
rimuru’s powers through the multiverse

there’s this guy who gets rimurus powers and travels the multiverse , no harem by the way, the only way someone can put harem in their book is if their actual good at it. every one in the book dosent belong to me exsept a few so yeah. (ps, I’m Australian so if some of my spelling seems weird that’s why) the profile pic is my cat

Harrison_D_Finke · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

the powers

"Dam you god" I said as I lie in a puddle, cold rain pouring down embracing my body.

I'm Harrison rune, son of no one after my parents disowned me.

I've been sitting in this puddle for a few minutes just remanicing on my life. Born 2010 and lived in poverty, my parents hated me and never really talked to me. I only later found out that I was never ment to be born and was a result of a failed abortion. My parents already live in poverty, why would they want a child to make them poorer.

When I was 10 Covid struck, and my parents really lost their money, Unable to take care of me they threw me on the street. I dont know why they didn't even bother to take me to an orphanage, did they hate me that much.

Anyway I've just been sitting in this puddle contemplating life and cursing god. I wish I had something that would make me better than everyone else, Then my parents would never have thrown me on the streets for my uselessness.

"I can do that for you" I strange voice said behind me. I turned around to find a man in a black trench coat, sunglasses, black boots and a dark unbrealla blocking the rain from tainting his obvious rxspensive clothes.

"Who are you?" I asked wearily. My body slowly moved I as I got up stretching and turning around to face the man.

"Do you want something that could help you?" The man asked ignoring my previous question.

I contemplated his question and ultimately answered "yes."

He simply smilled and touched my forehead. A strange glow sorounded his finger as pain shot to my head.

I collapsed to the ground thrashing in the puddle as I screamed in pain. The man looked down and simply walked away disappearing into the fog of the rain.

My thoughts were raging as I slowly lost consciousness, my eyes closing.

I woke up to find my self in the same place, with a lack of rain and the man.

"What happened?" I asked to no one in particular with the lingering pain in my head.

[A drop in blood pressure due to extreme pain and mind stress which resulted in reduced blood flow and oxygen to your brain and a loss of consciousness.] a systematic voice stated in my mind.

"Who are you?!!" I asked/screamed frantically looking around

[I am talking to you in your mind, so I advise host not to scream and attract unwanted attention, in the future you can talk to me in your head. I am Great Sage, a extremely knowledgeable being that follows all of the hosts comands as best as possible]

"Did that strange guy give you to me?" I asked again forgetting that I can talk to her in my mind.

[afferimtive, along with the skill preditor and the tittle Traveler, id advise host to watch the anime tensura to gain a better understanding of his abilities]

"But I have no money." I stated in depression

[affermative, to benefit host I will transfer all memories of the anime, novel and some fanfictions of tensura that were used as a base for my abilities and predators]

A sudden influx of memories enter my head giving me another headache, I tried to make sense of the memories when the Great Sage said.

[To better help the host, I will organise all his memories giving him better access to his thoughts]

The jumbled mess of memorise suddenly sorted themself making me easily able to recall all the memories, including all my other old memories.

[confermation of new skills gained, photographic memory and memory recall… skills combined into self memory manipulation]

[you can manipulate your memories and have full control over them]

"I see, I understand what you, Great Sage and preditor do, but what about the traveler title?" I ask in curiosity about the title.

[It lets the host travel to any world, anime, movie, novel ect… it additionally lets the user keep his previously gained powers from previous worlds and take them to the next.]

"Wow" was all I could say

[Id advise host to find shelter]

"Yes let's find an orphanige" I say with determination.

As I started walking in a random direction great sage warned

[go backwards left two blocks, right seven blocks, up the hill, left for three then right to reach an orphanage] the system said immediately stopping my actions.

"This way then" I said as I turned around and started following Great sages directions.

As I was walking I asked great sage "Great Sage, can you control all my bodily functions?"

[affermative] it responded

"Is it possible to take control of my body's immune system, heart pumping, nutrition distribution, waste disposal, cell distribution and muscles growth in the most beneficial way and maximise benefits?"


"Can you do that"

[okay, I will take control of all subconscious bodily functions making your body the healthiest body possible. The result will be your body needing minimal disposal of waste and minimal needing of nutriants]

"Can you constantly stimulate my muscles so it's like I'm always working out but still keep them compact?"

[comencing] it said

I suddenly felt a strange felling all over my body and even parts of my mind.

"Great Sage what will be the results of this?"

[Your body will constantly be at peak heath and fitness and mind will work at maximum capacity significantly exstending your lifesapn]

"So I guess my ultimate gole is to be the most powerful person in the multiverse?" I ask in curiosity


Well might as well read and watch as much manga and anime as possible to exspand my options for worlds to travel to. I will gain as much knowledge from this world as possible to help me in other worlds.

"Great Sage we're going to be in this world for a while," as I say that I reach the orphanage and knock.

—-90 years later—-

As I ate my steak sorounded by people as young as 7 to as old as 71 I contemplated my life in this world and my experiences.

As you could guess I'm Harrison rune and it's been ninty years since I gained my skills and I'm at my 100th birthday celebration with my 3 kids my 5 grandkids and my 3 great grandkids.

After getting to the orphanige and getting admitted to a school I found out I could use preditor on books and learn everything in them. Using this, I easily graduated high school with perfect marks, that's also wear I met my future wife, Alice. I decided to get as many degrees as possible and managed to get 11 different digress which was easy due to my preditor ability. After graduation I started my own business, I also married Alice a few years later and had our first kid. My business was revolutionary and I became one of the richest men on the planet, all while being at peak human due to Great Sage. I had two kids after that wich they themself had great genetics due to me. They started their own business or worked at mine. On 2069 I created the first drug with no side effects which increased the lifespan of every one who takes it, I tried to distribute it to every human possible. My company changed the way all humans thought and overall improved the average intelligence of the globe and sped up the consolidation on mars. All my kids got their own wife's and had kids which then had their own kids. All while this was happening I watched every new anime, manga, novel and movie I could in preparation for my world hopping. During this, I accidentally became an otaku. Fascinated with the fiction I created a formula to create a real life super soldier syrum and a real radioactive spider to grant the powers of Spider-Man, I even created the early versions of iron man's armour, I also officially made nano tech. A few years ago my wife died and now I'm celebrating my 100th birthday and prepearing for my fake death and first travel to a seperate world.

After the party was done I asked "Great sage, tell me my skills and prepare the fake body for my planned death"

[skills: Great sage, Self memory manipulation, Preditor, Regeneration, Self genetic manipulation, Full body control, Parallel thoughts, Heightened sense, Combat mastery, Weapon mastery, Tough skin, Tough bones, Tough muscles, Acting, lying, Cooking.]

"Are the preparations done?" I said

[yes, please choose you age in the next world]

"Fourteen" I responded

[choose world you will travel to]

"One piece."

pls power stones

Harrison_D_Finkecreators' thoughts