
Ring of Blood


vishal_singh_0552 · アクション
21 Chs

Chapter : 4. Bio Chip. ( Revised ).

[ Mind Control System has collapsed ][ System Rebooting ]

[ Name the Bio Chip ]


" Name ? whatever! since it has a female tone I'll name it Gen " He didn't knew what was going on with his mind but seeing that their was something mysterious about this ring which he wanted to see for himself.


[ Name confirmed Gen ]

[ Body Analysis Going in progress ]

[ Race : Human/ ???? ]

[ Mana : 10 ]

[ Fusion Progress : 6% ]

[ Bloodline Ability : ???? ]

[ Strength : 2 , Agility : 3 , Constitution : 3 ]


" Woah " Ryan was suprise by the dispaly showing infront of him.

Infront of him their was a game like panel showing his body stats, like for example; strength, agility etc..,

'what is this' he wonder

He waved his hands through it but didn't felt anything like it was not even their. He looked at the reflection in the glass but all he could see was his reflection and the glowing ring, from which this all began.

'Did my parents knew about this ? and was idiotic enough of to perform such experiments ' Ryan thought.

Human experiment was not a knew thing to human's during the time when people didn't have any powers, they experimented on humans to develop different ability but sadly this didn't happened and resulted in catastrophic desaster for humans. In every generation their were some humans who believed in this way of human development, but couldn't produce any result, which in turn angered the federation greatly.

The federation took strict action against such people's by killing every single one of such organisations. They also passed a law which prohibited the experiment on human's which received a lot of goodwill from the mass of people's.

Ryan knew his parents were a normal workers in the company so were did they find it. That was the question he had in his mind.

Ryan again look at screen infront of him.

Their was something unique about this, so he calmed down from his delema and consentrated on the content on the panel.

" Everything looks like gaming console ? strength, agility, stamina, and how I am not a full human ?" He muttered in a dazed tone.


[ The Experimental Ring Code : Gen has started the fusion of human & ????. Your unique bloodline is compatible with the ?????. It cannot be stop now, the fusion will be completed in hundred days. The progress will be analysed by Gen. ]


" ???? ..... what is the being that this ring is fusing with me " he was really confuse and a little fearful towards the unknown.

" but still this fusion could change my future for good..."

Even though their was a great risk in this endeavour but their was also a chance hidden behind it

The chance to change his misserable life till now. He could become the first mutant human to ever grasp that unbelievable powers.

Ryan was also a little nervous as he could changed in to a mindless monster but at the same time he was aldo really excited if he some how manage to murge with it, then he would have the power of the unknown being running inside his veins.

" What a crazy gamble " He mumbled as he control his uneven breathe.

" And what are the bloodline ability Gen " Ryan ask the invisible voice in his mind. He already knew about his own ability but seeing the bloodline ability from the being he was getting excited.


→??????? : According to statistic running inside the chip, the fusion process is increasing the quantity of highly active digestive enzyme in the blood. With further fusion and increase in the enzymes, you're blood will carry a very potent acidic property to it. Your is changing into active acid.

→???????? : The ability of the human bloodline is enhanced by the ??????? being.


Ryan read the whole skill information in a one go and became really excited, because if it was true this will be the last night of his miserable life.

" hahahhahahha I have a ability yes yes yes yes "

He started laughing like crazy as this was the greatest day for him.

After enjoying his moment he started thinking about this wired ring and the more he thought about it, the more excited he became as their was only one thing came to his mind - an artefact.

Even though it is a experimental object for mutation. He was sure it was an artifact.

Ryan didn't knew anything major about this subject but he knew these things were generally weapons which were made from the beast crystal and these crystals sometime may provide special abilities if forge properly.

He also knew on earth these crystals & artifact's were rare commodity since all the major beasts are been hunted by the big power's in the world in the past and now the beast which are left, are only ment for training purpose for the younger generation of ability user's.

" But does every artifact's have a mind control system ? and who created it ?" He said with a confused face, as his artefact was somewhat different but all in all this was great news for him.

They were supper rare resource in the past and still in the present to come by, majority of them are inthe possession of bigshots but now he has one and hell No, he will give it to anyone. This was his only shot to greatness.

Ryan was thrilled by it but also a little nervous by it as he need to be careful with it as it was tried to control his body against his will.

Giving himself a final mental warning he came out of his thoughts and closed his status panel, the same way he opened it.

" I'll check these ability tomorrow " As he was really tired by the whole torturous day.


Next Morning, Ryan went out for a morning exercise in the neighborhood park as he was really excited to test out his new abilities.

" Let's see what my enhanced unknown ability do first" Ryan muttered.

Since yesterday this was the skill he wanted to test the most as the other ability '?????' was a passive support type ability. While his human gence ability was still under the tag unknown, so considering this factor he activated this ability first.

So closing his eyes he focused his mind and channeled his mana according to the iseconds, he felt right then. Mana flowed like a flood gate and finally reached the unknown inside his soul buried deep inside.


[ Analyzing the unique pulse ]

[ Progress : 1%, 2%, 3%.....100% ]

[ Analysis Complete]

[ ??????: Unique blood line power that allows the user to perceive everything in hundred time slower pace, Allows user to move in that pace for ten second, Able to see in any type of environment ]


When he read the skill carefully the tension that was around his neck was now gone. Until he got the information about his ability he was really nervous as he didn't want it to be another failure ability same as his previous one.

The ability that was infront of him was not at all useless like his previous one, infact it was a great ability which he could use in future battles, and perhaps win it due to its crazy powers.

' watching everything go hundred time slow would be like i am watching it at snails speed which is beyond amazing ' This ability alone could be game changer for him, as in life battles it wad beyond helping one self, infact it was straight away cheating if you want to put it in words, plus it wad not even the most amazing part of his new ability.

The most mind boggling thing about his ability to move hundred time faster for ten seconds in the slow world.

It was so amazing that if he want to kill someone then he can kill him, without them even knowing that they were killed by him. It was really a crazy plus scary new ability for Ryan.

" Now that i have a such amazing skill lets try it " Keeping his nerves calm he prepared his mind and used mana to active his updated ability.

" How wonderful "