


After entering her room, she changed clothes while glancing out the window to see a garden filled with blooming flowers and ornamental plants.

"It shouldn't have been like this yesterday. Why am I suddenly able to see them... What exactly are they? Are they the Evil Spirits that people call out or is there a problem with my vision?" There were many questions about her regarding the faint shadow she could suddenly see. Even though when she woke up she didn't see the faint shadows in her yard, but for some reason now the faint shadow was in her yard.

For 2 weeks she didn't hold her cell phone at all and just stayed at home without a single step out of her mansion until she had to go to her best friend's birthday party.

After dressing up and wearing a black party dress, she immediately asked Julian to prepare the vehicle. While waiting for the car in front of the mansion door, her mother came and reminded her.

"Elvira, mother has asked some sorcerers to come here this afternoon. Is it okay if you have to go home early?" Her mother knew that her daughter would become the target of the Evil Spirits when she entered her teens. Even though Elvira's birthday was still 6 weeks away, but she tried to prepare the sorcerer as quickly as possible to assess the ability of the person who would protect her daughter.

"I'll try to be home before 6 pm. You don't have to worry, my birthday is still a long way off." Elvira sensed how worried her mother was when she gave her permission to go to the Ragny Family's residence.

"Mom knows that, but I still don't understand what the Ragny Family is thinking. Their first daughter has entered her teens and why did they invite my daughter who is also going into her teens?" Her mother Elvira looks angry when she remembers the selfishness of the first daughter of the Ragny Family who could harm her daughter.

"Olive told me that she had hired 6 sorcerers to oversee the birthday party. After all they still have blood relations with us, they should have thought of my safety." She had to work a little hard to get her mother's permission. Ever since the news of the princess being killed by the Evil Spirit spread in the royal family, her mother has been steadily increasing her surveillance of her.

"What are you worried about, dear? Evil Spirits will only attack princesses who have power, whereas Elvira doesn't have it at all." Elvira's father came from behind with a maid and tried to calm his wife down.

"Here's your cell phone." A maid who was by her father's side brought a new cell phone for her young miss.

"Thank you, Lila." She smiled as she looked at the new phone without a single nuisance notification. She hopes that with her new phone, such annoyances will not occur.

*ring* *ring*

Her neck immediately tensed when her cell phone suddenly rang. She was really scared when she peeked at the phone screen in her hand that suddenly turned red.

In fact, for 2 weeks she deliberately did not hold her cellphone because she avoided interference from unknown origins and continued to frighten her.

"Elvira... Elvira!? Why didn't you pick up Eliza's call?" Her mother gave a gentle clapping when she saw Elvira staring at the cellphone screen wide-eyed.

She flinched slightly at the sudden stimulation. "Ah, I'm sorry. I just can't wait to go to Olive's birthday party."

After that she looked at the phone screen again. She really didn't expect that the previously red cellphone screen suddenly turned normal and there was Eliza's name on her cellphone screen.

But the call was stopped before she answered it. And there were dozens of messages from Eliza asking for her position and sending a photo of Eliza wearing her party dress.

"Eliza is waiting for me, I'll go first." After Julian arrived in a black car, she said goodbye to her parents. In the car she smiled as she looked out the window to see her parents waving together.

Even though her house and Olive are close, because she had promised to go with Eliza, she had to pick up her friend first.

"Uwaa, I thought you left me." After getting into the car Eliza whined because Elvira replied to her messages for so long.

"I was getting dressed, so I didn't have time to reply to your messages."

"I didn't think you would put your hair in a ponytail. I'll forgive you if we take a picture together." Eliza was slightly amazed when she saw her friend had a different appearance.

Along the way the two of them spent time taking the best photos to send to Olive.

"We have arrived." Julian stopped the car in the courtyard of the mansion.

"Whoa, I had no idea her house was as luxurious as yours." Eliza who lived in a small house was really amazed when she saw how big the mansion was compared to her house.

Julian was a little suspicious when he noticed that the entrance of the mansion was tightly closed and there was no decoration or crowd like a party anywhere. Even then the courtyard of the luxurious house looked a lot of long grass and tree leaves scattered as if the mansion was not well maintained.

"Miss, are you sure there's a birthday party here?" Julian who opened the door asked his young miss directly.

"Olive asked us to come today. So I can't be wrong." She wanted to agree with Julian's words but she was truly remembered by her promise to Olive that today was her birthday.

"That's right, I was even still texting with her until yesterday." Eliza strengthened Elvira's opinion to convince Julian.

"I feel there is something strange here. I'm sorry Lady Elvira, even though you want to immediately meet with Lady OIive but I forbid you to enter before the Ragny family servant picks you and your friend." As he kept his eyes on the mansion's windows and the deserted courtyard, Julian was sure that something had happened at Lady Olive's mansion. It was impossible for the mansion of the royal family to look this dirty.