The world which was all colorful and vibrant before was now moving at such a slow pace that he felt like everything were crawling compare to his perception.
The speed of the flying cars and the impossibly fast hover board was now no better then a snail crawling.
Hundred time fast perception was really scary power to have, but that was not the only use of his powers, so to further experience the unbelievable power he activated the second function of updated power.
More mana flowed inside his soul and activated the second function of his ability.
Inside the impossibly slow world, he finally moved but unlike the slow world, Ryan was able to move at his normal pace, it was like he was the only truth in the whole world, unbounded by the laws of the world.
He moved from his original position and stood outside the garden in that atmosphere and cancelled his ability right then and looked down on his cheap wrist watch.
' Not even one second has passed in the outside world when he move from his original position, were he stood previously ' This was really concept of speed that has right now.
If a normal person had witnessed him using his ability they might have thought that he would have used some teleportation or something.
" With this i can sure be invincible if I used my card prop--..." before he could complete his words, he was hit with a sudden dizziness for few seconds.
Helding his dizzy head he looked at the blue screen which showed his mana level..
[ Mana : 5 / 10 ]
His mana which was full just now was half depleted, by just using this skill just one time.
This was the reason behind his dizzyness, he had used his mana very fastly, creating a tole on his young body.
' This ability sure cost lot of mana... Sigh... Depending on the expenditure of the ability I can only use two times ' He thought helplessly.
Shaking his head he went back inside the garden and sat back on the bench and started doing meditation to recover his mana to his full capability.
" hmm I have recovered my mana and already have check my unknown skill, and also i already know the first ability so lets just name the ability and go back " Hearing the growl of his hungry stomach he decide to go back but before this he had to name his new abilities first.
Opening the blue screen infront of him he looked at the description of abilities
and started naming it accordingly.
" Since the first ability turns my blood into something with decaying property, lets name it Acid Blood."
[ Ability Named by the user : Acid Blood ( confirmed ) ]
The moment he decided to name his first skill, the bio chip updated the ability in the blue screen.
Nodding his head he went on to name the second skill.
" Since this ability let me look at the world at extremely slow pace and even allows me to move in this world, lets name it as time acceleration because i am not moving fast, its the world just slow down for him "
[ Ability Named by the user : Time Acceleration ( confirmed) ]
" Pwee now that i have named my skill I should go back now " Finishing his work he went back to the orphanage with happy steps.
Reaching the orphanage this time, he was not the previous depress or unfortunate trash but a confident new Ryan.
During the whole time in the canteen today, Ryan had rare smile on his thin face.
Some of the other children in the orphanage also noticed it but they didn't asked him anything, as they were not interested in his personal life, while Grace was happy seeing him so cheerful today.
" I am going to school Grace " Saying that Ryan ran out from the main door.
For the first time in his last seven years Ryan was enjoying the walk to his school. Commonly he would have many things in mind but today was different, he had a bright smile on his face as he appreciated the Beauty of his city, which he ignored until now, their were clean street on which their were people's moving around busily for thier jobs or any other business. He lefted his head were he could see flying cars moving one place to another, showcasing the advance civilization.
After five hundred year's of ability awakening. Humanity had developed leaps and bounds in the technology sector. Making it possible for humans to travel in space by the help of high-tech spaceships. Through which humanity had conquered some unknown planet's.
Even though their was corruption and merciless slaughter, thier still was no doubt that this was a golden age for the human species and just thinking to be a part of it Ryan was really happy, as well as excited to explore the universe on his own spacecraft.
Lost in those thoughts Ryan soon arrived at his schools main gate, were he could see some students comming early like himself chatting with one another but when they saw Ryan coming, they looked at him with disgusting look, as he was trash from a dustbin.
Ryan didn't mind those looks as he was already used to it after receiving it for last seven year's and on some point he stopped caring about what people thought of him, all he care was his self interest.
He moved forward and looked at the big academy infront of him.
' Allen academy'
In Allen City this academy has been been the only hope for many people for their bright future but for Ryan it was nothing more then a torture, till now. He remembered his day's were he was bullied but the teacher's ignored him, he remembered the days when even he had one of the highest scores in the class but all he got was scorned from everyone, if not for the mandatory schooling for everyone by the government and the big families, they would have long thrown him out of the school.
This policy was introduced by the federation to make a data list of every single student with unique and strong ability, as they never knew who might awaken a powerful ability in the near future, by this process they were able to distinguish the higher potential students from the lower potential one.
And those with highest potential will be selected, either by the federation or the bigshots families, receiving all the resources to grow stronger but for the lower potential students they have two choices, either to join the federation army to gain resources by defeating monsters and defending camp's on another planet's from invasions or keep focus on doing normal job's by studying in normal colleges were people with no ability go and giving up on future development of their ability. This was how world work's at present.
Recalling himself from these thoughts, Ryan gave the building a final look and went inside. He arrived at main door of his class and waited for a few seconds before entering it, as to control his fast beating heart.
The moment he opened the door and went inside, students who were already present in the class looked his way in either mocking way or confused way, as every morning their first class will be ability practices and due to his special conditions Ryan usually skip the first class but seeing him arrive early today, some were mocking him, while the other who didn't felt like doing it, simply gave a look of confusion and went back to their work.
Ryan didn't responded to either of the group and went straight to his bench in the last row near the broom closet in the back. This was his usual spot as no one liked to sit near it, which was good for him as he also didn't like seating with anyone in the class.
He put his bags on the table and sat on the chair, patiently waiting for the class to start.
Soon the students started pouring in, filling the class with energetic wibe of youth, discussing thier daily activities with eachother but Ryan was not a part of this he was a invisible for them, a man who didn't existed in their class.
Ding. Ding.
Shortly enough, the bell rang and the teacher of the first class, Mr. Mark came in, he was a blackman with dense black hair and muscular build. He usually had a arrogant look on his face but today was different because you couldn't find any of that on his face today as he escorted a young lady in the class. The lady was wearing a business Black suite, she had blonde hair and red eyes, enchanting everyone in the class, except for Ryan who only had one thing in his mind and that was to show his ability to the class who looked down at him in the past.
" Good morning teacher" Students were confused by all this but they didn't forget to great their teacher as they knew Mr.Mark like being greated by others and as expected he was happy by the gesture.
Mr.Mark waved his hands, gesturing them to seat down and went forward to introduce the beautiful lady by his side.
" Students today we have a very important guest with us, her name is Miss.Lucy. Today she is here for the purpose of selecting a student from our school in to her own company which will sponsore some of you for future development, so do your best if you want to be selected by miss Lucy" He said with a respectful way, to which Miss Lucy gave a nod to the students.
Hearing his word's and a confirmation nod from the lady everyone was existed as getting a sponsorship was difficult job for any student from the small Town. This was a golden opportunity who no one wanted to miss out, including Ryan.
At first he was not interested in the young lady but hearing Mr.Marks introduction, Ryan couldn't help but get excited as this was the ticket to better living standards for Ryan he'll do everything in his power to get selected.
" Okey now ! be quite everyone, I will call out your name one by one, you just need to come forward and show your Power's to Miss.Lucy" He said will taking out his tab on which the students name were present.
" Bryan Curry "
Hearing his name a Bryan stood up from his place and went towards the front desk.
" Show your ability " Mr.Mark said.
" yes sir" Bryan said.
He raised his right arm forward, which soon changed in to a beast arm, transformation, one of the most commonly found ability, the abilities strength depends on how much their body can transform and clearly for Bryan he could only transform his right hand.
Miss Lucy looked him for second before looking back to her papers, that she brought.
" Okey next is Riya Sharma"
Seeing this Bryan was little nervous but didn't wait around to disturb the process and went back to his seat.
Same as Bryan, Riya showed her water manipulation ability and went back to her seat when Miss Lucy didn't react to her.
The process went on for several minutes with the same pace, Ryan patiently waited for his turn at back but to his surprise his name was never called out, when he announced that the test is over.
" You all study for a whil---" He was giving his instructions when Ryan spoke in between.
" Sir I was not called out " Ryan said while raising his hand from the back seat.
Hearing this Miss Lucy, who was about to stood up from his seat, sat back as she waited patiently for him.
" huh aren't you the trash who didn't attend my class till now ? why are you here, this is a ability test this has nothing to do with you kid " When he saw who disturbed him mid sentence infront of Miss Lucy, Mr.Mark couldn't control his temper and snapped back him. To which the whole class Snickered at him
Looking at the seen Miss Lucy knitted her brows, clearly not liking it but didn't say anything.
While Ryan who thought his teacher had missed his name by accident just wanted to inform him so that he could show his ability to everyone, but hearing his reply and the scornful laughter of his classmates, Ryan couldn't take it anymore, he activated his Time Acceleration ability right then and vanished from the bench and mysteriously appeared behind Mr.mark, pointing his old pen pointing on his back. Threatening to stab him.
The laughter stopped and the scornful look that Mr. Mark was giving out, got stucked frozen. The whole class became silent, only the sound of Ryan's footsteps where heard as he moved back from his hostile position.
" Do you think this is not a ability sir " He said with a serious face.
While Miss Lucy who watched the whole process had a smile on her face.